Chapter 3

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"Sofia," A soft deep voice said as strands of hair were being moved away from my face. His fingertips gently moved across my cheek sending chills down my spine. 
"I don't know you, but I want you beside me all the time," I whispered, holding his hand to my cheek. My eyes flashed to his and I sat up, making my head spin a little 
"Easy," he said softly, moving forward. Which, by the way, I didn't mind. But it didn't make any sense. I knew his name, that he was dangerous, but around me, he was soft and gentle. 
"Why?" I asked softly. His warm hand took up half my face, but I didn't mind. He knew I wasn't asking why about the easy he said. My head still spun and my side still hurt. I was asking why about the spark I get when I touch him. 
"It would be easier to show you then to tell you," He said softly and my heart jumped. 
"There is a shower through those doors and when you get out, they'll be clothes lying on the bed for you," he said to me. The door he pointed to was on the other side of the room. I didn't know how my side would react to me getting up. It didn't hurt as much to breathe, but waking, bending, and shifting. That's a different story. 
"If you need anything, just yell," he said. Then he got up and left. The atmosphere of the room changed, but I didn't notice it until now. At first, it was like sparks were flying everywhere. It was safe and warm. Now, it was cold and a little scary. 
He had that effect on me to change the atmosphere. 
It was easier than I thought to get up and go into the crystal white bathroom that was so beautifully clean and perfect. After getting the water temperature just right I jumped in and let my hair down.
I noticed my side had numerous stitches, covering my whole side and it was swollen and bruised. No wonder it hurt to breathe or talk at moments. 
Shampoo...conditioner...body wash...out.
When I got out, my side felt like someone was stabbing me over and over. After force and effort, I made my way to the bed and sat down. Something was wrong.
I slid on the underwear and a tee that was clearly too big. Then I saw it...blood dripped down my side in a continuous flow. 
"Damien," I said. I meant for it to come out stronger, but it hurt to talk, to breathe. A blanket covered my bottom half as Damien came in, worried. 
"What's wrong?" he asked. I lifted up my shirt to show the blood. He cradled me against his chest, keeping the blanket there as my hand held the...I guess gash that was in my side. 
My whimper sent Damien flying down the stairs and out the front door. 
"Get Doc," He said to someone as another door was being opened. Damien put me down on a bed and I curled into a ball. It felt like someone was stabbing me, taking the knife out, and stabbing me again over and over. That or a million needles being inserted deep into my side again and again. 
"Damien," I said softly. His hand fell on my face, wiping the stray tears that fell. 
"You have to get on your back to Doc can see," Damien said softly. A slight move sent the knives and needles deeper and I let out a soft cry. 
"Doc's on his way!" A man said. The blood was slipping past my hands and a memory flashed behind my eyelids...

"Mom!" I cried out as her blood was covered all over me. Her body was being carried away from me. It looked like claws had torn everything from her. 

---Damien's POV---

After Doc put her to sleep, we got her on her back and he started to redo the stitching. 
"Did she lose too much blood?" I asked him as I held her hand. 
"No, she would have needed to lose a lot more to have an effect on her. Now, because of the medicine I gave her to sleep, she'll be groggy and out of it a little. But she's going to be just fine," He told me as he worked on getting her restitched. 
There she lay, her head gently facing me and her tiny hand placed in my big ones. Her tear stained face made my inner wolf whimper slightly. 
She's going to be ok. 
I told my wolf again and again. Not only did I have to convince him, but I had to convince myself. 
After Doc was done, he left with his instruments and came back with a yellow sponge and a bowl of warm water. He dipped it in and went to clean up the blood on her, but my hand stopped him. Without a word, he left and I went to the other side and began to gently clean up the dried up blood on her as I watched her face every now and then. 

---Sofia's POV---

A soft, wet sponge gently touched my side as warm water dripped down onto the bed. It was gone for a moment and when it was back, more water fell onto the bed.
"Damien?" I asked so softly as I moved my head to the side. Damien's eyes flashed to my face and he gently touched it. That feeling, it was back and it was stronger. 
My mind tried to remember what happened, but I was drawing a blank. My damp hair told me I got in the shower. Then I remembered the pain and then falling asleep. 
"What happened?" I asked him. I had hoped it would have come out stronger, but it came out only in a whisper. 
"You tore your stitches when you were getting out of the shower. Doc got you fixed up," He said to me. 

