Tour of the Glade

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When you finally came to you ran your fingers in your hair slowly. You tried to remember what you dreamed about but the more you thought about it, the more clouded the image became. The only thing that was truly clear was the name Thomas, he was important but you were not fully sure as to why. You went to sit up but were lightly pushed back down. "Please rest" a familiar voice said, before you went to sit up again. This time the familiar face of newt came into your view. "Hey I said rest. You'll need it greenie" he smirked towards you. You sighed softly as you were force to lay back down once again. "My name isn't greenie it it's y/n" you tell him. Newt chuckled a little.

"Sorry it's what we call all new comers to the Glade. Most normally don't remember their own name to begin with." he told you. "The Glade? Wait where I'm?" you asked softly. He smiled softly towards you and he shock his head a little. "Just rest, I'll show you around once you've had a rest" Newt told you. Once again you sighed, you were left with little choice but to just do as he asked. Closing your eyes again you laid there thinking over what had happened to you so far.

There was one good side to all this, at least you were no longer in the box. The silence you were enjoying was soon broken by voices. You didn't dare open your eyes, you simply acted as if you had fallen back to sleep. "Has she woken yet?" you heard someone asked. It was one of the voices you heard when the box was opened. "Yes but I told her to rest, Alby" Newt said softly. You could heard Alby huff a little before his footsteps could be heard walking around a little. "She's one hell of a runner" Alby said, he in fact sounded excited. You couldn't take it any long so simply opened your eyes. "How can a girl rest with all this talking going on?" you asked with a smirk on your lips.

Newt chuckled before looking towards Alby you ran his hand over the back of his head a little. "Sorry greenie" he said. "My name again is y/n. Maybe I should have a name tag" you joked as you sat up, this time Newt didn't stop you. "Think you can walk?" Alby asked you. You nodded as she got up off the bed, you almost fell backwards, but were caught by Newt. "Easy now" he smiled softly. "Thanks Newt. See not so hard to remember someone's name" you teased.

You then moved back from Newt and followed after alby, who was already making his way out. It was clear to you that you had to follow on after him. "I'm Alby" he finally said. "I'd the leader of the gladers and well this is the Glades. This has been our home for well what feels like forever" You nodded as you followed after him, he began to give you a tour as well as informing you of the jobs. "Everyone pulls there weight here" Alby said. "I can understand that. You don't work you don't eat" you said softly but then for a moment looked confused, you couldn't remember where you heard that before but like most things it felt very familiar. Alba then went on to tell you about the maze and that how only runners were allowed to leave.

"How would I go about becoming a runner?" you asked him. Alby stoped and chuckled a little. "You really want to go for the most dangerous job there is?" he said before letting out a sigh. "Well we will see, just get use to leaving here first" It was then you saw some runners returning from the maze and one of them of course was Thomas. You felt your cheeks warm at the sight of him, before you looked away as he come running over to alby. "Hey, you feeling better greenie?" Thomas said, you blinked when you reasled he was talking to you. Turning your head, you smiled as you looked towards him. "I feel better, thanks. Sorry about running into you yesterday or was it earlier today" you laughed not really sure how long you had been asleep for. "It was yesterday, I'm Thomas" he said placing his hand out towards you. You smiled as you lightly took his hand and shock it. "I'm y/n, I want to be a runner" you told him. Alby chuckled. "well you wasted no time saying that" Alby smiled. "how about a race?" Thomas smiled.

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