6- Confrontation

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All this nonsense was way too much to handle i tell you. I couldn't take another day of this petty bickering and fighting sober.

I left the house after checking on Regina to go to my girl Elliot's house a couple ways down. To you know just sit, talk and get this off my mind.

Now that i think about it i felt so damn awkward as to what i was doing.

I mean don't get me wrong i do love Nikki but it's like most the time I'm dealing with two immature ass step sisters and i thought that at least by now they'd begin to like each other.

None of this shit was working out, my plan was becoming a bust and i really just needed to talk to my homegirl about my life right now...and the fact that i have a reunion set up for next week with the family that Regina doesn't know about yet.

I know she's gonna be livid but I've been wanting to go all out and show those bastards that mama made it without selling ass like everyone thought I would. Let alone no one realized my sister was the real hoe yet.

(But Alicia's not a snitch so 💁.)

I wanted to show off my success...and hopefully get some credit from my bitter sister and Anti social big brother.

Pulling up to her house i honked twice letting her know that i was outside. I had a lot on my mind and i felt really guilty hiding these things from Reggie so i came to Eli for some grown woman to woman advice like i always do.

"Heyyyy girl whatcha' doin here so damn late for? You need some wine? Is yo man not hittin' right, what? Wassup?" she said as she pulled away from our hug.

"No it's none of that and .. I don't exactly have a "man" at home so- that's kinda one of the things i need to talk to you about. Can we go inside? Where's earl?'' i asked looking behind her.

Her husband gave me the absolute creeps. High key i think he's a swinger. He'll fuck anything with a moist hole.

''oh no he's at work hun, just me and my soaps at the moment, so come on let's get inside it's cold as hell out here"

"Explains why you're wearing a thong under a silk ass gown bitch." i laughed. She joined in.

"Girl hush I'm waiting for something a little special if you know what i meann" she said winking as she leaned into me as we walked. I smiled back shaking my head.

Lord help her.

Once we got into her home we sat down in the spa room she had privately made for her for their 4th honeymoon. She thought of it as an expensive gift from her to her in rewards of dealing with Earls bullshit for the past 4 years of marriage.

"Mh...so what'd you wanna talk about Cordelia..." she sighed relaxing into the message chair.

"Please don't ever call me by my middle name, i hate that damn name."

"Ahhh but you don't hate the woman."

"So? I just don't feel like it fits me im way more bolder than my great grand mother ever was."

"Well that seems a little bit fucked u-

"Off topic" i remarked. She turned to look at me with her cocked to the side.

I waved it off. "Look the real problem here chica is mi casa , i feel like I've made a big mistake and i am sure that i want it but i just don't know if it's...right now...now."

"Wait, what the are we talking about?"

"My ruined life." i said sipping my champagne.

''oh" she replied. "Go on."

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