Chapter 15

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Those words hit me hard. He wanted me dead and he wasn't stopping at anything. Damien and I were in his room and it was silent between us. He knew I went to see Bentley but he didn't know why or what we talked about. His brother promised me that he wouldn't tell anyone what he heard. Damien was pissed. The men kept saying the same thing over and over again, but he couldn't figure out why. But, as he promised, they left unharmed. He showed them mercy which I thought was forbidden, being the Alpha and everything, but I guess he could make the rules up as he goes. 
"So," He said lying on his back, "What did you talk about with your Father?" 
"He's not my Father," I spat at him. His eyes widened, shocked that I spoke with him in that tone. 
"What happened when you went to see him?" He asked curious. I didn't want to talk to him about this. But he needed to know, so I turned to him and started to tell him everything. At first, my voice was calm but then it came out rushed and I just wanted to tell him. 
"He doesn't love me. He never loved me or Mother, and he killed her and he wants to kill me too," I told him finishing up the short story that was Bentley. 
"He will pay. He knows I know, so I can't just attack him. He needs to be caught off guard," Damien said after a very long moment of silence. I wanted until his growls died down before I moved a muscle. 
"Who else knows?" He asked once he was calm enough to talk without letting Ace show through. I knew he was fighting the urge to let him free, but he held it back. 
"People passing when we were talking and one of the twins," I told him. He nodded.
"Do you know which twin?" he asked with his eyes closed.
"No, I can't tell them apart," I told him. "And in the moment, I grabbed the closest one and made my way to Bentley."
"I'll figure it out," He said. His arms were around me, but he felt so distant. He was right there, I could see him and touch him, but he felt worlds away. With everything happening, everything was all over the place so I didn't blame him for being out of it. Everyone was getting like this. Tensions were growing and everyone was on edge. Nobody knew what was going to happen next, or when it was going to happen. But, when it did, everyone would be prepared and ready to act. So all we had to do now was wait... 

