Chapter 5

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"He's out there and he knows I am here," I told Damien. It had been a few minutes since I found out people were after me. I wanted to go to my Dad, to see him and talk to him. Damien said no. 
"Why not?" I asked. He kept walking down the hall to the room. When he saw I didn't follow, he stalked back down the hall. The look on his face and the way his muscles rolled made me scared. 
"People are after you. The safest place for you right now is here," He said to me. 
"I've spent the last part of my life being told what I can and cannot do by women who wanted me for the money from the state and my social worker who just wanted me to stop moving from home to home. Police told me all these rules, but I didn't listen. I didn't then, and I won't now!" I told him. He grabbed me by the waist and flung me over his shoulder. I screamed and fought, but he simply dropped me on the bed after closing the door. 
"Stop," he said to me. My feet moved before I could think. He stood in front of me, like a tower. 
"No," I told him in the same commanding tone he said for me to stop. 
"What is so important about him that you have to see him right now?" He asked me as he crossed his arms across his chest. 
That thought hadn't crossed my mind. Why was I so determined to meet him? Probably because I actually had a Dad. I had someone who reached out to me, even if it was to warn me. Probably because he loved Mom enough to let her go and let me life a happy life. I wanted her back, and getting him might give me that piece I had been missing so much. 
"Forget it," I mumbled and went to wash my face. When I came out, he was right at the door. 
"No, I won't forget it," he said, standing in my way. He was like a wall and when I pushed through, he held my upper arms, forcing me to look at him. 
"Tell me," He said softly. His voice was soft but his hands weren't. After I pushed him away, he let go of my arms and I went to the bed and sat down. 
"Talk to me," he said softly as my head fell in my hands. His hand rubbed my back and played my hair as I gathered my thoughts.
I wanted Mom back. They killed her and now They were in the house, waiting to strike. No doubt, They knew I was her daughter, and daughter of Bentley. My heart sank and tears filled my eyes as memories of Mom came flooding into my mind.
My first date... first dance... first F... first day of high school... first homecoming... prom... car... car crash... heart break... senior homecoming... senior winter formal... senior prom... graduation... but she won't be there for my wedding or my first child. She won't be there for my first house or my first anything else because They took her from me and They were going to pay. 
"I miss her," I said so softly I barely heard but I heard him suck in his breath. His arms wrapped around me and I fell into his chest as I softy cried. 
"It's going to be ok. When this is all over, we will find him," He said softly. 

---Damien's POV---

Sofia was so sweet but so heartbroken. After she found out her Dad was alive and that I wasn't going to let her see him until those who are after her were dead, she cried herself to sleep. 
After I got two of my most trusted guards to stand outside her room, temporary precautions, I made my way to my work room. All over my desk were names and clues I had been using to find her Dad. I knew he was alive from the moment I saw her, but I had my drawbacks. She was nothing like her father, but they shared the same hair color and eyes. 
Now I had an address to go by. 
"Lucas," I called. A man with blonde hair came in. 
"Go to this address," I said handing him a sticky note with the address on the back of the note. "Bentley should be there. If he is, tell him I need answers, and now." He nodded and went on his way without another word. 
I was up to my neck in work and it was just getting worse as I tried to find out who was plotting against my sleeping angel. Maybe Lucas can find me answers, but until then, I had things to do here. 
"Come in," I said as I started to clear my desk off and get things sorted. Father came in. I didn't have to look up to know that. 
"Where is Sofia?" He asked, sitting at my desk. 
"Sleeping," I said as I opened a desk drawer, put papers inside and closed it again. 
"Look, Son, I have hunches about who could be plotting against you. They were here when it happened to Bentley. They are sneaky and manipulating," he said. His voice was low.
"Who?" I asked him. They wouldn't live to see another sun rise or sun set.
"A few men, about 5 or so. They have a powerful leader and they aren't afraid of you," He said. A piece of paper slid across my now cleaned desk. 5 names were in a short list.

