chapter 2 part 3

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Hey i am going to just start.


"So entranced they
follow every word,
little spirals in their eyes

Catch a lover,
Turn an enemy,
Just to watch them burn alive"

At this point the crowd was almost out of control.

" No-one will love you like I did
Treat you like I did

So go on, wear that Scarlett letter

No-one will love you like I did
Will touch you like I did

So good luck finding something better

Someday you may find that picture
Perfect guy

And I'll chase my words with poison

Until that day arrives,
And swine take to the sky

Fill your void with open thighs, so...

No-one will love you like I did Will treat you like i did

So go on, wear that Scarlett letter

No-one will love you like I did Will touch you like i did

So good luck finding something better

No-one will love you like I did Will treat you like i did

So go on wear that Scarlett letter

No-one will love you like I did Will fuck you like i did

So good luck finding something better"

After they finished that song they sang bleak December, and why worry. So after they finished singing the fans got to meet them and got their stuff signed and Their picture taken with the band. In the middle of the concert Garrett got a call from his work and told me to be safe on the way home.

I was 15 people away from the signing table when this jackass that doesn't even like set it comes up to me with his 10 others and circles around me and starts say stuff like: whore, slut, emo bitch, fagot, and more. And to top it off they start to hit and kick me to the ground. All of a sudden I get this burst of anger and stand up and start to punch the dumb fuckin the face and show them I am not weak, that I am going to stick up for the bands I love. As I am punching the guy that had started this shit I said "you can make fun of me but you will not make fun of this band or their fans I won't stand for.YOU AND TOUR BAND OF DUMB ASS MOTHER FUCKERS BETTER LEAVE US ALONE!" After i said that I was applauded but I could barely see or hear or walk.

I couldn't stand anymore so I fell to the ground and was about to fall into a world of black but saw one person that I never thought would be leaning over me. After seeing that I had blacked out.

💀💀💀 cody's pov💀💀💀

We had just finished a concert and was at the table to sign things, fans, and take a picture with them. After a while I saw some pricks make a circle around one girl 15 people away from us. After they did they started to call her names, we didn't hear any of it but by the tears in her eyes they must have been hurtful.

After a couple minutes I see something that just pissed me off. They were punching and kicking her while she was on the ground, as I was standing up to go over to her to help the others were doing the same thing as me, but she suddenly got a look of pure anger and despite being injured she got up and started to punch all ten of the dickwads. When she was done, she turned to the one that must of started it.

She said something to him and then shouted " NOW YOU AND YOUR BAND OF DUMB ASS MOTHER FUCKERS BETTER LEAVE US ALONE!" I have to say she is beautiful and strong. Everyone starts to applaude her even the guys. But as soon as she starts to fall I tell someone to call 911 and go check on her before she closes her eyes she looks at me a little shocked but then closes her eye.

----1 hour later----

The ambulance was there in a flash. We are currently in the hospital, and by we I mean: Zach, Maxx, Dan, and me.

Right now we are waiting for her to wake up. She has been asleep for almost 2 hours. We had found out that the injuries from those fuckwads aren't the only ones. Her ribs are broken, she had to get stitches and she has multiple other things injured. Anyway some guy came in looking worried. He asked a nurse if he could go see cause he was her legal guardian.


HOLY CRAP GUYS THIS CHAPTER IS 779 WORDS! This is for who ever likes the book.

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