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Xavier and I gelled well as we had a lot to talk about he told me about his business and I told him about my college sometimes we shared a lot of information and spent whole night talking to each other.
"ya... and did you know he was snoring and farting after that" Xavier said as I laughed on the story of his friends. We shared a lot in common and I liked him. Soon I met his friends also went to some of his parties with him and within 4 months he was my best buddy just like Ryan and Iris but I had still not introduced them to each other. We were not brother sister but just friends but sometimes I felt that he really liked me and was protective too but maybe he did not like me in a girlfriend kind of way.
"So you are liking it there right?" Ryan asked.
"Yes Xavier makes me feel comfortable "I said.
"Oh god this Xavier is making me feel insecure".
"I am not leaving you bestie"I played with his hair.
"so am I. I am never going to leave you" he held my hand.
"Aham aham" Iris coughed to make us feel her presence in that awkward moment.
Ryan and I were not in a relationship but still cared about each other more than ourselves.
"he is Shelby's brother you don't need to feel insecure" Iris said
"Technically no" Ryan and I said in unison.
"I need to reach home before 5 Xavier will be waiting and there's a party. Hundreds of people are going to come" I told Iris and Ryan who was driving.
"Oh god stop it Xavier Xavier...."Iris yelled
"Alright but if I don't reach on time mom and dad will kill me. I also need to change into the dress mom has specially designed for me "I said as I showed them the photo.
"Enjoy" both of them said as I left.

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