A few days later and I was back in the house, walking and talking just fine. Although I enjoyed Damien's company, I felt more comfortable sleeping in my own bedroom, which is where I was now. Damien was in the room right beside mine, probably sleeping like a baby at this hour. 
The clock read 2:15 am. I had been in here since about 11 trying to sleep but all I could think about was Damien's arms around me, so I finally got out of bed and started to make my way to Damien. 
As quiet as possible, I opened his door and closed it. He was wearing sweatpants with his upper half showing his perfectly toned muscles. The moon from outside put a glow on him that was irresistible.
"Damien?" I asked softly. He didn't even budge. My feet took me closer.
"Damien?" I asked again, this time a little louder. He rolled over on his stomach as he pulled the covers up to his shoulders.
"Damien," I said again.
"Sofia," he said, sitting right up and coming over to me. His voice was groggy with sleep and sexy.
"What's wrong?" he asked me as he put his hand on my face. The tingle and electricity came back and flowed around the room making me want to push my body to him and hold him close.
"I can't sleep. Can I...Can I stay with you?" I asked softy. A smile came across his face as he pulled me gently to the bed. He laid down and I laid right beside him. In an instant, my eyes start to drop closed. His hand rubbed up my arm as he pulled the covers over me, making me instantly move toward him.
"I've got you," he said softly in my ear as he wrapped both his arms around me, holding me to his warmth. His lips gently lingered against my forehead as I fell into a deep sleep...

"Sofia," A soft voice whispered my name so gently. My mind was being pulled from my sleep where it wanted to stay.
"Sofia," The voice said again. My answer was a soft moan as I pulled the covers over my head. A laugh shook me to the core and a soft smile came across my face.
"Come here sweet heart," He said softly as my ears came into focus.
"Damien," I said softly into his chest.
"I'm right here," he said softly. Just then I realized that my heart had opened up to him. My mind agreed with my heard and I simple loved the feeling I got, the feeling that filled me right then. 
A soft tap on the door made Damien pull my small frame closer to his body.
"Yes," Damien growled, making my muscles tense up. One of his hands gently rubbed up and down my back until I had relaxed again, and he kept going.
"Sir," Someone said. Damien took a deep breath and it felt like he was going to leave. I wrapped my arm around his back, holding me close to him.
"Thank you," Damien said to the man. The door closed and we didn't move.
"Do you have to go?" I asked softly.
"We have to," He said to me. Now I looked at him. Pulling the covers back, I looked up at Damien and he had a soft smile on his face.
"Go get a shower. I'll be right here when you get back. I promise," he said to me. So, I did as he said. After my shower, Damien was lying on the bed with a laptop as he typed away.
"Your clothes are right here," he said pointing to a stack of clothes. After I got dressed I towel dried my hair and brushed it with a comb that was in the bathroom.
It fell down to my waist and would fall into my face at the top like it always did. Let the hair war begin. I was in a pair of black leggings, a bra with matching lace panties and a pin tee shirt. 
When I opened the door, I saw Damien dressed in jeans and a black tee shirt with a pair of shoes on. 
"Ready?" he asked with his hand out to me. Without a thought, I took it and he led me out of the room, down the hall and down the steps I first saw when I came here. People were everywhere downstairs. I had never seen so many people in one place. 
"This way," Damien said. He led me outback and into the woods a little where the dream of my mom came back into my mind, but when Damien started to take his clothes off, I backed away. 
"What are you doing?" I asked him. 
"Do you trust me?" He asked with just his pants on. My eyes stayed on him and I nodded. My hand hid my eyes as he took of his pants and stood in his boxers. I kept my hand there and suddenly I felt a wetness on my hand. 
A high pitched scream left my lips as I backed up and fell. There was a wolf the size of a car in front of me. It was a dark brown. His head hung low and he put his large paws at my feet. His front body crouched down so we were at eye level. 
My heart raced and my stomach dropped to the ground. My chest raised and lowered at a fast pace and I wanted to scream again. 
"D-Damien?" I asked softly after I looked into those deep blue, almost black eyes. He lowered his head even more and put it on my knees. 

Damien the Wolf: Book 1: Trust in MeWhere stories live. Discover now