Chapter 27

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"Good Morning Zandra." The nurse said while she set up a table on my lap and put down my breakfast.

"Morning. Um excuse me where's my family and Joel?" I asked.

"Oh they left to go eat, but there's this guyd named Yoandri that is here for you." She said.

"Okay could you please let him in?"

"Of course sweetheart." She then left and Yoandri came seconds later.

"Hey Zandra I'm glad you woke up." He said.

"Same same. Anyways how long have you been here?" I asked.

"I actually slept over here. I waited for you to see you again." Yoandri said.

"Well that is very kind of you." I smiled, "Hey what happened the day you guys found me?" I asked.

"Um I don't know if I should be the one to that."

"No tell me." I shook his shoulder lightly.

*Yoandri pov* (the day of the rescue)

"Okay we have her exact location." The officer said.

"I'll go with you." I said as I got up.

"No sir I recommend you to stay here." He said.

"No. These past two days was the worst days of my life knowing she was in danger. I'm her best friend and I need to be there for her." I said. He then sighed and agreed. Mrs. Fernandez left to the hospital to get Angelina.

I went with the officer and did everything as told. I have my bulletproof vest on and a helmet. After what felt like three hours we finally got there. I open the door and kneel down just like he told me to. Once I heard "All Clear" the officer told me to follow him. We entered the hot temperature house. We went where the officers were gather around and there she was. I quickly ran to her and kneel down.

"Zandra, Zandra wake up." I said as I have her in my arms. I check to see if there was a pulse and there was.

"Come on Zandra wake up." I said starting to panic.

The ambulance then came and took her. I jumped on the back and we headed to the nearest hospital.


I was waiting in the waiting room and the police officer came in. He called me and I went to him. "I'm afraid that we couldn't get the suspect." He said.

"So you're telling me she got away?" I whisper yelled.

"Yes sir." At this point I don't know what to do. There's a monster on the lose and she might attack Zandra again.

"Wait so you're telling me Anna got away?!" Zandra yelled.

"Yea. But I told the cop to look for her and stuff like that." I told her.

"What about Zack?"

"Zack is involved with this?" I confusedly asked.

"Yes! He's the one who shot me!"

"Okay I'll give the officer a call later. But for now are you okay? Like do you feel better now?"

"Yea, I just want to get out of this stupid hospital and go home."

"Well in order to leave the hospital you got to eat." I said.

"Well I'm not hungry." She crossed her arms.

"Don't make me feed you like a little baby." I lightly laughed.

"I'm still not eating Yoyo." I grab the Jell-o and the spoon. I grab some jello and started making airplane noise.

"Here comes the airplane." I continue making the airplane noise and into her mouth it goes.

"Mm it's actually pretty good." She said. She then grabbed it from my hands and continue eating.


Half an hour later Joel came in. "Hey Joel." I said quietly.

"Hey. Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yea. She ate most of her breakfast and in the middle of the movie she fell asleep." I said. Joel went to the other side of her. He then held her hand and just looked at her.

"You love her don't you?" I asked.

"Madly in love with her." He said.

"Why won't you ask her out?"

"I would but I don't know. I hurt her too much, and I don't want to hurt her anymore."

"Well think about it Joel. The times you hurt Zandra was when you weren't with her."

"Yea you're right but you know how dumb I could be. I think I'm going to wait a little bit longer. And plus she deserves someone who will treat her like a princess."

"That's why I should be with you." Zandra said.

"Wait I thought you were asleep." He said.

"I was." Zandra said. She then kissed his cheek. I'm telling you they're perfect for each other. But Joel is so blind to realize that he is the one she needs, and she is the one he needs.

The rest of the day we were just hanging around in her hospital room. "Hey Yoandri have you spoken to Sebastian?" Joel asked.

"No have you?"

"No, I miss that little fella."

"Who's Sebastian?" Zandra asked.

"He's our friend from La Banda. He's really chill, and funny, and talented as fuck." Joel said.

"Oh he sounds interesting. When could I meet him?" Zandra asked.

"Soon." I said.

Soon visiting hours was over so I head back to Zandra's house which her aunt let Celine and I stay.

an: sorry i took so long I've been kinda stressing on some things /: oh yea just a head start i might be able to update as much next week because i have band camp for like 8 hours so yeaa ): BUT GOOD NEWS ITS ALMOST DONE!!!! well not so good news if you're in love with it

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