Year Two Part 1

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Snowflakes kissed my cheeks, while the wind chilled my body and I began wondering to myself why I even bothered to shop, knowing that those two would just consume everything in a matter of days. My cold hands gripped the plastic bags filled with grocerys, boots trudging through the snowy sludge. It wasnt till I stopped near a street light that I heard something whimper. I looked around. Weird. As soon as I was about to keep walking, I heard it again, only louder and more sorrowful. The sound appeared to come from a drain hole in the side walk. I hesitantly walked over to the hole, only to see a wet box, half shoved in there. A soft mew escaped it, and I assumed it mustve been a kitten.

"Oh my god!" I hissed, setting my bags down and quickly pulling the box out. Once I got it safely on the sidewalk, I peeked into it. Drenched in water and snow, a a wet kitten lay in there, curled up and barely moving. Soft mews escaped its throat, and I hurriedly pulled it out of the box. It was a small kitten, barely bigger than my hands, with dirty wet fur. Ignoring its wetness, I stuffed it into the folds of my warm jacket, flinching at how cold it was against my body. Immediately, I flipped out my phone and called Jess on speed dial, quickly picking up my bags and jogging nack to the college. After a few rings, Jess picked up with her usual greeting.

"Whats up love?"

"Get some blankets, and heat up some warm water!! I have a kitten in my jacket thats dying!!" I yelled through the phone, now at a running pace.

"Wha! You cant bring it here Hinat-"

"NOW!!!" I shouted, slamming my phone shut, and entering the girls dorms building. Luckily it was late enough that everyone was in their rooms. I hurried up the stairs, occasionally looking down at the trembling kitten. When I got to the room, I vigorously knocked on the door. Once it opened, I kicked it open, slamming it in Regans face. She didnt even have time to react, before I threw the groceries on the floor and gently lulled the kitten out of my coat. Jess immediately handed me a towel and some blankets, which I used to dry off the kitten. I rubbed it with the towel, trying to warm it up and circulate blood through it. I slowly started to react, moving around as I kept rubbing it dry. When I deemed it dry enough, I swathed it with the blankets that Jess so graciously warmed up in our new microwave, and held it against me. Jess silently stared at me, brows furrowed in concern as Regan lay unconscious on the floor. Finally she spoke.

"Where'd ya find it?" She asked.

"In a wet cardboard box in the gutter. I..I panicked. It was going to die Jess...I couldnt just leave it!" I stuttered. She gave me a serious look.

"I know ya where tryin to do the right thing, but animals arent allowed here. Dependin on if it survives the night, yer gonna have to take it to the pound." I grimaced. Everything Jess said was true. It might not even survive the night..

It breathed softly, eyes shut tight as it peacefully slept. Jess picked up the groceries, stepping kver Regan as she put them in our mini fridge. I looked at the time. 9:47.

"Stay awake all night. So if it dies, you can know the time of death." I glared at Jess, watching her slip into her bed.

"I will." I stared down at the sleeping kitten, trying to decipher what kind of cat it was. Its breathing was stronger than before, and I could feel it radiate heat as it warmed up. I gently stroked its forehead with my thumb, and the kitten stirred ever so slightly. To do something like that to a kitten...was beyond horrible. It was inhumane. But now wasnt a time to get upset, for in my hands was the struggling life of a kitten, trying to survive the night. I watched it, humming sometimes to keep myself entertained. This gave me time to think. Think of all the weird things that have happened in the last two years. Sasuke keeps sending annual checks, and no matter how many times I try to send a letter to the address telling him to stop sending money, he just sends more. I ended up making a bank account because I didnt want to lose the checks! Not that Regan and Jess dont mind, they love having all that money to buy food and clothes with. I even managed to pay off my student loans! Plus Im constantly getting asked out by the boys in my classes. Its a hassle having to reject them nicely and then see them for the rest of the year. And with Regan trying to set me up with blind dates 24/7 isnt helping either!! I sighed. Sometimes I wish that I could have known. It all came out of the blue, and he was gone the next day. I regret the fact that I accepted it, everyday. Maybe thats why Im so stingy. Too much guilt on my heart. Jeez Hinata, try to lighten up.

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