Chapter 3: Cliff Diving

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            The fire crackled loudly yet peacefully. The stars shone overhead brightly, and the moon was a sliver of white on the dark blue sky. Lucy had gone to sleep earlier, but you and Natsu had stayed up. You stayed close to him, only because of his immense body heat. He was practically a walking heater.

You yawn loudly, struggling to keep your eyes open. "I can take first watch if you'd like. You seem tired," Natsu whispers to you. Too tired to argue, you nod, then lie down. It had been a long day. Getting kidnapped was no easy task.

"Night, Natsu.." You whisper softly, so not to wake Lucy. "Goodnight, (Y/n)," He whispers back. But you were already passed out, curled into a little ball to conserve heat. Your back was against Natsu's leg, which was keeping it warm. You still shivered from the cold wind hitting your front side.

Natsu sighed, watching your sleeping figure. Lucy too was asleep, but not curled up as tightly. Her back rested on the other side of Natsu's leg. But she probably wasn't as cold – Natsu was blocking the wind from hitting her. Natsu carefully gathers you against his chest. Your bare skin was freezing. And you were slightly paler than your normal (skin/tone). Natsu positions you so that you were curled up in his lap, with your head resting on his chest.

Soon after being moved, you stopped shivering, and you gradually fall deeper into slumber.

*Time Skip to Morning*

You slowly open your eyes against the bright sun. You realize that you were practically sprawled out on top of Natsu. You immediately scramble off, somehow not waking him up. You could feel your face burning with embarrassment. Lucy was already awake, so you assumed Natsu had woke her up for the next shift of the night.

"Good morning, (Y/n)," Lucy says cheerfully. "Morning," You respond. "So what are we going to do today?" Lucy asks. "First we should find something to eat. Then we could look for your friends I guess," You say. Lucy nods.

"Do we have any fish?" A sleepy Happy asks, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "No, but we could probably find a stream to catch some," You say.

You look down at Natsu. He was snoring softly, and you didn't really want to wake him. He looked so cute and innocent peaceful when he was asleep. And really vulnerable. But it couldn't be helped. "Hey Natsu. Get up," You say, shaking him roughly.

He bolts up immediately, knocking heads with you. "Ouch!" You yell. You quickly scoot backwards to give him room. Although you scooted a little bit too far...

And slipped off the edge of the cliff.

You yelp loudly, attempting to grab onto the ledge. You come up with nothing, and continue to tumble down. You close your eyes.

This is the end... And.. I kinda enjoyed being with them. Even if I was their hostage, and only knew them for one night.

Small paws grab underneath your arms. You open your eyes, only to see Happy bringing you back up to the cliff ledge. Having a flying cat really did come in handy.

"Thanks Happy! You really saved my hide..." You say to him, adrenaline pulsing through your veins. You sigh in relief when your feet hit the ground. Natsu runs over to you, keeping a careful distance from you so you don't go plummeting back off the edge. "Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you!" Natsu yells, sounding worried. "I'm fine. It's okay. We should forget this and find something to eat. I'm starving," You say.

"Yeah, me too," Natsu says. "But Natsu, you're always hungry!" Happy exclaims. "And? Food is just so tasty!" Natsu yells. You smile.

I second that statement.

*Time Skip to after Happy Brings Everyone down from the Cliff*

You examine the dense forest on all sides of you. It wouldn't be easy going, but it was the only way. A noise in the distance, coming closer, makes you freeze. "Everyone, get down!" You whisper-yell. You drop onto the ground, and crawl under a thorny bush, cutting some places on your clothing and skin. Natsu and Lucy followed your directions, dropping down and finding some kind of cover. "What is it?" Happy asks, sounding scared. "I think it's a helicopter. It's probably searching for me..." You respond back.

"What's a helicopter? And why is it looking for you?" Natsu asks, curiosity in his onyx eyes. "It's kinda like a big metal bird that flies in the sky. They are really fast, and people are inside of them, steering them," You explain. "I think my family must have called the police, and that's probably them looking for me. The police I mean," You add on.

"Are you gonna go with the people in the metal bird?" Happy asks, sounding sad. "No... I said I would help all of you get back. That's a promise. With all of this tree cover, I doubt they will find me anyways. But if there's one, there's bound to be more. We just need to keep our guard up," You explain.

"Alright," Lucy and Natsu both agree. "Now let's go find something to eat!" You exclaim.

After crawling out from under the bush, you all start walking towards what you thought was south. If you went south, it would be the quickest way out of the mountain range. "Hey, look!" Lucy yells, pointing ahead of you. "A path!"

"That's good. We can follow it. Hopefully it'll eventually lead us out of the mountains." You respond. "I'm so hungry..." Natsu moans, dragging along behind you and Lucy. "Aye sir..." Happy agrees, whining. "Don't worry. Look ahead. See that?" You point to a far off town, in a valley. "What about it?" Natsu asks, pouting. "It's a little town. I bet we could find some food there!" You exclaim. Your stomach rumbled in agreement with the idea of eating. You hadn't eaten since lunch the day before.

"It's settled then! God's speed ahead!" Natsu yells, suddenly full of energy. And leaving you and Lucy behind, trying to catch up with him. "Natsu you idiot! Don't leave us behind!" Lucy yells. You smile a little. Natsu stops suddenly, sending Lucy crashing into his back, and you crashing into Lucy's back. "Ouch.... Why'd you stop?" You ask him. He sniffs the air. "Something smells strange. Not natural, but almost... metallic. Like the thing Lucy and I landed on yesterday," He explains.

"Oh, you mean a car!" You exclaim. He nods. "It's approaching fast, too," He adds on. "We need to hide, quickly!" You yell, running once more for the cover of the trees. You dive under another bush, Natsu and Lucy hiding behind trees. The car passed without taking notice.

That was close...

"Something smells amazing up ahead!" Natsu shouts, taking off once more. And completely forgetting about the car that had just passed. "Natsu, wait!" You yell, trailing behind him. He slows down once he reaches the town, and begins sniffing the air. "How did you smell that car, anyway? I couldn't even hear it..." You ask him. "I have a keen sense of smell and hearing. Way more than a normal person like you or Lucy. Because I'm a Dragon Slayer, I have some senses of a dragon." He explains. "Oh," You respond.

"Look! In here! This place smells great!" Natsu runs toward a fancy looking restaurant. You look down at your clothes. They were filthy, ripped, and casual. Not nearly formal enough for a restaurant as fancy as this one was. "Natsu we can't eat there! That's way too fancy and-" But he was already inside, along with Happy. Lucy shrugs, then follows him inside. "Wait..." You weakly call out.

This is bad. I barely have any money, and there's no way we can get into a place like this with what we're wearing. Plus, they probably don't allow pets in there... What would they think of a blue, flying, talking cat? You trail off in further thought, imagining lots of bad scenarios.

This is really bad... You tentatively follow them into the restaurant. 

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