(11) Not for your protection

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"Okay, well, what's the plan?" Killua asked, his eyebrows furrowing together slightly.

Bisky stood up and walked towards the kitchen. She grabbed a white envelope and handed it to him.

"Whale island, it's a small island that most people forget exists." Bisky explained while crossing her arms.

"Im familiar with it, my friend was from there..." Killua stared down at the envelope, swiping his thumb over it. His friends. Killua can't help but remembering Gon's last words to him. He can't help but feeling guilty for leaving him there.

"14 hours." Biskys voice knocked him back to reality.

"14 hours is all we have. You leave tomorrow at 10 pm, thats when the ship takes off. Stand up, follow me."

Bisky abruptly started to walk away quickly. Killua quickly stood up, trying to catch up with her. Bisky led them in front of room with a weird lock on the door. The door was a large metallic door. Bisky placed her hand on some sort of scanner, which instantly gave her access to open the door. The room was dark, as the two walked in. Bisky clapped her hands which allowed a bright light to reveal their surroundings.

What Killua saw surprised him. The room was filled with lethal poisons, weapons, and other materials.

She started to walk towards the wall that held a large amount of weapons. She grabbed two hand guns and handed one to Killua.

"What are these for? Is there a war going on at Whale Island?" Killua questioned, almost releasing a small chuckle, that was until Bisky shoved him against the wall, knocking down a few weapons off the wall in the process.

"These aren't for YOUR protection. You will use these to protect (Y/n). If she gets hurt, I won't hesitate to blow your brains out with the exact gun you're holding in your hands." She threatened, her gaze never leaving his.

Killua, without a blink, responded.

"I have no intentions of letting her get hurt. I will protect her as well as I can. Even if it costs me my life, I owe it to her." He spoke with a serious voice, and his eyes spoke his determination.

"Youre damn right you do. What she did for you was stupid. She risked her life for you, now you'll do the same if that time ever comes." She stared him down.

After a couple minutes of intense stares, the two separated. Killua took the guns out of Biskys hands, as well as a duffle bag , and with a nod, walked out of the room. He met up with (y/n), who was in the kitchen, already serving herself some Chinese food.

He placed the guns on the granite counter, then placing the guns in the bag. (Y/n) stared at him as he started placing everything from guns to knives into the bag.


You couldn't help but to stare at his muscular arms as you stuffed your mouth with food.

"Don't choke." He smiled at you. Earning a blush from you.

"...and i didn't mean on the Chinese food."

Unbound  {Killua x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now