Chapter 8

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"I did not say that!" Kayden shouted to his brother. A small smile came across his face as we walked through the woods. We had been at the new pack's house for about a week. The twins and I were itching to get out. Damien didn't want me to go without him, but he had plans to make with his parents and Dad, so he let me go with the twins. 
"Yes you did!" Jayden shouted back, pushing. I giggled a little bit at them. They both look at me. 
"Sofia! He said he'd beat me in a race, didn't he?" Jayden asked me. They both walked up, ready to fight each other. 
"Why not race, on foot?" I asked. They put me in the middle, I had to find a solution for them. 
"Fine," Kayden growled. They went back a far way's away across the meadow we were stopped at. 
"Go!" I shouted. I saw the both kick off of trees as the came for me full speed. It was hard to tell which twin was in the lead with both of them bouncing up and down slightly as they ran. 
Their faces were smiles and giggles as they ran faster and faster...but suddenly their faces changed. It wasn't fun motivating them, it was...determination. Wow...they took this seriously. 
"Sofia!" They both shouted. Their eyes were filled with fear as they came closer and closer. Before I could act, a hand went over my mouth and I was being pulled away from the twins who vowed to protect me. 
I screamed and fought the hands that had me, but nothing worked. Their grasp was too strong. A bag went over my head and I screamed only to get kicked in the side. They weren't going to win. I fought and fought until I was being thrown in a car. My hands and feet were tied as I cried out in fear... 

---Jayden's POV---

We ran after her with all our might, but we were too late. We tried to follow her screams but they died down. A car came to life ahead of us and we transformed into our wolves as we ran beside the car. She wasn't in the front, so she must have been throw into the trunk. 
Damien's going to kill us! 
Kayden's voice came through as we ran beside the car and came out of the trees. The car sped up. Both of us were left panting as the car sped away from us and into a cloud of smoke...

---Damien's POV---

I sat at my desk piled high in work. No matter how hard I tired, I couldn't concentrate enough. Something was pulling me toward...I don't even know. This feeling came onto me and I felt like something was wrong with Sofia. 
I mind linked with the twins to make sure she was ok. Maybe then could I get some work done. No answer. 

Jayden. Kayden. 
My heart started racing and Ace panted. Something was wrong. Wolves were coming from the far end of the house so I rushed outside to meet Jayden and Kayden...alone... 
"Where is Sofia?" I growled. They changed back into humans and slid on shorts that were hidden up in a tree. 
"She was there, right in front of us. If Kayden hadn't of bet he was faster-!" Jayden started. 
"I didn't! You were the one who pulled her into this! If it weren't for you she wouldn't have suggested a race and she-!" Kayden shouted back to his brother. My patience was running thin...really thin. 
"ENOUGH!" My shout rang off of the house and the trees behind it. They both stood, silent and sad. 
"Where. Is. Sofia." I said in 3 short, low growls. 
"He took her," Jayden said so softly I barely heard him. Ace was out and running faster than ever down the road into the human tow. When we made it to the outskirts, hidden in the trees, they were no where to be found. Her scent was gone. 
Ace ran back to the house and let me come out. After sliding on shorts, I went inside looking for Jayden and Kayden. My hands went to their necks and I held them up against the wall. 
"You!" I growled. They both had their hands at my arms, trying to pull me away. 
"Damien!" Mother cried from behind me. She pulled at my arms but I kept my lock on their necks. When their faces started to turn blue and purple I let them go and stormed out of the room and into my study where Father sat. 
"Get. Out." I growled. His face was shocked. The door opened and the boys came in with Mother. They were both rubbing their necks, which would heal in about 10 minutes. 
"What happened?" Father asked getting out of my chair. 
"Ask your son!" Mother said blaming me. 
"Ask the twins," I growled. She was with them, probably already dead... 
"We were out in the meadow by the road and we were arguing who was faster," Kayden said. 
"So, Sofia suggested that we races. We went across the meadow and started running to her," Jayden continued. 
"But when we got there, he had already taken her," Kayden said. 
"We let our wolves out but we lost him," Jayden said. I growled and flipped my desk over, threw my chair out the window and started slamming my fists into the wall creating holes.

---Sofia's POV---

"First your dear Mother, now you. The thing is, you won't have the same fate as her," The man said. I had never seen him before. He brought me in the from the car, sat me in a chair and tied my hands and feet to the chair. Then, he put a bandanna in my mouth to keep me quiet. 
"She went easily. I can still remember my claws ripping through her warm flesh," he said in a deep tone. He killed my Mother. Damien was wrong. Lucas was second in line. This man was first. 
"You will have a long, painful death," he said. Beside me was a table with, I guess, torture instruments. 
For days, he would drag me out of the cell and run knives across my arms and legs. He would whip me across my stomach and across my shoulders until blood ran down me, then he would shove me back in my cell and let me suffer. He did this over and over again. Every night, I had wished I'd wake up in bed beside Damien sleeping and this was all a dream, but it wasn't. This was reality. I would die like my Mother did... 

---Damien's POV---

We spent weeks looking for her, but not even those working for Lucas in my house knew where to find her. One by one they all died. Which, believe me, was a relief not to have to deal with them anymore. 
"So you're telling me that as leader of your little rebellion, you don't know where your men took her?" I asked. Lucas sat in the chair in front of me. We spent hours together. Me torching him, him not saying a word. 
"You," he started, sending an evil laugh around the room, "think that I am the leader?" His statement startled me. 
"I'm just taking orders, like the other men you killed. He'll come for you," Lucas said. I got in front of him and knelt down with a knife in my hand. It cut through his flesh easily. His screams filled the room and I twisted the knife, then took it out of his leg. 
"Keep playing games, because I could be here all night," I said as I wiped his blood off with his untouched leg. 
"And believe me, I'd love to," I said as I let the knife's blade slightly cut him. 
"You won't find her. If I know him, he's already killed her," Lucas said. I left him with another stab in the arm before cleaning my instruments and making my way upstairs. 
My nights were sleepless, and my days were filled with hurting him. Guilt filled me. I should have been there with her when she went with the twins. She asked, almost begged me to go, but I said no. That could have been the last memory we had together. If I ever got her back, I will never say no to her again. 
"Any news?" Father asked as I went into my work study. After she was taken, we went back to our house.  
"No," I said sitting down at the desk. He was sitting on the couch that she fell asleep reading her book that still sat on the table. 
"Since when did you start reading?" Father asked, picking up the book. 
"Sofia was reading that book," I said with my head in my hands. 
"We'll find her," he said. By body was tired and my mind was drained, but no way was I giving up on Sofia. She deserved so much more than that. She was not dead. Sofia was a fighter and she would fight until I found her...I just hoped I'd get there in time. 
"She'll be ok," Father said sitting at the other end of my desk. He must have seen my strain. 
"Go get some rest, I'll watch over things," he said. My body moved slowly as I made my way to the room I shared with Sofia. It wasn't long before I climbed into bed in just by boxers. 
The bed was big, but it felt empty without her small body beside mine. It wouldn't be long before she was back here again, cuddling up to my arm and falling fast asleep... 

Damien the Wolf: Book 1: Trust in MeWhere stories live. Discover now