chapter 3

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Hey i am back with another chapter the picture above is what Clarity wore for the military, also sorry if its not good but i am trying. Please comment what you think. Thanks😊

💀💀💀Garrett's pov💀💀💀

As I was at work for an emergency, I had gotten a call from some unknown number. I answered it only to be told something that nearly gave me a heart attack (the phone call)

G: hello

M.p(mystery person): Hello is this Mr. Garrett Atkins?

G: Thats me may I ask who this is?

M.p: this is Miranda Star, i am a doctor at the hospital.

G: ok and why are you calling me?

M: we have a girl that had this number in her phone and thought that you were a family member or family friend. We need you here right now in order to do surgery.

G: ok i will be right there.

(End of call)

So yeah right now I was on my way to the hospital, praying to Hades' mother that she was ok. I have only be gone for a couple hours and now she is in the hospital oh if she's dead her mother will haunt me for life.

Trust me when I say, Don't mess with Clarity or her family and friends, she even scared my dad when she was alive.

After a little while of driving I had finally made it to the hospital where Hades is. I rushed in and asked if I can see Hades as I was her legal guardian. When they took me to her room I had a feeling of comfort, which was the feeling I got when Clarity was with me.

When I walked into the room I almost cried and it is hard to make me cry. I saw all sorts of wires hooked up to her and a slow beeping was coming from the heart monitor. So you guys are probably wandering why my dad was afraid of Hades' mom well no one but me and her other buds and now you guys, Clarity was in the military at age 19 to 28. We were good friends before she left so we kept in contact. But one of the times that she got to come home she nocked on my door only to get an angery scream of my father as he was in the middle of beating me.

When she heard me scream of pain she broke down the down and stormed towards us her eyes dark with fury. You see Clarity was a redhead and protected her friends and family. So anyway bacj to the story, she stormed in to see my dad yelling , punching, and kicking me in my face stomach and back. She had tackled him to the ground and punched him multiple times. She had scream in her military voice "YOU MOTHER FUCKER HAD DARED BEAT YOUR SON. SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!!! DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOUR SON HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG AND YOU LOST HIS TRUST. THE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU EVEN TOUCH A HAIR ON HIS HEAD I WILL KILL YOU! AM I UNDERSTOOD!!??" my dad looked so scare I though he would pee himself.

Anyway back to the present day. I saw that she had her ribs wraped, she had multiple stitches, her leg had a cast on it, and multiple other things that I won't say. I pull up a seat next to her bed as she is still unconscious and grab on to her hand hoping and praying that she is going to make it.

All of a sudden her eyes shoot open so I called the nurse to tell the doctor to come and see that she is awake. After 12 minutes of waiting for the doctor to finish inspecting her wounds, he smiled and said that she could leave in 2 days. As he left some other people walked in to see her awake. When I turned around I saw that it was the guys from Set It Off.

💀💀💀Hades' pov💀💀💀

So all I can see is black then all of a sudden I see mom standing in front of me. She is holding her arms open so I ran to her and hugged her crying so hard.
(Their conversation)

H: Hey mommy I miss you alot

C: I know baby but I need you to do me a favor ok?

H: ok mom what is a the favor?

C: my sweet daughter, I need you to protect Garrett he has been through a lot and his dad is still looking for him. Garrett was my friend since first grade. So please baby try not to make him worry. Oh and one more thing before I go, I am going to tell you something that I never even told your asshat of a father. Sweety before i met your dad I was a military leader.

H: mom why didn't you tell me? Please don't leave me again!

C: awww Hades come here. I didn't tell you because I was worried that you would go join the military. And as for me leaving I never will, just remeber that you are strong and a natural leader. I love you sweetie it is time for you to go back.

H: bye mom. I love you to.

(End of conversation)

My eyes shoot open when I feel some one start to hold my hand only to find that it was Garrett that was holding my hand. When he saw that I was awake he got up and got the doctor. After he was done the guys from set it off walked into the room and Garrett looked shocked to see them. I would say he was fan girling in his head but for him it would be considered as freaking out.


Hey so here is the chapter and thank you for reading this.

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