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hey love" Siddhath called me from his office.
"what's my baby doing?"
"I was thinking of going to Los Angeles"
"the doctors have got some new surgical equipments and they have called me to use them for a surgery. Should I go?"
"well that's great but why do you want to leave me alone at home?"
"ALONE? No Mr. husband Alex is not going to come with me. Will you be there with him just for 3 days?"
"ya definitely work load is a little less and I think it is time for some father-son day out"
"no please last week you were with him the whole day and you spoiled him rotten. Now he complains that why don't I feed him a whole box of chocolate ice-cream"
"Alright I will be there with him the whole time and wont spoil him. Aanyways he is just 5 years old."
"ok so when you go for work the nanny wil..."
"hold on...I am not leaving my child in the hands of a nanny. I will take a leave and if there is some work then I can do it while he sleeps"
I was smiling that he was so damn possessive and caring
"now stop smiling and pack your bags"
"bye. Love you"
"love you too" and he hung up.
I packed my bags while Alex played on the bed.
"mom please don't go. I will miss you" my baby said.
"I will miss you too."
"don't leave please I wont do any mischief and will sit in your room quietly when you go for work."
"baby I am only going for three days and dad is going to be with you"
"Alright" he said and went back to his cars.
At the airport:
"Shelby. Call me when you reach and Mr.mehra will pick you up and take you to our home. Work a little less and please talk to me atleast 5 times a day" I listened to Xavier monotonously as this was the 5th time he was telling me all of this. I nodded and kissed him and Alex.
"bye baby. Take care" I hugged Alex
"Mom don't forget to call daddy and remember Mr. mehra will..." Alex was imitating Xavier which made both of us laugh. I soon departed in our private plane.
After 2 days:
All work was done and I came home tired late at night. I wanted to call Xavier urgently but then the thought of him sleeping caught my mind. I was about to doze off when I saw a bag. I went around the house and saw an open door. I peeped inside to see the most precious people sleeping peacefully. Xavier was on the couch with a story book in one hand and Alex in another. His mouth was open as usual. I kept the book aside and placed Alex on the bed.
Next was my love. I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him on his cheek.
"Come here" he said and put me over him. He cuddled me and said "good night"
I wanted to desperately tell him that he we were going to become parents again. My tiredness drifted me into deep slumber. It was the best sleep since I came to los angeles.

Love Never Dies...a Mafia Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now