Chapter 13

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Damien had gotten me in bed, but I rocked back and forth and mumbled 'it's him' over and over again. He couldn't grasp what I was saying and that's all I could get out. Why would my own Father do something like that to his daughter? He said he loved me and he couldn't believe I was alive. Our reunion was a big piece of my life and Damien made sure we had it. Now, he captured me, held me hostage and beat me day in and day out. Didn't he want me? 
"Sofia," Damien said. He sat in front of me and grabbed my face in his hands, wiping my tears. 
"Calm down and talk to me, sweetheart," He said softly. My head bobbed up and down as I tried to sniffle out my tears. 
"Damien, it was him," I told him as I looked at him with eyes full of fear. He was still so confused. It was hard for me to believe it but the way he said those things, and the way he touched my arm, it had to have been him. 
"The order he said those words to me just now, it was the same and his touch was cold," I whispered remembering everything that happened in there. All the cold nights on the floor without even a blanket. He really didn't love me. 
"Who? Sofia, who are you talking about?" He asked. He still had no idea. Just then someone barged through the door sending Damien in front of me. 
"Dude, chill," one of the twins said. They both came in and closed the door. 
"We heard Doc leave, then her Father le-," One started. I was too tired and too scared to figure out who was who. 
"Him," I said to Damien. 
"What?" The twins asked completely confused. 
"Your Father?" He asked trying to piece together my mind. 
"When we walked by him, he was mumbling something," One of the twins said. 
"Spit it out," Damien said getting frustrated as tears poured out of my eyes. 
"He said something like 'she should have died' or something like that," One said. 
"Oh my god," Damien said. He finally got it and I put my head in my knees. 
"Follow him! Don't let him know you're there!" Damien shot to the boys. 
"Why?" One asked. His eyes went to me and in a few short moments, the twins ran out of the room as Damien pulled me to his chest. 
The betrayal, the lies, and the fact that he came back here to tell me it was him...why did he do that? Why did he want me to know? So I would live everyday in fear that my own Father kidnapped me and made my life a living hell for months? 
"Sofia, I'm so sorry. We'll get him and he'll pay," Damien said as he rocked me in his lap. All I could do was hold onto him and cry. How did I not catch that sooner? Well, I hadn't seem him since I first woke up in the hospital, but still... 

