Chapter 4

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After Damien showed me his wolf, things...changed. Not in a bad way like you would think. We were closer. I wasn't scared of him and I wasn't scared to be close to him. He said his wolf's name was Ace. 
This morning, Damien told me he had things to do, wolf pack stuff, so I was on my own. He told me I could go out of the room but had to stay inside the house. So, I got a shower, got dressed and did just that. 
When I got to the stairs, two boys ran up the steps and came right to me. 
"Sofia!" One said. They looked exactly alike. Maybe I should have stayed in my room... 
"How are you?" The other asked. They resembled Damien. Must be twin brothers of his. 
"Um, I'm fine," I said softly, not knowing what to say. 
"I can't believe he found his mate!" The first one said. Mate. Damien told me since he was a wolf, they found mates, soul mates and I was him. It explained the touching and the sparks. It explained the need to be close to him all the time and the sadness I felt when he left. 
"Do you know what this means?" The second asked. They were both acting like children and I watched them with wide eyes and curiosity. If Damien was a wolf, that meant they were too. Suddenly, I didn't feel to easy. 
"This is amazing!" The first said so loudly it made me jump back a little bit. They were facing each other, so they didn't notice my jump. 
"What until our parents find out!" The second said. Just then, a man who looked almost like Damien, just older, came around the corner and up the stairs. 
"Who is this?" He growled. This time they noticed as I kind of backed up a little. 
"It's Sofia," The first said as they got shoulder to shoulder in front of me. They hid me completely, one could hide me completely but they both stood there in front of me. 
"She's human!" The man growled. He tried to keep his voice soft, but it came out in a deep, low growl. 
"What is she doing here?" The man growled, keeping it low and deep. 
He walked through the door and he growled loudly at the scene in front of him. I wanted to be in his arms, but the large man had his eyes on me, watching my every move through the two men in front of me. Damien took the steps 3 at a time until he had his arm around me, putting my head in his chest. 
"Don't," Damien growled. It shook from within his chest making me cringe. 
"She's human," the man said again. The two men moved to the side of Damien. 
"She's only part human," Damien said. My eyes went to his face but he put me back in his chest. Part human? I was full human, wasn't I? 
"I smell her, she's full human," The man growled. 
"Her Mother, she was-," Damien started but I pulled out of his arms. 
"What about my Mom?" I asked him through hurt eyes. He looked down at me with soft eyes. 
"Later," He said to me softly as he put his hand on my face. 
"No, now," I said pushing his hand away. I suddenly missed the touch and the tingle. 
"Your Mom was married to the king of all wolves. He ruled over them all while running the biggest and strongest pact all around. They were ruthless and cold hearted, until a little girl came into the world. Once your Mom found out, she left, leaving the King unable to continue. He had marked her, and she left him. He let her. He knew she would never stop. She didn't want that-this life for her-for you. After your Mom left, she vowed never to bring you into this world. The man who you called your father wasn't your real father. He was someone your Mom married to hide your real father," he said to me. This was a lie. Mom didn't know about wolves or about any of that. She would have told me. We tell each other everything, we used to when she was alive. 
Then I remembered something. The dream. Her skin was torn like claws-wolf claws took a beating at her. She didn't just die, she was murdered. She was taken from me. 
"Sofia?" Damien asked. He reached out and touched my hand. I yanked it away and look up at him with tear filled eyes. 
"What's wrong?" He asked me, leaning his head down closer to me. 
"She didn't just die, she was murdered. A wolf murdered her," I whispered. 
"She's your mate," The man said, without a hint of growl. 
"Not now," Damien said to the man. I had to get out of here. I had to get away from everyone. So, I ran down the hall and slammed the door to Damien's room, crawled into the big king sized bed and cried. If Mom was murdered, she must have struggled and the thought of her struggling made my heart sink into my stomach and it broke into a thousand little pieces. 
"Sofia," Damien said softly. This time, I let him pull me to his chest and I let him hold me close as tears fell from my eyes in continuous lines. 
"I will find whoever took your Mother away from you and I will take it away from everything it loves, make it suffer and kill it," He said low in my ear. That wouldn't help the fact that she was gone. 
"She's gone," I cried into his chest. 
"I am so sorry," He said softly in my ear as I cried myself to sleep... 