In the morning, Damien got me up and I got a quick shower before joining him for breakfast. Bentley actually had the courage to come and join everyone for dinner, which surprised me. Damien was pissed and barely ate anything. I was upset about our conversation from yesterday so I didn't eat much either, but I did try. 
"So, tell me. Did you hear anything else from this mysterious attacker?" Bentley asked. That was it. 
"Look, Bentley. You don't have to be here, you can just go back to wherever you came from, because honestly, I don't want you here. You cause more of a headache than anything and I just want you gone," I told him. His eyes went immediately dark and I knew he was fighting his wolf. 
"Well I want you," He said in the softest voice he possible could. 
"You want me dead," I spat at him. Of course, he had to make himself known and sit right across from me at the table. Others started talking and murmuring under their breaths of what I just said. 
"Maybe I do, but yet you sit there," he said. He did have a point. It was just as risky for me sitting here as it was for him. Difference was, the pack was vowed to protect me. I was the Alpha's mate and he was an ex-Alpha. 
"Damien," I said looking to him. He forgot to mention that Bentley wanted Alpha back at the meeting. 
"Since we are all here," Bentley said taking a stance. Here it is. 
"How about no,"Damien said standing. He knew where Bentley was heading. 
"I am ex-Alpha of this pack. Rightfully, it belongs in my family. I am strong and I am more experienced than Damien is. Please, return the status of Alpha back to my family," He said in a strong tone. People started whispering and talking.
"You aren't thinking straight. Technically, the Alpha status is still in 'your' family," I said making air quotations around 'your'. "Damien is Alpha, he is doing a great job at it. Why change things just for Bentley to hand down the status in a few years right back to Damien?" 
"She has a point," some said. Why wasn't Damien saying anything? The thought crossed my mind, but right now, I had to make a point to the pack that was in good hands right now. 
"What about the fact that when you went missing, Damien about lost it?" Bentley asked. 
"The same thing happened to you when Mother and I left you years and years ago. The difference now, I know who's side I'm on," I said. He glared at me and I knew, at the moment, the pack was behind me. Then something came back to me. The day I met the twins, they spoke of a Luna and how I was that. I didn't know what it was, but I'm sure it had to have been important. 
"I think we all know who is stronger here," Bentley said spreading his arms wide open. 
"One problem Bentley," I said confident in what I was about to say. He had no idea. 
"And what is that?" he asked. 
"You need a Luna," I spoke. Everyone around the table agreed and they were content with keeping Bentley Alpha. 
"True, true, but I had one, she died and-," He said. No. This was my time to expose him. 
"Died! You murdered her!" I spat at him. Gasps went around the table and he started laughing nervously. I won.
"If there is a disagreement on who should be Alpha they pack can have an official vote on a full moon," Bentley spoke. What! I didn't know that. There was a lot I still had to learn, but I knew one thing. If Bentley got Alpha, all hell would break loose on the estate, and I couldn't let that happen.
"I think that sounds like an amazing idea," Damien said standing up.
"What?!" I shrieked at him. Now he wanted to speak...
"If I win, you leave. You don't harm a single person on this estate, not now, not ever," Damien said. If he won, Bentley couldn't hurt me.
"And if I win, you go, she stays," Bentley said. Damien growled. No, no, no, Damien, no! 
"Deal!" Damien said. They shook hand across the table.
"What the hell!" I shouted at Damien. He looked down at me, shocked. He went to reach for me, but I made my way up out the door, up the stairs and to our room. How could he just hand my life over like that? He knew Bentley was out to kill me and he just made at bet that could end me for good! He didn't even talk to me about it. He mine as well hand me over on a silver platter with a gun beside me to Bentley.
"Sofia," Damien said. He walked in as I turned at the dresser and made my way to the door the bathroom. He watched as I paced back and forth across the room.
"Sofia, say something," he said to me. I stopped right in front of him. He had his hands in his pockets and he looked, upset.
"You just handed me over to Bentley, the man who wants to kill me. Not only that, but you didn't let me have a say in it at all," I told him. Memories of what happened came back, but I pushed the tears back. I didn't want to think of that. I hadn't much since I had been back and I didn't mind. 
"What else was I supposed to do?" He asked me.
"Bargain something other than your mates life! Aren't you supposed to always protect your mate?!" I shouted. He went to open his mouth to say something but I spoke before he could as I started to pace the room. 
"It's like you just handed me over to him with a gun in my hand, like here, kill her!" I shouted. He just stood as I continued to yell at him. 
"Is that what you want? Because if so, I can go hand myself over now and save you the trouble," I said facing him. His eyes went wide at my comment. 
"No! Of course not!" He said coming to me. He reached out to touch me, but I pushed his had away. 
"Just, don't," I said. I grabbed my jacket and slid it on as I made my way down the stairs. 
"Where are you going?" One of the twins asked. 
"Out," I said. He fell in line behind me as I swung the door open and went out into the cool air. 
"You can't just go out," He said to me as he caught my arm and swung me around to face him. 
"Watch me," I said yanking my arm as I started to walk away. 
"Then I'm coming with you," he said. He fell in step beside me, letting me find my own way through the woods and across some creeks. 
"If you're running from Damien, you can't," he said. I laughed a little at that, still pissed that he handed me over. 
"And your Father, he's-," He started but I cut him off. 
"He is not and never will be my Father," I said in a low voice. 
"Ok. Well, Bentley is in over his head. He'd never win in a vote against Damien. Everyone loves Damien. They don't want things to change, other than getting Bentley out of that house," He said. Everyone did love Damien. He wasn't hard and cruel around the house, unless he needed to be. 
"Don't be hard on Damien," he said. But I was going to be. 
"He pretty much just handed me over to Bentley, who already had a hold of me once and-," I went to keep going but he cut me off. 
"Bentley! Your own Father did that to you!" He shouted. I guess word hadn't gotten out. Now it will. 
"He just wants me dead," I told him as we continued to walk. 
"What a d*ck!" He said throwing a rock at a tree. 
"Yea, I know," I said. Silence filled in around us as we listened to the trees bend in the wind. The birds above sung their songs and the creek we were walking beside gently rushed off of the rocks on the edges of the creek. It really was beautiful out here. Peaceful and free from everything happening in the estate. 
"Are you two ok?" He asked me. I sat on a big rock at the edge of the creek and he sat in the grass beside me. 
"Right now, no," I said tossing some rocks into the water. 
"It'll get better, you've just got to give it some time," He said to me. Silence fell around us. We sat there listening to nature until the sun started to set. 
"We should probably be getting back," He said. I couldn't hide forever, so I got up and walked with him back to the estate... 

Damien the Wolf: Book 1: Trust in MeWhere stories live. Discover now