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"Camille I'm not a bloody vampire!" Luke groaned. "I know, Luke, but you need to try, in this state I can't say that I will make it in time. Do it, please." I said. Oh damn I hated this kid like 3 days ago and now he's one of my friends, and I'm affraid to lose him. I'm so unstable...

"LUKE! TRY IT!" I almost cried. He looked me in the eye and his eyes filled themselved with water too. He slightly nodded. I looked at my wrist and then back to Luke. "Just bite my skin and don't stop until you think you've had enough. I know it might not taste good but just... just do it." I held my wrist up and looked at Luke. His fangs came out and pressed into my skin. It hurts, but I didn't really care.

After what felt like forever, probably only 5 minutes, Luke stopped and let his head fall against the wall. The arrow was still stuck in Calums stomach and I looked at Zack.

'I couldn't get it out.' He apologised.

"Calum I know I promised not to hurt you but I need to pull it out before you'll die..." I said, kneeling down on his side and lying my hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at me, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Do it." He groaned in pain. "On 1, okay?"

"3...2...1!" I pulled the arrow out and saw at the same time how much energy I pulled out of him. The pain drained him and it hurt me to see him like this. I pulled him against me and hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry about this Calum... this is all my fault." I said, tearing up once again. "I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise, okay?" He nodded into my shoulder. "Luke where do I find Jack?" "He isn't home so it should be easy to get them. Go upstairs, the room on the end of the hallway, walk over to his closet. If you push the clothes away you can see some kind of door. Open it. It's the silver box on the low shelf." Luke answered. "Okay, I'll be back. Zack, stay here." I ran out and over to Luke's place. Fuck. Doors are locked. I looked up and saw a window open. I looked around. No ladder. But there was a tree. I happen to be very good at climbing trees.

I ran up the tree and grabbed a large branch to pull myself up. Once I was high enough I jumped towards the house and smacked against the wall, holding on to the edge of the window. I pushed it open and climbed inside. I walked to the door to see I was probably in Luke's room right now. I walked to the room on the end of the hall and opened it.

My eyes became big as I heard the front door closing. I jumped into the closet, opened the door, grabbed one of the bullets and ran out. I got to Luke's room just in time but there's no way he didn't hear me. I heard footsteps on the stairs. I wanted to jump out of the window, but Jack already saw me. He went up to me to pin me up the wall. "Dude what do you want?" I sighed rolling my eyes while he came at me. "I want to know why you're here. Standing in my house." "First of all, it's not 'your' house, Liz wouldn't be so happy hearing you say such things. She wouldn't be happy hearing you talk like this to a girl, I'm sure she didn't raise you to talk to people like this, did she?" I grinned.

"You don't know anything about my mom!" He shouted. "Does mummy know you treat girls like this? Pinning them up against a wall? Or... at least trying." I chuckled. He came at me, convinced he could actually throw me up against the wall. "That's funny little boy. Starting to remember what I did to you in the hospital? Please, you can't beat me in my own game!" I laughed. I took a hold of his throat and threw him away from me, flying backwards into the wall. There was a slight bump in the wall, but it kept standing.

"Relax Jacky Chan, I'm just here to pick something up for Luke. Came through the window because he forgot to give me the key." "LIAR!" He shouted. He ran at me again but when he was just this close I jumped out the window and landed in the front yard. I waved at him as he looked out the window and ran away.

I grabbed into my pockets and found the bullet. I ran as fast as I could. I've been away for more than one and a half hour....

I know the window of his room was open. I opened it myself, because the smell of some gass filled my lungs as we helped Luke and Calum. Since it's on the ground floor I ran towards the window and easily jumped through it.

"LUKE I HAVE IT I HAVE THE...." I shouted but stopped as I saw Luke laying on the floor, eyes closed. He looked so dead. "What? How long has he been like this?!" I shouted towards Ashton and Zack. "For almost half an hour and he won't wake up."

'The trick with the blood worked though, he should've been dead 2 hours ago.'

I shook my head like a hundred times and kneeled down beside Luke. There still was a REALLY slow heartbeat, but I don't know what to do with the bullet. He needs to wake up. "Zack?" Zack jumped off the hospital bed and sat down beside me. "If I give him more blood, will he wake up?" I asked, tearing up once again. Tears rolling down my face I carefully listened to his heartbeat as Zack was talking to me.

'I'm not sure but we can always try. But it could be dangerous for you, if you lose too much blood you can get cravings for blood and you might never be able to change.'

"I don't care I have to try, I mean Luke became one of my best friends. I'd rather die than him dying because of me." I said. I bit my wrist since the other wound healed, and held it up to his mouth. In the meanwhile I started crying really loud, which made everyone silent. "Luke buddy please come on wake up..." I quietly cried.

Nothing happened.

"No no no no NO! Luke no!" I cried in panic.

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