A man stood in front of me. He had my hair color and my eye color. His body was strong and buff, but I could tell it had been worn and he was tired. But from what? His hand reached out, I thought for me, but a younger version of my Mom came running past into his arms. 
"Bentley," Mom said softy as their lips lingered, their breath was one as her back arched slightly. 
"Don't," He said softly, then their lips were together. There was so much love there, so much love and passion. 

"Sofia," Damien said softly, shaking me from my dream. My eyes fluttered open and he was sitting beside me, with a smile on his face. My face went to his lap and he played with my hair. 
"She loved him," I said, remembering the dream. 
"What?" He asked softly. I pulled the blankets up to my shoulders. 
"Mom, she loved Dad," I said remembering the way their lip lingered. 
"Mom loved Bentley," I said softly. The dream stuck and it played over and over. 
"Bentley?" He asked, his hand stopped in my hair. I sat up, my hair falling to one side. 
"I had a dream. Mom ran to this man and she called him Bentley. They loved each other. Mom didn't just leave him. She had to. Something must have happened to force them apart," I told Damien. The look on his face said he knew something that I didn't. 
"What happened?" I asked him softly. A gut feeling told me he knew what happened. 
"Bentley did love your Mother. I had my suspicions about them, but now I know for sure. There is this story that has been passed around and of course, it's changed slightly. But, I got it first hand from Bentley," He said. I crossed my legs and waited for him to tell me. 
"Your parents were young. They were in love, and that clouded his judgement about people. He trusted men he shouldn't have. They turned against him. He knew he had a child on the way, and he had to protect you. So, your Mother ran with you. She ran as far as she could. She kept you hidden for years and years, until those who betrayed your Father found her," he said. He knew my Dad. The story was there and it told me the truth, but I could meet my Dad. 
"Do you know where he is?" I asked him softly. His large hands took mine and I looked up to him. 
"No, but this is his pack. I took over his pack. After your Mother left with you, she fell off the grid and he sworn that the wolves killed both of you. He had no idea you lived. This pack, this is your pack. You are their leader, not me. We will find your Father. We will find him and bring him home to you," He said. My pack? 
"You are the only child born to him, so after he left, the pack fell to your hands. Though, you were no where to be found. Nobody thought you lived. Now we know," He said softly. I didn't want a pack, I wanted my Dad. 
"We will find him," Damien said as he pulled me to his chest. Someone knocked as he laid us down. 
"Yea," Damien said. The door opened and I breathed in Damien's scent. 
"You might want to come see this," A man said. Damien tensed, something was wrong. 
"I'll be right back," He said softly and he kissed my hair. When he left, the bed got instantly cold and it felt lonely. The door closed and I wished it was opening and he was coming back into my arms. 
Yelling and screaming downstairs made me jump. I threw on a pair of jeans, a bra and kept on the clearly over-sized tee. 
As soon as I got downstairs, I wished I would have stayed in bed. Damien stood there, his muscles rolled and I could tell without even looking at him, he was mad, no he was pissed. There was a man, I think his father, standing in front of him. Glass was broken all over the floor and the man shook his head at me. 
"Calm down," His father said. 
"No," Damien growled. My hand fell on his back and I instantly felt him calm down just a little. 
"This is not going to be a replay of the past. It happened once, and I'm not going to let it happen again," Damien said. Whatever he was talking about, he'd tell me if I needed to know. 
"But it is. They are inside the walls. I don't know who they are, but they are here and they know who she is," he said to Damien. His eyes flashed to me and I felt the cool stare. It sent a shiver down my back. A note in his hand caught my eye and he handed it to me. 
Damien, leader, Alpha of my pack, 
     They are coming for her. They know who she is. They won't stop until they kill her. Keep my daughter safe. 
My eyes re-read the note over and over again. He knew I was alive, and so did they. Who were 'They'? Then it hit me. They killed my Mom and They were after me too. 
"I won't let them find you," Damien said pulling the note from my hand. I held it close to my chest before he could. On the back was an address and I wanted to go to it. 
"No," Damien said in a strong voice. 

Damien the Wolf: Book 1: Trust in MeWhere stories live. Discover now