(3) Worst Memory

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I received the news yesterday night, around 10 pm.

A message reading:

"Another guard was hospitalized, caused by an inmate. Support for the family of the man will also be provided."

I drove quickly to the prison.

As I stepped inside, i felt a weird vibe. I continued to walk towards the chief's office. I stepped inside , only to see him
staring at his desk.

"Hello, (Y/n)."

"Was it Killua? Killua Zoldyck?"

Chief held his head down, slightly nodding.

"He was sent to Maximum Security. I don't know what to do (L/n). This isn't the first
time he's done this, I can't keep assigning new guards to his position. The government isn't even doing anything to help us, since we're drowning in debts."

I stared at him for a bit before raising my hand.

"I will take the position of watching over Zoldyck."

Chief stares at me with wide eyes.

"No, I cannot allow that to happen, it's too big of a risk-"

"I insist. We need to increase security on him, and if no one else wants to do it, I will. You need this, you need me. How many guards have quit in the past hours? 12 right?"

Chief didn't make a sound, he only looked at the ground.

"Thank you, (Y/n). You will watch Killua at maximum security from the hours 9 to 3.
You will transport him if he's needed to go anywhere. You will also keep watch of the other inmates down at maximum security, since we're extremely scarce on assistance. Is that acceptable?" He asks.

I nod my head.

"Alright, please proceed right away."

With that I made my way towards Maximum Security.


'Cell 14-A' You repeated in your head, pacing down the dim halls. It was incredibly cold in this building. Some light bulbs were cracked, some were fused, and some were just barely lighting up the place. You felt like you were walking down an abandoned hospital.

You stopped in front of Killua's cell. He was facing the wall opposing the cell door.

You tapped the cell door, causing the male to slowly turn to look at you.

"I have a couple of questions." You spoke to him.

"I don't believe you're allowed to start small talk with an inmate." He smiles at you.

"No ones down here, please, just answer my question." You reply.

Killua turns his body so that he's directly facing you.


"Back at the courtyard, you told me that I looked familiar. Where have you seen me before. Did we know each other?"

Killua stares at your eyes before closing his and leaning his back against the wall.

"You were so..innocent. Fragile. Yet you stood strong, and acted like you weren't afraid of anything or anyone." Killua's voice fills the room. "I'll admit, you looked brave. But you were weak. You were in danger."

"Get to the point." You demanded.

"It was raining, and you were cornered. Men were coming at you from every direction. Eyes full of lust, and desire. Don't you remember?"

You froze. You would've never imagined that an inmate could recite your worst memory in front of you. That day still left you traumatized. You hoped to never hear about it again.

"It seems you remember, do I continue?"

You didn't make a sound.

"Do you also remember how you got out of there? How you were left untouched? How you got out of danger? You were saved. I'm hurt you couldn't remember who was the one who saved you."

"It was you, wasn't it?" You mumbled.

Killua smiled.

"I'm not expecting a 'thank you' or anything."

You stared at Killua, and he stared back.

"That's why you seemed familiar to me back at the courtyard. You had the same eyes from when I saw you, the same pose. Acting as if you're tough. But you're still as fragile as always, aren't you?" Killua chuckled.

"Why'd you do it? Why'd you save me?" You asked.

Killua's smile faded away, his face became emotionless. He stood up and walked towards the cell door. The two of you were inches away, once again.

"I didn't want to meet up here, (y/n)." Killua's eyes became cold.

"Why'd you do it Killua, why'd you kill them?"

Killua was startled at the way you approached him. The only people who called him by his first name were his friends.

Killua just looked at the ground.

"They were bad to you, weren't they?" Your words brought back the painful memories Killua had with his family.

Killua grabbed the iron bars that were separating the two of you. He squeezed them tightly, trying to conceal all his emotions. Fear, sadness, disgust.

You lightly touched his hand with yours. Placing yours on top of his.

This threw Killua way off. He was experiencing another emotion he never thought he could feel. His widened eyes stared at yours, his mouth slightly open.

He didn't know what he was feeling. It was a soothing feeling. One that was making him forget about the pain. One that made him forget he was in a rotting cell. That made him forget he was locked up, one that made him feel Unbound.

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