1. Lance Quate  
2. Darrel Helmin
3. Jordan Keller
4. Steven Lutz
5. Lucas Anderson 

The last name made my freeze. 
"Are you sure these are the men?" I asked him. Lance and Darrel now had full access to Sofia while she slept, and I sent Lucas on a secret mission to find her father. 
"Almost positive. Those are the only men who were here when Bentley was here as King. Those are some very trusting men of yours who are plotting against you right now. Lance and Darrel are standing outside Sofia's room and I saw Lucas quickly walking out of the house with a sticky note," He said leaning forward.
"SH*T!" I growled as I threw my chair across the room. My twin brothers, Jayden and Kayden came in the room, eyes wide and worried. 
"What happened?" Jayden asked. Each breath took a growl from deep inside me. 
My wolf was right. I had to get to her. Lance and Darrel could have her away from me and down the rode by now. My body pushed passed my brothers as my Father yelled after me. Mother was in the hall and she rushed after me as did the rest of my family. 
Those men wouldn't live to see another day. 
"They don't know," Father said. I turned and faced him finally. 
"They don't know I know. If you give it away that you know, they'll kill her," He said. He was right. I took a few deep breaths and thought of a plan to get her away from them. 
"Let us go get her. We can bring her to your work study and she'll be fine," Kayden offered. They wouldn't suspect anything, so I nodded and let them go get Sofia as Mother pulled me back to the study. Father followed and closed the door. 
"So, now we know who-," Mother started but I walked over to the window. 
"I sent my most trusted men to go find her Father. I hope he isn't as weak as people say he is," I said as I looked out the window at the forest. 
"Give me the address. I can get there faster than he can, he's in a car," Father said. I didn't hesitate to give him the address. He gave Mother a quick kiss and he rushed off... 

---Sofia's POV---

The twins who I met on the stairs came in my room, woke me, and told me to get dressed. Their voices were low and I knew something was wrong. Damien. My body didn't waste a second as I got dressed and let them lead me away from the two guards who had their eyes glued to my soul. I looked away as we passed Damien's Father. 
"Get her in the room. Damien and your Mother are inside," He said. His voice was rushed. 
"Father," One of the twins reached out and touched his Fathers arm. 
"Go," He said to his son. They rushed me in a room where Damien stood at a window. His Mother was sitting at the small bench with padding. My feet moved to Damien. From around his large frame, I saw his Father look up, then shift into a wolf and run full speed until the trees created a barrier. 
"Damien, what's going on?" I asked. He turned and pulled me instantly to his chest and into his arms. 
"Boys, I need you to keep a watch out on the outside. When Lucas comes back, if he does, get him to the cellars and lock him the back sturdy one. But first, go down and make sure there is no escape. Let your wolf out and do whatever you can to try to get out," Damien said. His brothers nodded and rushed off. Damien let me go and went to his desk. 
"That takes care of Lucas," he said. He had a list in front of him. What was a list... 
"Damien, what's going on?" I asked. My voice was shaken and I was worried. 
"Come here," he said sitting down. His arms wrapped around me as I sat in his lap. 
"I'm going to tell you something, but once you leave this room, it doesn't leave with you," he said. His voice was low and it scared me. My eyes met his and I sat there, waiting. 
"Those people who are right there," he said pointing to the list, "Those are the people who are after you." They are after me...which meant those are the people who killed Mom. My eyes shot to the list. I hadn't heard of any of those names, except one. 
"Lucas?" I asked, looking at Damien. 
"My most trusted man. I sent him out to the address on the note. I need answers. Once I found out, Father went after him, on feet-well paws. He'll get there before Lucas and get your Father, if he's even there, out in time," He said to me. Mom was gone, they killed her. But Dad. Damien and his Father were trying everything possible to bring my Dad home to me. 
"Who are these other men?" I asked taking the small list in my hands. 
"Two were guarding your room when Jayden and Kayden came to get you. The other two are just a few of my men who guard the house...well used to. I have to take out Lucas first. He's the leader of them. Without them, they are weaker. Then, I'll take out one by one until you're safe again," he told me. I threw my arms around his neck letting the list fall to the ground. 
The door opened and I hid my face in Damien's neck. 
"Well?" He asked. I looked up to see the twins. 
"It's done. There is no escaping," One said. 
"I need you two to take her back to her room and send the two guards in here. I'm putting her life in your hands now," Damien said. No. 
"Come on," One said. My body didn't move. 
"Sofia," Damien whispered in my ear. My eyes went to his. 
"I'll be in soon," He said. He gave me a kiss on my hair and I was being drug off by his brothers. 

Damien the Wolf: Book 1: Trust in MeWhere stories live. Discover now