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All night I just stayed with Michael, when he got tired he lay down after putting his hoodie up so his hair wouldn't have branches and leaves in it. But I forced him up and now I'm functioning as pillow. It feels good actually. Just not having to kill and watch him sleep peacefully...

But there was one issue.

I couldn't control when I was turning back and my clothes are in my backpack. Or... my new clothes. The other ones had been torn appart in the process of turning.

If I didn't leave his side in time he'll get to see me naked and hell I don't want that.

My instinct told me it was somewhere in like the beginning of the night, but when I saw Michael's phone light up I saw it was 00.55am. So my instinct was pretty much right. Which means I don't have to hurry.

'Camille don't attack me when I pop up from around the corner.' Zacks voice quietly appeared in my head. He turned his head around the tree and slowly approached. His ears laid back and he wasn't full of trust.

'Relax nothings wrong. He's here remember, no need to worry.' I giggled through mindlink. I sniffed the air because I sensed something different.

'Zack?' I asked, seeing him get weaker until all the energie flooded out of his body and he fell to the ground.
I jumped up, forgetting that Michael lay on top of me and growled. My vision turned red and I was looking for things that looked weird. Or felt weird.

I walked towards Zack and saw how he had been shot with a little injection that paralyses animals. I looked around and noticed a familiar presence.


'You want me to kill you? You're piece of cake to kill honestly.' I linked into his mind. I noticed how Michael got up and walked towards me. He stood behind me.
I looked at Zack. He looked so... dead. I was surprised when Michael caught my eyes and kneeled down next to Zack. He pulled out the needle and threw it aside. But not much later a needle flew into his neck from the other side.
I whined, howled at the moon and then I stood into fighting position.

Yay, we're surrounded.

'What now? Wolfsbane? Go ahead.' I mindlinked every single person around us.
I howled at the moon and focused on my enemies. I couldn't kill Jack. Luke would hate me if I did.
I felt someone near us at fast pace from behind me. Didn't know him so I could slaughter him without a problem.
As he entered the 5 meter circle I had drawn in my mind I turned around. He slashed his claws into my fur, trying to hurt me badly. When he noticed I was just laughing at him from the inside he tried to get to Michael but I jumped him and sunk my teeth into his neck before ripping the skin off and watching him bleed to death as Jack sent out another one of his pack puppies.

He directly went for Michael. 'You better not mate.' I warned. I grabbed his head in between my jaws and squeezed it as I pulled it of his neck. His body collapsed and I swung my head to throw his head away. I heard it land on the floor. Someone's breathing sped up as I licked my muzzle and growled slightly as I felt someone move. "You really think you can change your way of living by killing every single one of us?" I heard.
How did Jack know I wanted to change?

"You keep killing. You keep spilling innocent blood." He continued.
'You're not innocent. Not even a little. You just paralysed a wolf and a boy. You think that's innocent?'

"Yes because we are trying to save the boy." Someone else called out. I was still linking all of them. The 12 that are left over.

'He can't be saver than he is now. I'm not going to slaughter him! He's the only one that can keep my human side in tact. So please just leave.'
"We're not going anywhere." Jack laughed. "You're getting paralysed as well." He mumbled.
I got shot with 4 wolvesbane needles at once. I just looked at them and pulled them out. I didn't know what the effect on me would be but I wasn't feeling different at all.

"What the hell?" Jack mumbled. I was concentrated on his voice. Focused on his movements. Listened to his thoughts.

Despite the fact I couldn't see him I knew what he did. I felt what every single werewolf or human did.

He was backing away.
He was getting scared.

I waited for them to leave and get out of the woods before I turned around for Zack and Michael.

I stuck my muzzle under his body and kept wiggling him, hoping he would wake up.
After what felt like forever I gave up. I decided to just wait for them to wake up. It was getting close to dawn, but I still had an hour or so before turning human.

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