Chapter 17

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---Damien's POV---

The bed was empty when I woke up. My hand ran over the sheets beside me where Sofia was last night and when I didn't find her small frame, I panicked. Wearing only my shorts, I ran from the room and ran through the halls looking for Sofia. 
"What's up Boss?" One of my men asked me. 
"Where is she?" I growled. This couldn't be happening. Not 3 days before the voting. Not now. His eyes went wide and he went running through the halls opening every door waking up the rest of the crew as we went trying to find her. I sent some to the basement and a few others to scope outside. 
"What's going on?" Bentley asked. I got in his face. 
"What did you do to her?!" I spat in his face. He wiped my spit off and I realized I was hiding a girl. Sh*t! 
"What are you-," He started but I pushed past him and took the long way around the house. My men knew to be hushed hushed but I had to get Victoria out of here before word got around. If the men I trusted were loyal to Bentley, no doubt he knew by now. 
"Find my brothers, tell them to meet me in my office," I said as my men split off, probably to go back to bed. When I lost tracks of Bentley, I quietly made my way to where Victoria was staying. When I got there, I blanket was over the door window to hide what was inside. When I went to open it, it was locked so I knocked on it. It slid to the side a little to find Kayden there. He opened it and I saw Sofia sitting in a chair. Her head was on the bed and she looked tired.
"She didn't sleep all night and she refuses to leave," Kayden said.

"Keep watch," I said to my brothers. The nodded and went outside to guard the door.

"Sofia?" I asked softly kneeling down beside her. She opened her eyes slightly and turned her head.
"I'm not leaving her," She said in a slurred, rough voice.

"It's not safe for you here. You two are vulnerable here. Please, look at me," I told her. Today at dark, they would leave and not a minute later.

"Are we leaving today?" She asked lifting her head slowly.

"Shh, yes. At dark. I'll have the twins get the car ready slowly. You'll be safe at the cottage. But, until then, you need sleep," I told her. She let me cradle her in my chest and carry her upstairs where she fell right asleep. Kayden came up with me while Jayden stayed with Victoria in the room.

"Get the car ready. At dark, you guys leave. I don't like her being here especially with her sister and her state. It'll be safer for them at the cottage where they can rest and stay hidden," I told him. He nodded and went to tell Jayden the news. Work was calling my name in my office so I gently carried Sofia to the chair she sat in before she was taken so I could keep an eye on her while I work. And that's exactly what I did. For about half the day I was buried in work and she was sound asleep under my jacket.

It was stupid to make a bet with Bentley. He was dangerous and he would get his way. I'd have to do something big to win the men's trust. But how could I do that? They had been so loyal to me all these years. No, it wasn't in our families name, but Sofia made a point when she said it was in Bentley's families name. Sofia was my mate. I got her and her sister into this big mess, well her sister just jumped right in, but I was going to get them out and together. It was going to happen and it would if I had to die trying. Sofia and her sister were going to be free of Bentley if it was the last thing I did.

---Sofia's POV---

My mind was fuzzy and my neck hurt the way I was sitting. Sitting? My eyes slowly opened. The first thing I saw was Damien's head in his hands as he sat in his desk. His scent surrounded me and I realized I had his jacket over me. When someone knocked, his eyes flashed up to the door. He looked so exhausted.
"The car is ready," one of the twins said as they came in. Damien nodded.
"Does Doc know they are leaving tonight?" Damien asked. Wait...what?
"What are you talking about?" I asked making myself known that I was awake. Damien sighed.
"It's not safe for either of you here. The twins are taking you to the cottage tonight until the vote is over," Damien said as he made his way over to me.
"Why tonight? Did something happen to Victoria?" I asked frantic. Damien sat beside me.
"She's fine, well as fine as she can be. I don't feel comfortable with you two being here, especially after last night. Sofia, you can't go doing that. If Bentley weren't here and I knew who was loyal to me, I'd let you, but you can't go roaming the halls alone or going to visit Victoria while she's in there," He told me. Last night was stupid, but she was my sister.
"Ok," I said. It's all I could think to say. Yes, he was right, but he couldn't keep her from me.

Damien the Wolf: Book 1: Trust in MeWhere stories live. Discover now