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TenTens voice sang out softly, as I heard her peer into the room. Lulled from my deep sleep, I shifting in the folds of warm comforter, I looked at her tiredly.


She grinned.

"Breakfast is ready sleepy head." She whispered playfully. I halfheartedly nodded with a faint smile.


She quietly closed the door and I snuggled back into my comfortable position. Least to say, I was exhausted. After Neji picked me up at the airport in Suna, we drove another 2 hours to Konoha where I immediately fell asleep as soon as I flopped into the guest bed. Sadly I had an interview later today. Ugh. I just wanna sleep. Someone rapped on the door. Why can't I just sleep in peace?!

"Yes?" I moaned. The door opened revealing Neji.

"You need to get up. You have your interview in two hours."

No. I dont want to. Ugh.

"I know youre tired from the long trip, but you need to get a job. Breakfest is ready, and the showers free." He said, before walking out. Well. Looks like I have to get up.

1 Hour Later

"Hiiiinnnaaaatttaaaaa!!!!!!!!!" TenTen hollered up the stairs while I fixed my hair in a professional bun. Quickly, I walked downstairs to see TenTen hover above my breakfast with an annoyed smile.

"Your breakfast is getting cold, so sit down and eat!!" I feel like Im 10 again. I smiled apologetically.

"Sorry TenTen, Im just having a hardtime since Im exhausted. Thank you for breakfast though."

Sitting down, I ate the granola, yogurt and fruit bowl and downed a glass of orange juice. TenTen handed me my binder of papers and a professional thermos.

"Chai latte, coffee isnt good for you because of all the creamer and it stains your teeth. Nejis waiting in the car!" She quickly said as she pushed me out the door almost immediately.

"Do you have your phone, wallet, papers?" She asked, like a doting mother to her kid going off to their first day of middle school. My lips quirked into a small smile, hiding my light annoyance.

"Just my shoes TenTen." She looked at my feet covered in nude tights.

"Oh. Whoops." She laughed, handing me my black heels.

"Ok! Goodbye, call me after the interview!!" She smiled, waving me off as I climbed into the passenger seat, my shoes securely on. Neji forced a smile as TenTen waved him a kiss.

"Its almost as if youre her kid now." He muttered, pulling out of the driveway.

"Yeah, I suppose so." I laughed. Being someones kid was a role I had abandoned when I moved to America. And TenTen acting like my mom irked me. We went quiet as we drove off into the waking town of Konoha. I sipped on my chai, nostalgically staring at the shops and people on the streets. We stopped infront of a buisness building, and Neji gave me a soft smile.

"Good luck. Be sure to call TenTen once youre done so I can pick you up." He said. I carefully stepped out of the car and smoothed down my pencil skirt. With a tired smile, I twirled my fingers in a silly wave. My attempt at being a mature adult.

"Thanks for the ride Neji."

Without another word, I held my things close to me and with as much grace as I could possibly possess, strutted into the building. The click of my heels alerted the secretary of my presence, and she flashed a generic smile at me.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" She asked in a sugary voice.

"Yes, Im here for the job interview with Mr. Okubura." I replied, smiling back in an attempt to hide the tiredness that tugged at my eyes. Her neatly manicured nails clacked against a keyboard, her smile dropping into a almost nonexistant frown as her dull brown eyes searched the monitor screen. Guess shes not a morning person too.

"Ms.Hyuuga for the 10 oclock interview. Have a seat and you'll be up with him in a moment." She said, gesturing to the vacant waiting room. I nodded, and took a seat on a leather chair in the waiting area. The cushion was stiff but the leather was almost buttery smooth, like the years had worn it down to smooth perfection. My binder sat on my lap, ankles crossing to keep me from tapping my foot. I quietly gazed at the strange paintings and art prints that decorated the office to give it a modern and pleasant atmosphere. It was almost intimidating, seeing the artwork of successful artists. Will mine be up here too? A small smile pulled at the corners of my lips, but I quickly hid it as the secretary called my name.

"He's ready to see you, just go up the elevator to the top floor and it's the last door at the very end of the hall." She said, with the same generic smile. I nodded with a polite smile and a mumbled thank you, sitting up and walking to the simple steel elevator. I clicked the up button, and waited, binder clasped tightly in my nervous hands. After maybe 20 seconds, the door opened, revealing a very disappointed and upset looking man. He shot me a glare, before strutting out of the elevator, like an upset peacock who just got its feathers ruffled. I unstiffened, stomach lurching with butterflies.

What happened..

I thought to myself, stepping onto the elevator. The buttons smiled at me, shiny and bright. I gently pressed the highest number, being 10, and stepped into the back of the elevator. The engine whirred and pulled me up with a soft hum, as if bringing me up pleased it greatly. Above the door, numbers went by slowly, stopping at 8. The door opened, a man with a big stack of papers walked in next to me. He smiled politely, making my face heat up unvoluntarily. Hes attractive.

"Top floor if you would." He said, in a low husky voice, rousing me from my trance.

"O-oh yes.." I mumbled, embarassment flustering me. I quickly pushed the top button, settling back next to him, keeping a good distance between me and him. His cologne sweetened the air, making me even more flustered. I didnt think a lot of attractive people would be working here, but then again, I wasnt really sure what to expect when I planned the interview.

Eternity seemed to pass, both of us silent. The air seemed to thicken, suffocating me. I kept my eyes forward, just in case I looked at him and got embarassed. As usual. The door finally opened with a ding, the engine stopping its usual hum, and cool air swept through, thinning the sweet air. The man walked out without so much as a word, leaving me behind in the elevator. Oh this is the top level!! I quickly stepped out before the steel doors closed, carefully balancing myself on my heels. Doors and huge glass windows lined the hallway, revealing busy employees, typing away and shuffling papers. I felt intimidated, as I shyly strutted down the hallway, trying my best not to stare too much. A wave of relief hit me when I reached the last door. It was made out of clouded glass, and the name Mr. Mizanagi was boldy engraved into it. The relief felt short lived as I stared at the massive glass door. Do I knock? I carefully looked behind me only to see everyone in their offices. I looked back at the door. I brought my hand up and gently rapped on the door with my knuckle.

"Come in." A deep voice called.

Ok Hinata. You can do this. Smile, and get it over with. I steeled my nerves, grabbing the door handle and letting myself in, my binder grasped close to my chest. A man sat at a large desk, smiling at me through his round glasses and thick mustache. My smile faltered slightly, but I forced it wider, as I bowed respectively.

"Oh theres no reason to bow! Please come in, I just finished talking with Mr. Uchiha!!" My stomach twisted. I looked at the man sitting in the chair in front of me. The familiar raven spiked hair adorned the head of the person. They got up, turning to me. I couldnt breathe. My heart beat against my chest like a hammer, my smile dropping as my face flushed. He smirked that same smirk, gazing down at me with the same dark eyes that stared into my soul. The same eyes I etched into my mind every night. The same smirk that haunted my dreams. I couldnt move. Not even a twitch. He looked just like he did the day he left, but older with more wisdom and knowledge from the four years he'd been away. He stepped forward, taking my hand into his larger hand, bowing forward to place a soft kiss on my fingertip. My body felt numb, like I was filled with warm wax. He straightened, his smirk even wider at my dumbfounded expression.

"Pleasure to meet you again Ms. Hyuuga."

Dreams to Love (Hyuuga & Uchiha Love Story!) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now