tag, i'm it.

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I was tagged by the always lovely aria to answer some fun lil' questions.

-post the rules
-tag thirteen people
-answer all the questions (thirteen)
-do it. don't skip it.
-tag backs are allowed
-think of a creative title for the tag ☻
-post this as a chapter

mk questions

1. favorite piece of merch you have?
I don't have any merch because I am a loser ;), getting some soon tho.

2. favorite ship?

3. kill, marry, fuck: josh dun, tyler joseph, and brendon urie?
marry josh, fuck ty, kill breadbin.

4. what was the last thing you bought?
sour patch kids from the gas station (they're my addiction oK)

5. what was the last text you sent?

 what was the last text you sent?

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"found a friend"

(yes the last text I sent was a picture of a dead fish with teeth that was captioned "found a friend" don't really feel like providing background info so this is all you get)

6. favorite song today?
heathens. it's been heathens for a while and it will be heathens for a while.

7. top 3 authors?
well vinyldun
ha ok um
I really don't have any legit favorite authors. books r good.

8. celebrity crush(es)
jOsh DuN
Tyler Joseph
Dylan O'brien

9. wattpad crush(es)?
I actually don't have an actual crUSH crush, but this babe is pretty neat.

10. favorite feature about yourself and why?
oh gosh. I like my hair because it's super thick (this is also the reason why I sometimes hate my hair)

11. dream concert? (who would open and who would headline?)

TØP could open and headline but for question sakes, panic! opens and top headlines.

12. biggest kink?
hair pulling/nicknames


13. your biggest cringe moment?
the whole book of Until I met You. tied with my first kiss. let's not dwell.


this isn't thirteen but I don't feel like bothering people, so if you feel like doing this tag, go for it.

the questions you need to answer if you are tagged:
1. Do you think there is life on other planets? Explain.
2. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
3. How many pillows do you sleep with?
4. Favorite month?
5. Do you believe in ghosts?
6. What was the last text message you received?
7. If you had the chance to change your name would you? What would you change it to?
8. Chocolate or Vanilla?
9. favorite band/singer?
10. favorite cereal?
11. lucky number?
12. are you afraid of the dark?
13. do you prefer internet friends or friends irl?

you don't really have to do the tag if you don't want to.

much love ♡


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