chapter 7

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Hey guys here is the chapter I promised. Enjoy.

💀💀💀 Hades pov💀💀💀

The person said: (phone conversation)

H: who the fuck are you? How did you get this number mother fucker!

M.p.: Now now if I were you I wouldn't talk to me like that when I have your guardian at gun point.

H: What the fuckety fuck man, who the hell are you?!?! When I find you, you will wish you WERE NEVER BORN! YOU GOT THAT MOTHER FUCKER?!?!

M.p.: Listen here you little bitch if you find me you won't be able to do anything. You want to know why? Because you are a weak pathetic and nieve little girl.

H: Well now you listen here I am not a weak, pathetic, or nieve little girl. Cause your afraid of my mother and i am ten times worst then she was because I had to lose my mom to the fuckwad I call dad. And worst of all he blamed moms death on me and started to beat me and yet here I am still alive. So tell me how the fucking hell am I weak pathetic or nieve. I am certainly smarter than you?

M.p.: (in scared tone) Your mother was named Clarity?

H: (smirking) you got that right bitch and when I find you I will do worst then mom ever did to you.

( end of conversation)

When I hung up the phone I knew who I had to call to get me out of the hospital. I was going to Call Lily she is my friend. She has been my friend since she moved her. When I grab my phone to call her I immediately go to my contacts and click on her name and call.

(Phone call)

L: Hey whats up?

H: nothing. What about you?Hey can you come check me out of the hospital closest to you please?

L: Yeah I will be there in a bit talk to you later.

H: K see ya later.

(End of conversation)

A couple minutes later a nurse comes in saying I can leave. When I get out I see Lily wearing this (picture below or over)

 When I get out I see Lily wearing this (picture below or over)

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H: Hey Lily how have you been?

L: I have been good. So why were you in the hospital?

Oh yeah I didn't tell what happened.... A couple minutes later. So right now I just finished telling her the whole story. She was shocked that I got to hang out with Set It Off for a couple hours. Oh thats right you don't know much about Lily here let me tell you:

Her full name is Lily Monika Cruz, she has dark brown eyes, a little bit of a flat nose, and a little pinoiesh lips, long dark brown curly hair, no tattoos or piercings, she loves set it off just me. Lily was adopted, she isn't rich but she isn't poor either. When she was in grade school she was bullied until they moved here. She likes mysteries, morning, baking, singing, and art. She dislikes plastic girls, sluts, bullies, and being judged.

She has been my friend since middle school. That was when we met we ended up having all of our classes together and here we are today still best friends.

H: Hey thanks for getting me out of the hospital.

L: no problem you would do the same for me. Anyway I have to go before mom and dad start to worry about me. See you later.

H: Bye see you later.

After that we went our separate ways. I had set off the direction of home. When I go home I....

Sorry about the cliffhanger there will probably be more. Anyway hope you enjoyed. Write to you tomorrow.

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