Year One

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I paced through the hallway, weaving through blabbering girls as I lugged my stuff behind me. '249..' I whispered to myself, eyes scanning each door I passed. 245..245....248, 249! Fumbling my keys out of my pocket, a victory dance sounded in my head as I opened the door to my new dormroom. And the lucky roommate is...

"HOLYSHIT! WOULD YA FRECKING KNOCK ON TH' BLOODY DO'R!! HASN'T YER BLOODY MOTHER EVER TAUGHT YA SOME BLOODY MANNERS!! JESUS BLOODY CHRIST!!!" A bra came in contact with my face as I was momentarily blinded. WTF. The voice hissed another speel of colorful words in a weird accent, as I brought up a hand to pull the neon pink bra off my face. I opened my eyes to see the backside of a girl in just bootyshorts, shuffling through a drawer angrily. Wow Hinata. Sure did nail that entrance. Slipping on a random t-shirt, she whizzed around and glared at me. My eyes widened as I got a good look at her. Holyshit. Thats not a she.

"Well?! SPEECHLESS YA BLOODY TART?!?!" She growled. My eyes flickered from her junk back to her face. Woman face. Woman body. Man junk. I opened my mouth, my face scrunching up in confusion and shock as I tried to find the words to say something.


Fantastic Hinata. You get a gold star! She scoffed taking a few steps toward me, looking up and down my body in blunt scrutiny.

"An asian w'th curves an big boobs?! Jesus frecking christ, you really 're out of a hentai!!!" My face went bright red as I tried to say something. Omg. Scary brit.

"Well since yer to scared for words, Im Jess yer roomate. Nice to fecking meet ya." I mustered a tiny smile, trying not to cower under her. She stood a good foot and a half above me, and I could see how toned her body was this close. Damn. Like bodybuilder. With boobs. And a junk.

"H-hinata. Nice to meet you.." My voice faltered as she stared at me with cold green eyes.

"Uh huh konichiwa to ya too." She grumbled, walking over to the left side of the room and flopping onto the bed while opening a laptop.

"Yer sides the right. J'st let m' know if ya need anyt'ng." I nodded, bringing my stuff the the plain right side off the room. Unpack. Get some food. Relax.

"So where ya from? China?" She asked in her thick foreign accent. I unzipped a suitcase.

"Konoha Japan." I answered. She grinned sheepishly.

"S'rry, all y' asians look alike t' me." I sweatdropped. Scary and racist. Just my luck.

" where are you from?" I asked. She closed her laptap and turned on her side to look at me.

"Oregon. If yer wonderin bout the accent, its cause Im irish." Yep, definately not a brit. She stared at me as I paced over to a simple wood dresser and started to pack my things inside its drawers.

"Yer really pretty." She complimented. My eyes flickered over to her as I felt my cheeks heat up in their signature blush.

"Thanks.." I mumbled. She grinned, showing off her pearly teeth.

"Aint nothin to be scurd of. You just caught m' off guard s'all." She laughed, combing back a curl of bright red hair. She looked like a stereotyoical irish person I ever saw on google. Large curly red hair, and freckles dotting all over her pale skin. She stared at me under long red thick lashes, her pink lips in an amused smirk. She was quite exotic to me.

"Tell ya what. I'll buy ya dinner." I straightened up, grabbing my cell phone to check the time. 6 o clock. I looked down at myself. Eh. Sliding off her bed, she walked over to her dresser and pulled out a random pair of bleached skinnies and a reverse the curse tshirt with an obnoxious tongue on it. She slipped them on, before pulling on some converse. Grabbing a wallet, she combed her fingers through her hair in an attempt to tame the wild curls. She looked at me expectantly.

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