twenty-six facts about me

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I was tagged by the lovely @jolly-lily_bean to write thirteen things about myself.

+ I was also tagged by @InsaneWalrus42
to do the same thing so here's twenty six odd facts about meee.

1. My favorite color is lavender.

2. My wattpad name (@penelopejane13) is named after my hamster who has unfortunately passed ☹.

3. I've never broken a bone.

4. I'm an introvert.

5. My favorite food is either chocolate covered strawberries or sushi/edamame.

6. My taste in music is everywhere.

7. I may or may not be in love with Josh Dun.

8. I'm not allergic to anything except earrings. (?)

9. I have one pet and her name is Lucy.

 I have one pet and her name is Lucy

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(^ that's her!)

10. I have three siblings total. They are all boys and they are all under the age of four. (Fun Fact: My youngest brother was born in the car. He just couldn't wait until we got to the hospital☻.

11. I rarely ever get mad.

12. I'm really big into pottery/art.

13. My favorite season is fall.

14. I'm usually very indecisive.

15. I'm a night-baker. (ok this is weird, I know, but for some reason I usually bake around midnight.)

16. I can drive legally.

17. I run track and cross country.

18. I'm very tired. all the time.

19. I am teaching myself how to play the ukulele.

20. My pronouns are she/her and I am straight. (not that it matters, just thought I'd put it out there if any of you are curious.)

21. piløts.

22. I ship joshler. bite me.


24. I don't like coffee.

25. I don't like math.

26. I love natural light and people who ramble on about the things they are passionate about.

there we are | twenty-six facts.

rules are simple

If I tag you, post thirteen facts about yourself and tag thirteen others. Or don't, I don't really care. You do you.

xxAnonymousPersonxx  (you've probably already done this, you don't have to do it again.)

(I apologize if I tagged you and you didn't want to be tagged -- this was all random.)



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