Chapter 7

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---Sofia's POV--- 

Someone banged loudly on the door and I fell from the bed, screaming. Damien rushed out of the bathroom only wearing a towel around his waist. 
"Sofia," He said falling beside me. The banging was back, and it was back louder. He went to the door and opened it slightly. 
"What the hell man!" He shouted coming into the room. 
"We have a major problem," One of the twins said. Damien slid pants on in the bathroom and came out. I stood up off of the floor and put the pile of blankets on the bed. 
"Get your shoes on," he sad. I did as he told me as Damien put on a shirt. 
"What's going on?" I asked Damien as he came over. His brother went to the door. 
"I'll explain everything. We need to go. Now," he said. How did he know what was going on? His brother didn't say a word to him. 
"Dad," I gasped as Damien pulled me to the door. 
"I sent Kayden to get him. He'll meet us there," Jayden said. I nodded and let them pull me down the dark hallway. Outside the wind was howling and it was blistering cold. A shiver went down my spine as Damien pulled me to his side and rushed me along the darkness. 
They had to have escaped and found us. That would be the only reason we were running. My heart was racing so loudly, I thought it was going to thump right out of my chest. My breath came out in short ragged breaths as Damien pretty much had me running against the cold in a spaghetti strapped tank and jeans. His hand held mine as he pulled me beside him. 
"In here," Someone said. Damien was hoisting me up into a car and we were off. Kayden, Jayden, Damien's parents' and my Dad were all in the SUV. His parents were up front. Kayden, Jayden and my dad were in the middle section. Damien and I took the back happily as we drove away. 
"What happened?" I asked my breath coming out in short spurs. 
"It's going to be ok," Damien said. His voice was strong but soft. Before I could think, his lips were on mine. At first, I was frozen, but then my lips moved against his. His arms tightened around my thin but cold waist as he demanded dominance. I let him have it. After, what seemed like hours, he pulled away and left a kiss on my nose, then my forehead. 
"I promise," He said softly. My head went to his chest and he kept me warm as I slowly fell asleep... 

"What are we going to do?" Damien asked. One of his hands was at my side, gently rubbing it. 
"We are going to get her to a safe place. Then some of us are going back," A man said. 
"He died. I watched him die. I don't know how he got away but he did. He doesn't have his army with him, but he doesn't need them to be strong," Another man, probably Damien's Father, spoke. 
"I won't let her have the same fate as her mother," Dad said. Damien's arm tightened around me. 
"Neither will I," he said in a low growl. 
"None of us will," A woman said. My mind wandered as I fell asleep... 

