Doing something stupid

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It was early morning when you woke up, the Glade was very quiet. Most of the boys were still asleep after the celebration that took place the night before. You yawned softly as you got up. Today was the day, the day you took just first steps into the maze. After readying yourself for the day and even having some breakfast. "Y/N!" you heard the familiar voice of Thomas shout out, you turned and couldn't help but smile as you saw him. Thomas smiled back before he jogged over to you. "Ready for your first trip into the maze?" Thomas asked as his eyes looked right into yours for a moment. For a brief second you felt somewhat lost in them, until you looked always blushing slightly. "Well yeah, so I need to see this model someone mentioned" you said softly, before looking back to Thomas again.

Thomas nodded as began to lead the way toward a hut, the hut looked to be alto older than the other buildings around. But knowing Alby had been here first, you had a feeling it was the first hut he made. Most likely used for just sleeping back when Alby was the only one in the Glade. It still had it's uses, the maze model was kepted in there.

As you and Thomas got closer to the hut, the voices of Al by and Minho could be heard inside. Thomas knocked on the door before you both walked inside. "Good morning" Alby said softly but as much as you wanted to say it back, your eyes fell onto the model of the maze that was before you. You walked over, your eyes began to look over every twist and turn. "Is this all of it?" you asked softly. "We're not 100% sure, it changes" Minho said. You nodded towards him before looking to Alby. "Oh good morning" you laughed softly.

"I was somewhat the same, it's a lot bigger in there than it is in model" Thomas told you softly. "So when do I get to go in?" you asked softly, as you really wanted to go in and explore. Your curious side had the best of you, wanting to look around every corner. Just to see if you could see something the others had yet to find. "Well you will not be going in today" Alby said. "You need to stay here, study the model" You sighed softly. "But I can do this, I don't need to study this model" you said softly as your eyes looked to Alby. "Y/N we need to do this, before you came. There was another runner called Ben. He was attacked in the maze, we wanted to retrace his steps. Make sure what happened to him, doesn't happen to another runner" Alby told you, it was then you know Alby was right. If you were ever split you from the other runners, you'd need to know your way back and you didn't want to turn out how Ben had. You did feel like they were hiding something from you but you would talk more about it with Thomas.

"Thomas will stay with you" Alby told you, you smiled before looking to Thomas. You really liked the idea of spending more time with him, even if it was to looked over the model. Thomas who for a moment looked as if this wasn't a good idea, but when he looked towards there was a soft smile on his lips. "Myself and Minho will go in today" Alby said as he along with Minho, left you and Thomas alone in the hut.

It was then you looked to Thomas. "Tell me about Ben? I feel like Alby wasn't fully clear with it all" you said softly. Thomas sighed as his eyes looked to the model before looking towards you again. "I can only tell you what I know. Ben was a runner and he attacked me, actually I think he was trying to kill me the way he went about it" Thomas said softly. You could tell this bothered him, you reached over and placed your hand on top of his. "Go on" you said softly.

"It turned out he was delirious from being stung by a Griever" Thomas said as he looked towards you once again. "What's a Griever?" you asked, you had heard some of the boys mention in the night before, but truly thought it was a story they told. In order to scaire the younger Glades as well as new ones like yourself. "Well from what I've been told. Their deadly creatures, they live in the maze but only seem to roam about at night." Thomas said, as a shiver went down your back. "You'll hear them sometimes at night, making noises" You looked at you and pushed him playfully. "If last nights stories about them didn't freak me out, that just did" you said laughing, Thomas couldn't help but laugh too. "Let's study, I'm guessing I need to know this better than my own hands." you said softly as your eyes returned to the maze.

As you studied the maze model with Thomas, you began to learn more about him. It did seem like you both had a lot in common, like running the moment of getting out of the box for one. As the hours passed you had laughed a far few times with him.

Finally you both thought it was best to call it a day as Thomas had seen you yawn at least twice. "I'm boring you?" he teased. You smiled softly before pushing him playfully. "No of course not" you said as you noticed just how late it was when you got out of the hut. "Hmm shouldn't Alby and Minho be back or at least come to tell us they were back?" you asked Thomas. He looked suddenly worried and grabbed your hand as he began to run to the opening of the maze. You had no choice but to run along with him, you had a feeling this could be bad. As you got closer you could see Chuck along with some of the Gladers at the opening. "Are they back?" Thomas asked panting softly. "No. no sign of them" Chuck said softly.

The way in began to close, everything in you, was telling you to run in. To run in and do something risky but just as you thought all hope was lost, you say Minho coming. He was dragging an injured Alby with him. You looked to Thomas and it was almost as if you both had the same idea. You both bolted into the maze as the way in and out closed behind you both. Minho looked at you both and rubbed his head. "Are you both stupid?" he snapped as you rushed to check Alby. "Maybe I was in the mood to do something stupid" you said softly.

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