chapter 8

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What I saw when I walked in the house was something that royaly pissed me. The house was trashed and a note was written on the wall. It said ' You can try to find him but you never will 😈'

Right about then a had gotten a phone call. I looked at my phone I saw that it was Cody, and I had answered the call.

(Phone call)

H: hey whats up Cody?

C: Nothing much, I just had a bad feeling like something was wrong. Is everything ok over there?

H: oh ok. But no everything is not ok, today was the day I had gotten out of the hospital. And I was waiting for Garrett to check me out of the hospital after he got off work. I had waited ten minutes after the time he got off work but he never showed up so I had to my friend Lily. She came and got me out we talked a little, oh and when I was still in the hospital I had gotten a call from an unknown number, after talking with her she had to leave and walked home pissed and when I walked through the door of my house it was a mess and a message the said ' you can try to find him, but you never will' and now I will have to stay in a hotel.

C: HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Why didn't you call me? Ok well we just finished our last concert on tour. We are getting in a plane to get to you so that way you won't be alone text us the hotel name and we will be there. Bye.

H: ok bye.

(End phone call)

Ok so now I have to walk to a hotel. The hotel I went to was Best Western so I texted Cody the hotel name then I went on Twitter. I got off Twitter when there was a knock on my door. I looked through the peep hole and saw the guys so I opened the door and let them in. I was on the verge of exploding with anger and I guess that they say it cause they were looking scared. When I saw that, I calmed down.

H: hey guys sorry for scaring you

C: its ok. You should get some sleep ok you look tired and you had a long day.

H: ok night guys.

💀💀💀 Codys pov💀💀💀

So she had just fallen asleep and the guys and I started to talk quietly about why she was angry. I geuss while talking we fell asleep.

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