"Sofia," Damien whispered softly. My mind woke before my body did. 
"Sofia, wake up sweet heart," He said. Two hands were on my face. One went through my hair and the other stayed on my cheek. 
"Sofia, wake up," Damien said a little louder, but he was still so soft. My eyes slowly opened, showing me the back of a seat. My hands rubbed my face. When I sat up, my hair created a tangled barrier between me and the world all around. 
"Good morning," Damien whispered moving my hair and giving me a soft kiss on my cheek. 
"Where are we?" I asked softly. 
"Nevada," he said. He didn't say it like how you would say the state Nevada. He said Ne-vah-dah. 
"Nevada?" I asked. "Don't you mean Nevada?" I pronounced it the way the state was. 
"It's Nevada, a small town in South Dakota," He said to me. My mind was still all over the place from sleeping. 
"Oh," I said. He lifted me off his lap and sat be side him. After he got out, he took my hand and helped me out of the back seat of the car. Everyone stood there, talking and pointing all around at different places. 
"There," Someone said behind us was a small diner, so we all went in and got the biggest booth. 
"Can I start you off with something to drink?" The waiter asked after a few minutes. Coffees were passed around and so was sweet tea. 
"I'll be back shortly with those," she said with a smile for Damien. Something clicked inside me and I wrapped my arms around his arm. His hand went to the outside of my farthest leg from him and he pulled me close to him. 
When we got out drinks, we ordered breakfast. I got a pancake breakfast with sausage and toast with jam. Others ordered and I sipped my coffee. 
"So, where to from here?" His Mother asked. His Father had his arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her close to him. Seeing them like that made me wonder what my parents were like. Dad sat on the other side of his parents while the twins sat beside Damien. 
"Whats on your mind?" Dad asked. My eyes flashed up away from my coffee to find 6 pairs of eyes on me. Oh god. 
"I was just thinking about you and Mom," I said softly. He reached his hand across the table and placed it gently on my arm. 
"I loved your Mother very much, and I still do. I always will. When we met," He started pulling his hand away, "We didn't know what the future would hold. I was in line for Alpha of the pack and she was a long way from home. The moment I saw her, everything changed. She was what I fought for and lived for. Every waking moment was spent thinking about her or being with her. We didn't have to touch to feel the love between us. The day she left with you, I lost it. Soon after, my status as Alpha was taken and Damien's Father took over the pack. For a while, I stayed around, just hanging out trying not to lose my mind. But, everything around me reminded me of her. So, I left. A day hasn't passed that I haven't thought of her. She's always been there with me. And you, I thought she lost you years and years ago. But I was wrong. You grew up to be a beautiful and amazing young woman." His voice changed pitches and tones as he told me about him and Mom. 
"You got that right," Damien said softly. My eyes met his and I smiled softly. Silence fell over the table as food was being passed around. We ate in silence, all enjoying our meals. 
"Now where?" One of the twins asked as we left the small diner and piled back into the car. 
"What are we even running from?" I asked Damien. He took a deep breath. 
"We thought he was dead, but he's not. He was inside the house waiting to strike. We had to get away. No doubt the others will be set free and they'll be coming after us," Damien said. Lucas was alive and he was coming for me. 
"But he won't get to you," he said to me. I trusted him as he pulled me close to his chest. We drove for hours and when we finally stopped, my legs were stiff. 
"Where are we?" I asked, sitting up off of his lap. 
"It's a neighboring pack. Let me go in and talk to them," Damien said. After he got out, one of the twins jumped in the back with me. 
"Is it comfy with just you two back here?" he asked. Those 3 men must have been cramped up there. 
"Eh, I guess," I said shrugging my shoulders. A few minutes later, Damien told us we could get out. He plastered me to his side as we walked through the grounds to a couple. 
"Good evening. My name is Bryan, and this is my wife, Miranda," The man said. He stood tall, buff and although he looked dangerous, his face said the completely opposite. The woman had long blonde hair and she was much shorter than the man. 
"Mamma!" A little girl said. She jumped into the woman's arms without taking her little blue eyes off of us. 
"This is Rachel, my daughter. Sebastian should be around here somewhere," She said. 
"This way. I'll show you to your rooms and let you get settled," Bryan said. We followed him closely together into a house and onto the third floor. 
"The next 3 rooms were the only ones I could get on such a short notice," He said. 
"It's fine, thank you for everything," Damien said. They bowed their heads to each other. The couple left with their daughter. 
"We will take this one, Damien and Sofia the next and boys, you and Bentley can share the last," Damien's father said. We all nodded and went into our rooms. 
The room was huge and beautiful. A white bed stood up on a platform with a sheer white canopy hanging from the top. Two black night stand sat on either sides of the bed with lamps on them. A black padded bench sat at the end of the bed with a blanket neatly tossed over the edge of it. A dresser stood on one side with a TV tilted to the bed. A door to the right led to a white bathroom, from what I could see. Damien went straight to the bed, taking his shoes and shirt off. 
"Come join me," He said softly. I didn't hesitate to take my shoes off and crawl into his arms after pushing the canopy sheet out of my way. There had to have been about 10 or 15 pillows on the king sized bed. My body sunk down into the bed easily as I put my head into his chest. 
"Hello," he said into his phone after it rang a few times. "That's not what I said to be done.... yes... thank you... call me when you have more information," He said into the phone. 
"Is everything ok?" I asked him after he tossed the phone to the night stand. 
"People back at the house just don't listen," He said as he closed his eyes and turned to the side to face me. My head fell off of his chest and he pulled me close to his warmth. 
"Did they find him?" I asked softly. His arms tightened. 
"He's probably tracing our scents right now. It won't be long before we have to move again," he said. 
"Your stronger than he is. Why are you running?" I asked as I pulled back to look at him. 
"I might be stronger, but he has more will than I do. He has more motivation right now," he said. He kept his eyes closed as he talked. 
"Why?" I asked. I wanted to know. 
"When Bentley was Alpha, war broke out on the property. People died on our side, one of them being Lucas' father. Ever since then, he vowed to be Alpha. He vowed to be everything Bentley wasn't and everything I'm not. I don't even know what exactly that means, but he wants revenge for his father," He said. His eyes never opened and his breathing evened out slightly. 
"So what are we going to do?" I asked him. Now his eyes opened. 
"Right now, we are going to sleep. I will figure out everything in the morning," he said closing his eyes again. He wanted to sleep.

Damien the Wolf: Book 1: Trust in MeWhere stories live. Discover now