---Damien's POV---

Sofia cried in my arms for a good while before her breathing calmed down and she fell asleep. Very gently, I laid her down and covered her up. I placed a soft kiss on her temple and went out in the hall where the boys were. 
"Where is he?" I growled to them. I kept my temper around her, but all hell was going to break loose now. 
"In his room," Jayden said. 
"Go inside her room and watch after her. I'll let you know when I'm on my way. Don't leave her alone," I growled a little gentler. They nodded and went inside. 
"And I mean at all," I said catching the door with my foot. They both nodded and my eyes went to the small bump in the bed covered in the mass of soft shiny hair. 
You'll be safe again, I promise. 
I vowed that before I went to my office. 
"Damien, I didn't expect you-," Father started but I was stalking my way to my desk where he sat. He got up and moved away from my chair. 
Her own fu*king Father. What a d*ck! How could he care so much for her but turn around and do this to her and her Mother...he killed her Mother and now I wanted him dead. But he wasn't alone. I had to find the others who were plotting against my girl, my Sofia. 
"What's wrong?" Father asked sitting in the chair on the other side of the desk. No doubt he'd be close, listening to see if I did really know, to see if she put the pieces together. No place was safe without him locked away. Lucas wasn't the leader, Bentley was. He was their leader and he betrayed me. Not only me, but his own daughter. 
"Son," Father said leaning forward. Mind link. 
Her own fu*king Father! 
I mind linked with him. It was the only way to keep our thoughts and this conversation private. As long as I kept it between us, her Father wouldn't hear. 
What did he do? 
Father was blind to what happened. 
Her own fu*king Father held her captive and beat her. He killed her Mother. 
My eyes went to his as I said it. I saw his concern change to wanting blood. 
So do I, but we need to play this safe. The twins are watching Sofia, we need to have a meeting with some men and find out what is best to do...though...I don't know who is working for him. Lucas, yes, the others were killed, but we need to hunt out the territory where she was found as a pack. We need to keep the information we send out the them bare minimal. It's the only way... 
At first, my voice was rough, but as I talked it calmed down and so did I. When I first found out, blood was all I wanted, now I wanted to make sure Sofia never saw that man again. 
"So, how is she?" Father asked trying to make it seem casual. 
"She's sleeping right now. The twins are in there with her," I said moving some paperwork around on my desk. 
"How has the pack been? Every since Sofia came back, I haven't had a chance to talk with all of them," I spoke softly. Father saw I was drained, but I had to keep going. 
"They are good. They were asking for a pack meeting tomorrow-well today," Father said looking at his watch. 
"And I agree we need one. After breakfast in the normal room is fine," I told him. He nodded. 
"I will notify those who were asking so the word can be spread," Father said. I shook my head. 
"I'll announce it at the end of breakfast," I told him. He nodded, agreeing, then he left. 
It was a few hours before I drained myself enough to where I could sleep, so I made my way back to my room. 
"Damien!" Bentley called for me. Stay calm...stay calm...
"Hey," I said turning with a smile. 
"How is Sofia, she seemed upset when I left," He said. He seemed genuine and pure, but he was good at acting, excellent, but he couldn't fool me anymore. 
"When I left, she was sleeping," I told him, leaning against the wall. 
"You left her? She seemed too upset to be left alone," He said in shock. Like you care. 
"I left her with the twins, she's perfectly safe," I told him. He nodded, agreeing I guess. 
"Well, I'd better be getting back to her before she wakes up," I said, turning to leave. 
"I know she knows," He said in a dark voice. Swiveling on my heels, I got into his face. 
"Then you'll understand her state and that I will do anything to rid this earth of you," I spat in a dark voice. He laughed and wiped my spit from his face. 
"And you'll understand that I am a goddess here. Nobody is going to believe you," He said with another laugh. Like that was supposed to scare me. 
"They might not believe me, but they'll believe her," I spat making it clear I was in charge here. 
"I think I'll take my spot back as Alpha now," He said. Ace was growling and so was I. If he was Alpha, he could command her over as she was his daughter, but the whole pack would have to agree on it. He did have followers inside these walls that could convince the others who were on my side that it was the best, but I had to get to them before he did and I would. With those thoughts, he left smiling. 
When I got to the room, Sofia was lying in bed sleeping. 
"I am calling an emergency meeting in half an hour. I want every man in this estate in the room by 4:30," I said to the twins. They looked shocked. 
"Go!" I said. They both rushed out the tell the others. The whole estate would be in a frenzy. The last emergency meeting that was called was over Bentley handing over the Alpha status to my Father. 
"Damien?" Sofia asked. I rushed over to her. 
"Hey, sweetheart," I said softly rubbing her arm. I went from pissed to calm in seconds. 
"What's going on?" She asked softly with her eyes closed.
"I just called an emergency meeting in half an hour. I need you to come with me," I told her. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at me. 
"What's wrong?" She asked sitting up. 
"I'll explain everything during the meeting. Right now, I need you to get dressed sweetheart," I told her. She nodded and went over to her dresser. 

---Sofia's POV---

Damien was scaring me. He was slightly calmer than I'd expect. I dressed in a tank top and skinny jeans with my boots in the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I bushed my waist length hair and pulled it back in a pony-tail. Once I washed my face, I left the bathroom. Damien was in jeans and a button up white tee shirt that looked sexy on him. 
"Damien," I said. He turned to me. 
"It's cold outside, you might want to cover up a little more," he said to me. His voice was even and calm, but it was slightly rushed. Taking his advice, I went to my dresser and pulled out a pink V neck sweater. After sliding it on, I pulled out my smooth pony-tail. 
"I'll get you a coffee to go," he said to me as he reached for his phone. In a few minutes, a fresh coffee was being rolled in with sugar cubes and flavoring packets. Damien thanked the woman and she rushed off. After putting in 3 sugar cubes and 3 flavoring packets, I stirred one of the coffees, put the lid on and took a sip. 
"2 of each please," Damien said after I asked him how he liked his coffee. After his was made, I pushed the cart over to the end of the bed and handed him his coffee. 
"Let's go," He said. His arm wrapped around my waist as he pulled me out of the room. 
"Damien," One of the twins said. They were walking up to us. 
"Everyone is getting ready," They said. Now I was getting scared. 
"Damien," I said. His arm tightened around my waist. 
"What's going on?" I asked him. He shook his head as we followed the twins down the grand staircase and outside into the cold air. Damien was right. 
"Patience," He told me and I nodded. Something was wrong, and he didn't need me asking him a bunch of questions all the time. We walked past a few buildings and went into one with 4 armed men outside. They let us in and they room was beautiful. A huge oval table sat in the middle with chairs all around it. One chair at the end was bigger than everyone else's. It must have been Damien's because he pulled us over and told me to sit, so I did. I sat and we waited. 

Damien the Wolf: Book 1: Trust in MeWhere stories live. Discover now