The Great Escape (Part Two)

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You walked backwards into the maze, your eyes for a moment never leaving those of Gally. As far as you knew, he could have those who remained with him rush you before you even got inside. It was then you felt Thomas lightly took your hand, you turned to look at him. "Come on, there is nothing more we can do for them" he said softly. You nodded as the group you were with began to run into the maze, weapons held tightly and on the look out for any grievers. Just because they were no longer in the Glade didn't mean they were not around the maze. Non of you could really risk being found by them.

Thomas smiled softly towards you before he let go of your hand, he jogged to the front. He and Minho were now at the front leading everyone through the maze. They took the very same route, you had taken the only time you went to the exit. You on the other hand, remained at the back. This was in order to make sure the slower members of your group were not left behind. Deep down you had a feeling that not everyone would make it out alive, but it truly was better that staying and waiting for death to come along a claim you. It was then you began to hear movement behind you. "Crap" you muttered as you knew that sound oh so well. "Fryingpan, tell Thomas we've got" just as you were about to finish your sentence a Griever rushed around the corner. "RUN!" you shouted. As things become very real very fast, what you did next would only been seen as either madness or even foolishness. But you stepped in front of it with your spear waving. "Hey over here, come get me!" you shouted at it. You heard Thomas's voice shouting something behind you, but it was hard to make out over the noise.

"Go!" you shouted at him, you didn't dare look back to Thomas. You didn't want to see him upset or even him trying to stop you from this nutty idea. You bolted off down another pathway, hoping the Griever took you as bait. Your luck was in as it rushed on after you, that was if you call being chased by something, that looked like it was put together by a mad man lucky. Your heart raced as you ran, you knew you could catch up with the others. You really just needed to buy them time to get to the exit. You rushed around a corner, it was so dangerously on your heels. One slip and it would be the end of you. As you now ran down what seemed to be an endless pathway, you saw along the walls vines. Maybe going along a path wasn't the best way to get away but maybe up was the answer. The silly question now was, could Griever's climb and if they could, could you really out climb one. Sure you could run but climbing was a different ball game altogether. Your mind then thought against climbing, even if you could get up the wall. Was there anyway you really could go when up there. 

Thomas's POV:

I couldn't believe it, how crazy was Y/N to do something as foolish as let the Griever go after her. "No don't" I shouted but the only words I heard from her lips was to go. How could I go and leave her, I wanted to leave with her. But I knew I had to get the others out too, it was then my heart over ran my head and I rushed off after her. "Thomas!" Teresa shouted towards me. "Go! Minho knows the way!" I shouted back to her. "Hold on Y/N I'm on my way" I muttered to myself. After everything we have been through together, even before being placed into the maze. I couldn't let it end this way. I knew I needed to get ahead in front of the Griever, so when the next turn that came up. I had no choice but to take it, I ran along the path. All the time hearing the Griever the other side. Hot of the heels of Y/N. "It will not end like this, I will not let it" I muttered as I saw another turn up ahead and rushed though it


It was then out of no where he came, almost like a light in the dark. It was Thomas, you wanted to say something. Tell him just how stupid he was being to come back just for you, but now really wasn't the time to say any of that. You were not out of the woods yet, no you were heading right into the lion's den. As up ahead was another Griever and it was running towards you and Thomas. You both looked towards one another and for a moment you couldn't help but smile at him. It was then you felt Thomas grab hold of your hand, his hand felt so warm. He seemed to pull you close as if he was thinking of away to get you both out of this. Either that or just to hold you one last time before your fate was sealed. Your heart by this time was going over time as it raced, as the Grievers draw closer to you both. It was then both of the Grievers jumped up as if pouncing on their pray. It was then you felt Thomas tug you down and pull you forward, just as the two Grievers crashed head first into each other. If you had of remained up right, there was a good chance that you would of been crush between them.

You could hear the sound of metal on metal but there was no time to look back at the mess that was left behind you. It would only take them a few seconds before they were after you again, so you and Thomas took off running. You held tightly to your spear to but all the more tighter to Thomas's hand. Both of you focusing on catching up to where the others were at the exit.

You were just so glad that Thomas knew the maze as well as he did, as it didn't take you to long to find the others. All seemed happier upon seeing both you and Thomas. "Are you crazy?" Chuck said before he hugged you. "Just as crazy as they come" you laughed out, still breathless from your escape. Ahead was the way out, as you let go of Chuck you smiled towards Thomas. "Your almost there" you said. "It's not over yet" Thomas said as he took the lead and headed to the door with Minho. Teresa smiled toward you as she held the device and began to put in the code. You looked back over your shoulder to see Chuck looking over the side. "Hey stop looking over there" you said as you headed on over to him.

It was then you saw him back up from the edge, his eyes wide and his skin so much paler. "GRIEVERS!" he shouted as he ran up to you all. Now climbing up the walls either side of you and also from in front of you were Grievers. "Is this how I'm going out? I'm going to take some of you with me!" you shouted as you raised your spear. Teresa looked back panicked. "Just keep going" you heard Thomas tell Teresa as you and the others keeped the Grievers back from her.

You slammed your spear into the face of an up coming Griever, it screamed as it made a grab for you. You duck, letting your spear go as you did so. It was then your eyes saw another spear just under it. You took a deep breath and slides under it grabbing the spear as you did and stabbed it into the Griever's under belly. Just as you were about you move from under it, you felt something grab you. You couldn't help but scream, as you were dragged from under it by another Griever. "Thomas!" you screamed out. It was hard to see just what was going on the other side of the Griever wall but you could see Teresa getting everyone into the exit but also see Newt and Minho pulling Thomas in. You saw their mouths moving but couldn't make out what they were saying. As the next thing you know, was the griever slamming you down hard on the ground. Just as the exit closed and your vision went to black. 

(Author's note: I'm So very sorry it took so long to write the next part of this. So much has happened between the last part and now. Real life took over and I wasn't able to return to writing until now. Hopefully I can finish this and begin something new before the summer is over and I end up swamped again with coursework)

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