Chapter 9 •New pain & a new friend•

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Grayson's p.o.v

Ethan & I were wondering the halls again when we walked past the music room. "Eth, let's go see who's singing today." I say and start walking to the music room.

"Yeah sure." Ethan said of boredom. We see Katherine singing so we quietly step inside to watch without being seen by the teacher.

"Why are we here gray?" Ethan asked a bit annoyed. "I just want to see what she'll sing." I admit. Half way through the song her friend Shawn spotted us and gave us both a death glare, but we ignored it.


Wow is all I can say, does she really have scars? I don't think so. It's just lyrics. But if she did, I can't let her know I care. "Eth, let's go before anyone sees us." I quickly walk out with ethan following.

"I feel so bad for you bro, you have to work with her on a project, ALONE." I say to Ethan. "I know bro." He said walking faster to class. What's his deal?


Katherine's p.o.v

Shawn had to leave after music class for today, saying he had a dentist appointment. I don't know why when his teeth are perfect. Not being a creep, he just smiles a lot.

I forgot that it was time for my daily beating. Each break I get a beating and this is the last break for today. So I waited about 2 minutes before finally walking away from my locker. And just my luck, I bump into the twins.

"Look who decided to wait for her beating." Ethan smirks. They both grabbed my arms and legs and carried me out. Seriously this school needs more cameras. I tried to wiggle my way out, but their grip was too strong.

They finally put me down, only to be picked up again and thrown into a pole by grayson. Gosh what the hell! Is he on steroids or something? I groan as I hold my right side of my body. I think he broke a rib.

"Let's make this quick, Gray." Ehan says to gray. Ten minutes later I'm in the parking lot behind the twins car, shirtless again. Thank god they didn't see my scars & for packing extra clothes.

I finally get up after 3 minutes and change into my sweatshirt, yes I changed outside but no one was around. "I hate my life." I mumbled to myself. I then remembered that I have a bobby pin in my pocket. I found a lighter so I roll up my sleeves.

"Maybe this will be better for myself." I burn the bobby pin."Ok let's do this." I say quick before pressing it to my arm over my scars. I let out a gasp and a scream at the same time. I bite my lip and try to stop my tears from falling. "Son of a bitch that hurt." I yelled in a whisper looking down at my arm. It was on my scars that were scabbing up. Rolling down my sleeve again, I walk into the school. Hiding my face of course. On my way to the cafeteria, I got shoves here and there.

I go in and quickly pay for a bottled water and go to the library. On my way there I bump into a girl about a few inches short than me.

"Oh I'm sorry I should watch where I'm going." I apologize, trying to walk away, but she stops me.

"Oh no its my fault I was rushing and not paying attention to where I was looking." She said with a small smile. "Oh by the way my name is Emily, yours?" She smiles.

"K-Katherine." I say looking down.

"Well hello Katherine, I was just on my way to the library." She tells me. Ooh, same.

"Oh me too" I perk up. She focuses on my eye. "What happened?" She asks, pointing to her eye. At least she doesn't point at me.

"Would you believe me if I walked into a pole?" I ask.

"Not chance." She says. I groan before speaking.

"I got in a fight." I say simply.

"Oh. With who?" She says her brain igniting with curiosity.

"Two girls." I say, slightly lying. She nods her head. "I see. Well that's unfair. Two on one is not good." She says.

"Right?" I say, agreeing with her. "So, the library?" I ask.

"Oh right, wanna join me?" She asked coming closer to me. Weird but ok.

"Sure why not." I reply, accepting her invite.


"I didn't get your number." She says.

"Oh here." I give her my phone while she gives me hers.

"Well see you around Katherine." She said walking away waving my way.

I waved back and walked home. Holy crap! I made a new friend! Finally a new friend. I hope she doesn't turn her back on me though. I don't wanna screw this up so I'm gonna be a good, honest, loyal friend.

Sorry for the short chapter..

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