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got tagged by the famous hot tamale
a while ago so I thought I'd participate.

ok there's rules but this isn't school, so I'm not gonna write them. live your life how you want to live it, and forget the damn rules sometimes.

1. If you could marry your dream person or have world peace, when is your wedding and can I come?

yeah of course you can. but uh sue me for wanting world peace instead?

2. the maze runner or the hunger games?

tmr, no doubt about it.

3. favorite film?

dang uhh The Theory of Everything is a pretttty good movie.

4. zombies or vampires?

I need some background info, am I running from them? if so, probably vampires, because even after they bite you, you have a chance at resuming somewhat of a normal life.

5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go and can I come over?

Again, yes. You're always welcome wherever I am, whenever. and Australia.

6. What would you do if you won the lottery?

I would put money in da bank and start my own business so I can double that money😏 I'd also donate ofc.

7. Favorite song atm?

well the top two I have on repeat rn are:
Don't Need Nobody - Ellie Goulding
Working For It - Zhu x Skrillex x THEY

(speaking of "working for it" go check out my fren sophisticateddd 's new book. please.)

8. Would you rather have sex with the person of your dreams, but have them hate you after OR never have sex with them but they are your best friend?

lol sex isn't everything. obviously the second option.

9. What is your zombie apocalypse weapon of choice?

bow and arrow, I'm ready to kick some ass, and look badass while doing it.

10. Beanies or snapbacks?


11. If you were to change your name what would it be?

hm, I actually don't mind my name. if I were to change it it'd be something unique like Collins/Vivian/Alice/Nessa/Blake

I like a lot of names ok?

12. biggest fear?

I really don't like deer. laugh all you want- they freak me ouT.

13. favorite actor?

Dylan O'Brien. he's my bby.

I'm not tagging people cuz I'm a RebELLioUs teen. if you read this you're tagged.

I knOw I'm being boring, but just answer the same 13 I did. I need to sleeeep. ♡

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