Chapter 7

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"Wake up Zandra we have a big day today!" Joel said shaking me awake.

"Joel it's 5 in the morning." I whined while I looked at the clock in the living room.

"Yes I know, but we have no time to waste." He said with so much excitement. "Here wear this."

I see that he has his white Mickey Mouse sweater on with black jeans and white shoes on. He handed me my Minnie sweater and my black leggings and my red toms. I yawn but grabbed my clothes and went to my bathroom to shower.

After I did my business, I put on just a little bit of makeup. By little bit just mascara and lip gloss. Once I am done, I brushed my hair really quick. Then I went to the kitchen to see breakfast was ready.

"Good morning my princess. Today we are having a royal breakfast. We have four pancakes stack on top of each other with delicious strawberries on top and eggs and bacon on the side." He said serving my plate.

"Wow this looks yummy. Thank you Chef Pimentel." I said while I digged in.

He then join with me. After we ate, we met up with Joel's family like around 6:30. We all squeezed our self's in the car, since we have backpacks full of sweaters and water etc.

We arrived like around 9 ish. We are now entering the park.

"Okay kiddos have your phones?" Joel's mom asked us.

"Yep and both are 100% charged." Joel said.

"For now." I added.

"Okay we are all going to meet by that tree after the firework show." She said. We all agreed and head off in our own directions.

Joel and I decided to ride Space Mountain first. It was already a some what long ride. Once we got in line after a long walk, we waited.

"So Zandra ... how's life." He asked.

"Hm you tell me, you've been there for most of it."

"L.O.L. true." He laughed.

"You should sing to me while we wait." I suggested.

"Okay what song though."

"Hablame de ti." He got his phone out put it on karaoke and started to sing.

"Me dijiste hola
con una sonrisa por cierto tan linda
como el mismo cielo
te puse nerviosa cuando
por travieso te toque tu pelo
era la primera vez que te miraba
todo fue tan tierno
nunca lo olvide...

Te dije mi nombre
me dijiste el tuyo
y después charlamos
unas cuantas horas
hubo conexión
desde el primer instante
te veías hermosa
eras como un ángel
y de puro gusto yo te di una rosa...

Y te pregunte
"Háblame De Ti"
de todos tus gustos
cuántos años tienes
y a que te dedicas
si sales con alguien
igual y con suerte
te encuentro solita
y dime qué opinas
crees que existe
el amor a primera vista
la verdad yo sí...

"Háblame De Ti"
cuéntame tus penas
o si alguna vez
alguien te ha lastimado
si tu corazón por el momento es libre
o ya está ocupado
porque el mío creo que a partir de hoy
alguien me lo ha robado
y esa eres tú
"Háblame De Ti"
ojala y me digas que estas disponible
solo para mí...

"Háblame De Ti"
de todos tus gustos
cuántos años tienes
y a que te dedicas
si sales con alguien
igual y con suerte
te encuentro solita
y dime qué opinas
crees que existe
el amor a primera vista
la verdad yo sí...

"Háblame De Ti"
de todos tus gustos
cuántos años tienes
y a que te dedicas
si sales con alguien
igual y con suerte
te encuentro solita
y dime qué opinas
crees que existe
el amor a primera vista
la verdad yo sí...

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