Chapter 6

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Jayden and Kayden now guarded my door and my room. They were safe, they weren't trying to kill me. Those other people were. Lucas was Damien's most trust man. He was going after my Dad and now that Lucas knew he was alive, he had to have known I was too. They still didn't have a face or a name to put with this mysterious daughter... 
"Sofia," Someone said pulling me from my dreamless sleep. Moaning, I rolled over. 
"Sofia," He said again. It wasn't Damien. My eyes flashed open to see one of the twins leaned over the bed. Damien hadn't joined me. 
"Get dressed," he said softly. After stretching, I got into a pair of skinny jeans, a tank top and a pair of black boots. When I opened the door to the bedroom, I saw the twin sitting on the bed. 
"So which of the two twins are you?" I asked pulling a brush through my waist length hair. 
"Jayden. It's confusing to tell us apart, but if you look closely, I am slightly taller," He told me. Now I had some way to tell them apart. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I was ready. 
"Where are we going?" I asked him as we made our way down the hall. 
"We are going to Damien's work study," He said as we made the turn to his office. 
"Did he get any sleep last night?" I asked worried. Jayden's face fell as he opened the door. Damien sat there with his elbows on the table and his head in his hands. Jayden joined Kayden and their parents on the far end of the wall. Their father was covered in blood, it was dried and flaky. 
"Damien?" I asked softly. Did my Dad die? What happened? Damien's face was red and he kept his eyes closed as he put his hands under his chin. My hands rubbed his back gently. 
"What happened?" I asked softly. He instantly pulled me straight to his lap and he held me close. 
"Lucas is gone," Damien said. My arms went around his neck as I held him close trying to comfort him in any way possible. After a few minutes someone knocked on the door. 
"Now that he is gone, we have to act fast. The others have to be caught today before they find out. Not a word goes out to what happened, or that we know anything," He said. In an instant he went from upset to his Alpha duties in less than a second. 
"Come in," He said after the knock came back. My eyes were on Damien as his eyes were on someone at the door. 
"S-Sarah?" A man asked. My eyes shot at the man. Dad. My heart hurt at her name. 
"Close the door," Damien said and he did immediately. I stood up and walked around Damien's desk. 
"My name is Sofia," I said softy. His eyes filled with tears. 
"Sarah was my Mother," I said. He nodded his head as he pulled me into his once buff chest. He was here. Dad was alive and he was here. He was ok. We were going to be ok. 
"Was?" He asked pulling back and looking at me. My heart sank. 
"She was murdered," I said softly. His eyes went dark and it scared me. 
"Sofia," Damien said pulling me back instantly. 
"Who?" he asked in a deep growl. 
"The men who chased her off. They are here in the house. The leader was killed and we are getting the rest today. After they are in the cellars you can take your revenge," Damien said. His voice was even and he spoke softly. 
"But until then, we have to act normal. They know you are back, they can sense it. But, they don't know we know who it is," Damien said. Dad's eyes went back to normal and they fell on me. My body was half hidden around Damien as his outstretched arm protected me. 
"Who are they?" He asked. Damien handed him the list. I saw Lucas's name was crossed off. 
Dad took a deep breath. He ran his hand over his face and handed the list back to Damien. 
"You look just like her," Dad said. I walked around Damien and took a few steps forward to Dad. 
"People used to think we were twins," I said laughing at the memories of the faces when we told them we were mother and daughter. 
"When?" he asked. My head fell and I looked down at my hands. 
"A few months ago," I said to him. 
"How did you end up here at this pack of all of them around?" he asked. His voice was curious and I looked up to find his eyes roaming over my face. 
"I ran away from the foster house I was at. Damien's men found me in the woods and they brought me here. Damien and I are mates," I told Dad. 
"Are you...?" He asked. Was I what? 
"No, she hasn't transformed and she probably won't ever," Damien said putting a hand on my shoulder. 
"Damien said this was my pack and that I ruled them. Since you're back, does that make you Alpha?" I asked Dad. It came out before I could think. He laughed a little. 
"I gave up my duties as Alpha to Damien's Father long ago. I'm not fit to be Alpha, but I'd like to be a Father," He said to me. My eyes filled with tears and I threw my arms around him. When he finally pulled back, he wiped the tears from my eyes and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. 
"I'm calm. What can I do to help?" Dad asked as I backed into Damien. Yes, Dad was here, but I felt safer in Damien's arms. I always had. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders. 
"We have Lucas. He's taken care of," Damien started. He divided and conquered the others so they each had a person. His Father, the twins, and Dad. He took the weaker of the 4 because he was the weakest.
"If anything goes wrong, come straight to me. If we plan it out, we can catch them all today," Damien said. They all nodded and went their separate ways leaving Dad and I alone with Damien.  
"Where are you staying?" He asked me. Damien had sat down at his desk to do some work, so I sat on the edge of it, letting my feet swing. 
"With Damien down the hall a little ways," I said. He nodded. 
"What about you?" I asked him. He sat down at the couch across the room. 
"I'm not sure," He said to me. My heart sunk. 
"There are some spare bedrooms in a few houses over. I can send for someone to show you to one," Damien said without looking up from the papers on his desk. He seemed stressed. 
"I'll find my way. I have some things to do anyway. I'll see you later, Sofia," he said. I liked the way he said my name. After he left, I could feel the tensions in the room grow. My hands moved across Damien's shoulders, rubbing them as he did his work. 
"What's wrong?" I asked after a few minutes. 
"Just trying to get everything done. There's so much to do and so little time," he said. He was worn out and stressed. 
"You should get some sleep," I said to him, wrapping my arms around his large neck.
"I'll be fine," he said, kissing my arm. He had always kissed my forehead or hair or my arms or something, but we still hadn't shared our first kiss. I kissed him softly on the jaw line and went over to the book shelf. My fingers ran over the spines of the books until I saw one that looked interesting. Plucking it from the rest, I sat on the couch, curled up and read the book. 

