chapter 2 part 2

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Hey so the outfits above is Garretts and Hades.

💀💀Garretts pov💀💀

I don't know what she was thinking marrying that douche. Anyway by the time 8:30 pm came around I had left my house and was headed to her house. It was a minute until 9:30. I was just pulling up to her house as she walked out the door with all of her bags in hand.

Once she was in I pulled out of her old drive way. After a while she started talking to me. After I answered her questions i gave her the box I had put the ticket in and she looked like she was mentally freaking out about it. She must love set it off a lot. After an hour of driving we arive. I carried in her bags and showed her the guest room. She went straight to the bed and instantly fell asleep. I went to go put the covers over her and turned of the lights.

💀💀💀 Hades' pov💀💀💀

My eyes slowly flutter open and then they shot open as I realised that the concert was today. So I spring up and go to the bathroom to shower

➡➡5 minutes later➡➡

Ok i am getting dressed (picture) put my makeup on, put my shoes on and walked down stairs. When I walked
into the kitchen I saw Garrett cooking breakfast.

I walked in and this was our conversation:


G: Morning. How did you sleep?

H: good i am excited for today!

G: Haha ok we should eat then get in the Truck.

H: What is for breakfast?

G: Pancakes Eggs bacon sausages and hash browns.


G:hahaha ok eat up.

After we ate we left to go to the concert. The closer we got the more excited I got. It turns out that if you get there early there is less people for a little while. There was an open spot in front of the stage. So here we are waiting for the concert to start at the very front. After ten minutes set it off came on stage and started singing the haunting.

'Come on in boy,' said the skeletons
Sitting by her closet door

Dirty secrets, empty memories
And broken hearts across the floor

I was knocked out,heels over head,
So you dragged me by my feet

To a ghost town where you buried me
No wonder no-one heard my screams

Love's so alive, but it died in its sleep

And now that it's dead, I live your head
And I will haunt your fucking dreams

No-one will love you like I do, will treat you like I do

No-one will love you like I did,
Will touch you like I did

So good luck finding something better

Run away boy
If you couldn't tell;
Baby's got a thirt for blood

A subtle system,
Wicked memories,
Craving bullets from her gun


Hey so I am stopping it here today sorry but I need the lyrics from my 3ds

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