Chapter 19

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"Each man will have 3 minutes to speak, when their time is up the other will go. When both have gone, paper will be passed around along with pens. You are to write your vote and fold up the paper with your name on it. If you don't care who, please don't write anyone's name, just put your own.  The winner stays. The loser leaves without harming anyone. Deal?" Dad said to both Bentley and I. We nodded and shook hands. 
"Bentley has asked to speak first," Dad said. All around us were men. Some with Bentley, others with me. All I needed was majority vote, even by one. 
"I asked to speak first because this was my pact at one point. Rumors went around about my late wife and mate. Yes, she was my world, but she was collateral damage. She was holding me back from who I could be. Once she was out of the way, I started to be who I truly could be. That's when I realized my full potential. Some of you are curious as how I am going to run this estate, when it becomes mine shortly. It will be a big family. Everyone will trust one another and it will be a safe house for us to be in," he started. He continued to spill lies until Dad said his time was up. 
"Damien," He said. Bentley sat down and I started to speak. 
"Going off of what Bentley said about keeping the pact in the name, it is in his families name. His daughter will soon be your Luna. She is strong and willing to stand up for every one of you. I'm not going to give you her sap story, but she does need a family she can trust, and just a while ago, this was it. It was a big family and everyone could trust one another. Lies started to spread and things weren't themselves for a while. But, I can promise you this. When this is all over, those who are by my side won't regret it. I am still young, but I have the experience I need to run this pack. Eventually, a ceremony would have to be held for Bentley to pass down the status to me, so why not keep it where it is. If anyone is against this when the vote is over and Bentley leaves, you may do so unharmed," I said. Dad cut me off before I could say more. 
"Please, take a pen and a piece of paper. Write your name and clearly write 'Bentley' or 'Damien' for who you vote for. Fold your piece of paper up and wait for a bowl to be passed around. Then I will count the votes and have both Damien and Bentley watch as I do so," Dad said as people started writing my name or his name. My heart was hammering in my chest. This was the moment of truth. It felt like hours as I hoped and prayed that Sofia could come home safely. Her and Victoria both. 
"One more thing before this gets counted," Bentley said facing me. 
"There will be no more negotiation beyond this point," Dad said. Thank god! 
"But all I want is what's mine, even if I don't get this status," Bentley said. 
"Go on," Dad said. Really! 
"I want Vickie back," Bentley said. A deep, low growl came from my chest. 
"Who is Vickie?" Dad asked. I growled again. He wasn't taking her. 
"Oh, she's my other daughter. Sofia's twin sister," Bentley said like it was nothing. 
"After the vote, we will discuss the situation of the girls, but right now," Dad said holding up the bowl slightly. He couldn't get Victoria back. She belonged with Sofia. And that is where she was going to stay. Even if I won, I was going to text Jayden 'No' so he'd run with the girls to keep them safe. Bentley will be furious no matter what so I had to play it safe for the twins. 
Dad started to unfold papers and put them in piles in front of us. Bentley... Bentley... Damien... Bentley... Damien... Damien... Bentley... Damien... Damien... and so on and so forth. The piles in front of us grew and it came down to one last piece of paper. Damien. The pile for the 'don't care' was in front of Dad. 
"Will you please count the papers?" He asked Mom. As she did. She held it up for everyone to see that she had one, and she put it down across the table so no cheating was claimed.

"12 for Bentley," Mom said as she moved to the 'don't care' pile. She did as before. 
"12 for 'Don't Care'," She said then she moved onto my pile. If I counted up the me in the room and the votes of Bentley and 'Don't Care' I should have 13. My heart hammered in my chest so hard that I thought I was going to puke. Each second passing was a kick in the stomach and a headache waiting to happen. 
"13 for Damien," Mom said. She seemed relieved, but Bentley wasn't. He pinned me against the wall and war broke out in the conference room. Bodies were being thrown, but my only concern was Bentley in front of me. His eyes went black as did mine. Or growls filled the room. 
"Fight to the death!" Bentley snarled. He walked passed me and we went outside. My wolf was pissed, so my feet followed. If Bentley was dead, Sofia and Victoria would be safe from him, so I took the chance. We let our wolves free and we fought in the grass. 
His paw went to claw my face, but I dodged it with ease. My body ran into his putting him on his back as my jaw snapped at him over and over again trying to injure him in any way. Instead, he pushed me off of him and I stumbled backward. Shaking off the push, I went back for him as the pack members howled and cheered us on. 

Damien the Wolf: Book 1: Trust in MeWhere stories live. Discover now