---Damien's POV--- 

I had so much work to do but my mind kept going to Sofia. She had her Dad back but she sat across the room from me curled up on the couch with a book in her lap. Her beautiful eyes would look up and we would hold the stare from across the room before she put her head back down. Her hair fell in her face a few times before she put her hair up in a pony tail. She was absolutely stunning. 
Hold her! Kiss her! 
Ace jumped around in my head wanting to hold her. 
I have work to do and things are tense right now. Later we will. 
Ace had to understand that I couldn't be with her every moment of every day, but I wanted to be. But she was here, she was reading a book while I worked on what I had to. Everything would be fine in the morning. 
After hours of working, I looked up to see her head against the edge of the chair. The book sat in her lap as her legs were curled under her. The clock on my desk said 7:45. We had missed lunch and dinner. She must have been starving, and she looked so beautiful sleeping there. 
"Can you bring two plates from dinner up to my room heated in 10 minutes?" I asked a woman as she passed by. She worked down in the kitchen. After she nodded, I went inside and slowly took the book from her hand. A small bookmark would do and I put the book on the table so she could read it tomorrow. 
As much as I hated to, I picked her up and carried her to the room. When we got there, I laid her down after closing the door. She rolled on her side and curled up to a pillow. Once I was down into just sweat pants, I started working on her. Her shoes and socks were off and I pulled the covers over her. 
A light tap on the door and I opened it. A tray with two plates covered were on a tray. Two drinks sat beside the plates with silverware. 
"Thank you," I said to the woman as I took the tray inside. 
"Damien?" Sofia asked. Her voice was deep with sleep as I left the tray in the middle of the room. My knees went to the floor and I knelt down beside where she was sleeping. 
"Damien," he said taking my hand and pulling it to her chest. She took half my arm as a soft smile played on her lips. My hand went through her hair and across her perfect face. 
"I love you," I whispered to her so softly. 

I didn't wake her to eat. She seemed content sleeping, so I ate my meal in silence and got a quick shower, leaving the door cracked so if she woke, I would hear her. 
A loud bang on the door sent her screaming and me running for her... 

Damien the Wolf: Book 1: Trust in MeWhere stories live. Discover now