Chapter 12 •Hurt•

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I was making my way to my locker, making sure the twins weren't around. They're not here...yet. I put my things away and shut my locker. I was headed off to lunch, that is until someone pulled me into an empty classroom.

I kept my eyes shut and I was about to scream until they put their hands on my mouth.

"Scream and I'll hurt you." They whispered. I opened my eyes to see Ethan standing there, slowly taking his hand off my mouth.

"W-what do you want Ethan?" I stuttered, scared of what he might do to me.

"You princess." He smirked coming closer.

"Eth-" I was cut off by Ethan crashing his lips onto mine. Shock takes over my body for a split second before thinking of Shawn. Shawn! I push him off of me, disgusted.

I looked him straight in the eyes and asked "Why?"

"Why what?" He asked a bit confused.

"Why did you kiss me." I say through gritted teeth.

He let out a big sigh and said "Look Katherine I know I bullied you, I know it was wrong and I'm sorry for all those years of pain I caused you." He grabs my arm and lifts up my sleeves. "And I'm really sorry for causing your scars." He said leaning down to kiss them. He kissed every single scar on my wrists.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked looking directly into my eyes.

"No." I reply as I pull my arm back. Why is he doing this?

"Why not?" He asks.

"Why not? You think just because you kissed me, I'll forgive you? I'm with Shawn. I don't plan on changing that." I say, making sure he knows about Shawn & I. He only stares in my eyes for an answer he can understand.

"Look Ethan, I can't forgive you that quick. Seriously after how many years, you expect me to forgive you just like that? I mean you didn't even tell me why you bullied me all these years." I say not looking at him.

"Oh please, don't act like you don't know." He snaps raising his voice.

"That's because I don't!!" I snap back at him. "Whatever I'm done with you Ethan. Just leave." I point to the door.

"NO! you know what. I thought I could be nice and apologize when it's you who should apologize. You're acting like you don't even know what you did. Quit trying to act like the victim Katherine. Go do everyone a fucking favor and kill yourself. You're nothing but a slut and a worthless piece of shit that no one will ever love. Not your parents, not even Shawn." He snapped at me.

I was a little taken back by his outburst. I mean I knew he hated me, but I didn't think he wanted me dead. I never knew anyone wanted me dead. I guess I should make them happy then.

"You really have a way with us girls Ethan." I say emotionless walking out. He sighs, trying to grab my arm. "Wait! I didn't mean.."

"Save it." I say through gritted teeth before walking away.

I went on with my day, ignoring everyone that was trying to talk to me, even Shawn.

I knew that as soon as I got home, I knew what I had to do. I was just gonna miss my family and Shawn the most.

If taking my own life is what it takes for them to see that words can hurt just as much as physical contact, then I'll do it. So no one can suffer like I do. So no one can go through the pain I go through. So no one can end up like me. Someone who was pushed too far over the edge, who was barely hanging on and just.. fell.

Here goes nothing.

A/n Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't been udating that much I've been busy thinking and stuff and arguing with my mom yeah I know you don't need to know but I will update again soon so byeeee... muwah 😘

Why Do You Bully Me?   E.d~ G.d  (Editing!!!)Where stories live. Discover now