Chapter 35

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*Day one of Miami trip*
Today is the first day that Joel, Sol, Yoandri and I are going on an adventure. I am really excited because we are going to the beach! I heard that they are very beautiful, we'll just to go and find out.

I closed my journal then got ready to go to the beach. I went to the restroom to put on my bathing suit and to brush out my messy hair. No we did not do it last night. You little dirty minded people.

Anyways I went out to the living room. I grab the watermelon I cut up last night and put it in my beach bag. Including the chips and waters.

We all head down to the driveway. Yes by all of us I mean CNCO, Yoandri, Sol and I. We got into the car and Zabdiel drove to the beach.

During the car ride I was playing around with Joel. I was pinching his cheeks, playing with his fingers, giving him random kisses on his cheek etc.

We arrived an hour later and now we are choosing a perfect spot. Once we did we put down our towels beach chair and set up our little overhead tent. Once we did Joel and I decided to walk along the shoreline with our hands intertwined.

"So Zandra now that you're a high school graduate, are you going to college or continue being an actress or becoming one again?" Joel asked.

"Mm well I am actually going to college to be a psychologist." I said.

"That's new? Explain to me why?"

"Well ever since that accident I always had a feeling that I could help teens with that similar situation. And also creating a self defense class for my patients. I don't know I just feel like I could do some good by just helping them through their problems. And just by knowing I have helped people it makes me feel good."

"Well I think you'll be perfect for your future career. After all you did save Angelina and mine lives." Joel said. He then hugged me from behind and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

We are now walking on the pier. It's really pretty up here. Like the view is really really really amazing. I then accidentally bumped into someone. "Watch where you're going!" I heard a female voice say rudely.

"I'm sorry." I then got up with the help of Joel.

"Oh my gosh. YOU'RE JOEL PIMENTEL!" the girl yelled. She then looked at me. "OMG I'm so sorry I apologized for bumping into you and speaking to you really rudely Zandra."She said apologizing. "I'm Maria by the way." Maria said sticking her hand out for me to shake it. I then shook it.

"Nice to meet you Maria."

"Hey can I take a picture with your boyfriend please." she asked. Wait how did she know that we're dating?

"How did you know?" I asked confused.

"Wait are you guys actually dating?" she excitedly said.

"Don't tell anyone I'll do anything. Zandra wants to keep our relationship private so many reasons." Joel begged.

"Anything eh? Well can I like hang out with you guys for the rest of my trip? Because I got in a huge fight with my best friend and so I want to hang out with people who are lit before I break her face."

"Yes of course Maria when do you leave? I don't mean it in a rude way." I asked.

"I leave to California on Sunday." She said.

"Omg same! Where are you staying at?"

"A hotel around here, but I want to booked another hotel though because of my two face friend."

I then looked at Joel knowing what I want. He gave me an unsure face. I gave him my puppy eyes. He then sighed and spoke. "I think we have enough room for you to stay over at our place."

"Oh you don't have to. I mean-"

"I insist. Please I'll have a friend over well other than Sol because I think she's staying over with Yoandri."

"Sol? Is she from California? And is 16 years old?"

"Yes. Do you know her?" I asked.

"Of course! She's my lit hoe! Including Noelia." Maria said.

We then arrived to our spot. "Omg Sol!" Maria yelled running to her.

"Ahh! Maria!" They then hugged. "What are you doing here?" Sol asked.

"I'm on vacation hoe! But I am sure glad to see-" I then saw Maria look up to Christopher. I then giggle at her reaction to Chris.

"Maria that's Chris. Y Christopher ella es Maria." I said introducing them to each other.

"Damn he's even hotter in person." I heard her whisper. I have a feeling this is going to be a really fun trip.

*Yoandri's pov*

I can't stop starting at Sol. I'm literally falling more and more in love with her. I honestly think I am falling for her too fast. But I mean who wouldn't? She's everything a guy like me could ask for.

"Yoandri," she said bringing me back to reality.

"Yes my love? I mean Sol." I said.

"Let's walk around." She suggested. I agree and we walked right by each other shoulder to shoulder. Well not really because she's shorter than me.

"So Yoandri is there a special girl out there?" She asked.

"Yes a very special girl who I highly adore."

"Ooo. Do I know her?" She asked. Our hands then touch which made me feel weird inside. A good kind of weird.

"Oh you know her really well." If only she knew.

*Maria's pov*

I've been hanging out with CNCO and Zandra for the past few hours, since Sol and Yoandri is doing who knows what. I have caught Chris looking at me soo many times, I always have this weird feeling inside when he looks at me but when we look away it stops.

"Hola Maria." Chris finally said. He then sat down next to me.

"Hola Christopher." I shyly said. What the fuck? I'm never shy. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

"Quiero preguntarte algo, Maria."

"Sí, dime." I can't believe he is talking to me.

"Queres a ir en una cita con migo?" He asked. Omg is he serious ?!

"Claro Chris. Me gustaria." I smiled at him. He then had the brightest smile I have never seen.

"Buneo te recojo a las tres." He smiled.

"Esta bien." I smiled back. Oh please tell me I'm dreaming.

an: yay new chapter! Im in English right now but I guess he doesn't care since he was seeing me on my phone lol.

Im going to challenge you guys, lets get this to at least 15 votes! If we do I'll make a double update (:

vote! comment! and share! ily & goodbye.

(instagram: damnjoelpimentel)

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