Kill Bill

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" blacked out?"

I nodded through my fingers, my cool palms pressed against my hot cheeks.

"Did you at least get the job?"

"I really don't know...he said he'd call me.."

TenTen sighed.

"Then we'll have to see. Don't worry sweetie." She said, giving me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. I sat with her on the couch in my shorts and tshirt, thankfully out of my skirt and blazer. Sasuke's face was engrained on the back of my eyelids, and just the thought of his kiss on my finger, made me get hot flashes of embarrassment.

"Neji and I are going out for dinner tonight, do you want to come?"

I shook my head.

"No, it's ok. I think I just want to stay home with Kain and Abel."

She smiled slightly, still concerned for my well being. Like the mother figure she is. Which was pretty surprising since she was such a flirty tom boy back in highschool.

"I'll drive you home." She said, getting up to grab her keys.

"Thanks TenTen."

2 Hours Later

Kain and Abel sat on either side of me, while little Naruto laid sprawled on my lap, all of us watching the T.V. screen like comatose moths to a flame. It wasn't until the doorbell rang that, all four of us shot off the couch and ran to the door barking. With the exception of me of course, with my money in hand. I opened the door, dogs barking wildly, and locked eyes with the delivery boy.

"Um..your takeout miss Hyuuga?" He asked nervously, holding out a bag of takeout boxes. I slipped on a smile, handing him a 20 dollar bill, which he quickly fumbled to give me change for. New kid.

"Thank you..Shima," I said, reading his name tag. "I'll see you around next Friday." He nodded, trying his best not to stare, as he plopped my change in my hand. Quickly, he turned around and shuffled back into his delivery car, sneaking one last peek before driving off.

"Well. That was weird." I wondered aloud, standing at my front door with my tight hooters tanktop and denim shorts on, takeout in hand. Naruto meowed loudly, staring up at me hungrily between Kain and Abel.

"No takeout for you guys, that's why they invented pet food." I muttered, closing the door and making my way back to the living room, the boys following on my heels. When I reached the kitchen, the door knocked again, making the dogs go wild once again.

"Maybe he forgot the sauces.."

I quickly walked to the door, ignoring the dogs barking, and opened the door. I froze. Without another word, I closed it. They knocked again. I didn't say a word, my stomach flipping somersaults as I stared intently at the doorknob.

"Hina-chan?" His soft voice rang out.

"Yes?" I said hesitantly. It was quiet. Kain and Abel stared at me confused, while Naruto stared at nothing. Like the stupid cat he is.

"You haven't changed." He chuckled through the wood door.

I opened the door, and peeked at him shyly. He stood taller, no longer in a business suit, but a hoodie and loose jeans. He smirked at me, looking at the bag of takeout in my hand.

"U-uh..hi S-sasuke-kun." My tongue felt weird in my mouth as I attempted to speak a coherent sentence. Great. The stuttering's back.

"Hello Hinata." He spoke smoothly, as if he had spoken and practiced my name everyday. My knees felt like jelly, clothes feeling unusually tighter. I couldn't help but stare at him, not knowing what else to say.

"May I come in?" He asked.

"Um well, I'm watching a movie, s-so I don't know if you'd want to c-come in..." I stuttered, blushing madly as I tried to make sense of what I was trying to say. He seemed amused by my embarrassment, enjoying me make a fool of myself.

"I don't mind." He said. I shut my mouth.

"U-uh, ok. C-come in then.." I mumbled, letting him in as the dogs started sniffing him intently. This made him smile, gently petting their heads, as Naruto stared at nothing. Because he's a special cat. I walked back to the living room, all of them following behind me like little baby ducklings. They sat on the couch, while I grabbed plates to put takeout on.

"Do you want takeout?" I asked. He shook his raven head from the living room.

"No thank you, I just ate."

He gazed at me as I rested on the kitchen counter and quietly gazed back. The silence thickened like smoke, causing my stomach to flip. He looked tired. Tired and empty, like how a dog looks at you when you visit the pound. His pale skin contrasted greatly from his black hair, dark eyes still as piercing as ever. If anything he was more handsome than he was in high school. But he's still the same as the day he left.

I turned around, opening the takeout boxes, and bringing them back to the living room, completely ditching plates besides my trusty fork. Sasuke's stare followed me, making me feel suddenly self conscious in my shorts and tanktop because I totally forgot about shaving my legs. Kain and Abel scooted to the other side of the couch with Naruto, leaving the only open spot next to Sasuke. He looked up at me expectantly, as if my hesitance was somehow amusing. With a small smile, I sat down, bringing my legs up as I made myself comfortable.

"How are you?" he asked, his low voice startling me out of my silence. I peeked at him, suddenly feeling small under his smoldering gaze.

"I'm good. How are you?" I quietly asked back, turning to give him my attention. He was quiet.

"I'm good." He replied, grabbing my hand gently. My stomach tingled, realizing it the same hand he kissed me with earlier. He noticed my discomfort, smirking at my embarrassed expression.

"You're quiet as always."

"I've said more than you have this entire evening." I replied. His brow raised in amusement, his expression unchanging. The TV seemed ungodly loud, as Beatrix tore out Elle's last eye, leaving her screaming and wailing in the trashed trailer bathroom. Sasuke gave me a confused look, as I gave him a sheepish smile.

"I didn't know you were into these kind of movies.." He said, surprised that I could even watch such a gorey movie.

"It's actually a pretty good movie. Have you never seen Kill Bill?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I've never even heard of it." I gave him a look, clicking my tongue in disapproval.

"Then you haven't lived. Everyone needs to see Kill Bill at least once to live a fulfilled life." I said, quoting Regan. He gave me an amused look, entertained by my sass.

"I guess I'll have to stay the night and watch it then."

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