(5) Unknown Feeling

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Panting, and gasping for air, you finally reached Maximum Security. You probably shouldn't have ran the whole way. But you just couldn't help it, you wanted to tell Killua.

As you approached him, he seemed shocked.

"(Y/n)..I thought your hours were-"

"Never mind that Killua, I have news" You spoke in between pants.

"Okay, first, calm down, don't pass out on me."

You considered Killua's words, you took a deep breath, and released it, repeating the process a couple of times.

"Killua, chief resigned."

Killua's eyes widened.

"Are we getting a new one?" He asks.

"I don't know, but.." You reach into your back pocket, revealing a key.

"The Maximum Security key?" Killua asks, his eyes growing bigger.

You nodded with a smile.

"Wait, (y/n), we're being stupid. I'm a prisoner, and you're a guard, you're not really planning on releasing me, right?" Killua sighs.

Your eyes scanned Killua's bland cell, trying to think of something.

"Don't you want to see your friends?" You asked with a mischievous smile, twirling the keys by the chain.

"The rest of general population is still in the courtyard, your friends are most likely still there. I mean they are you friends right?"

Killua stared at you with awe, before nodding his head slightly.

You smiled and started to unlock his cell. As you opened the cell door, Killua stood still. He never felt so, free. He walked closer to you.

You watched him approach you slowly. He grabbed your hand. As much as you didn't want to, you flinched. That seemed to shock Killua. He held your hand, lightly rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.

"I'll never hurt you, (Y/n). Please don't worry."

You smiled and started to pull him towards the exit.

"Woah woah, wait. Wouldn't you walking around with a loose inmate look..suspicious?" Killua clarifies.

"Oh, you're right." You awkwardly giggled as you pulled out your handcuffs.

Killua put his hands behind his back, allowing you to handcuff him.

"Alright come on, we're gonna try not to gain too much attention. There's not too many guards out in the halls anyways." You said, pushing Killua in front of you lightly.

The two of you made your way towards the courtyard door. You pushed it, waiting for the buzzing sound. The door opened, however no buzzing was heard. You assumed that was another thing that rotted in this prison.

As you let Killua inside of the gated courtyard, prisoners watched you.

"Killua!" You heard a tanner prisoner yell. He came up to Killua, smiling.

"Gon." Killua smiled back.

Killua gestured for you to come closer, leaving Gon with a confused look. You stepped closer to the fence, Killua pulling Gon closer to you.

"Gon, this is (y/n), (y/n), this is Gon."

"Hello" You smiled. Gon waved and smiled back. Another prisoner with such a warm smile.

"You're the first guard to ever smile at us" Gon states, blushing a little.

You giggled. "I'm the first guard to break someone out of maximum security too."

Killua sheepishly scratches the back of his neck, smiling as well.

"Is Killua actually smiling?" A taller prisoner makes his way towards us, bringing along a blond buddy.

"S-shut up, Leorio."

"It seems he's flustered too, what exactly happened to him at Maximum Security?" The blond speaks, as he smiles.

"Tch. Kurapika, Leorio, this is (Y/n)."

Kurapika greets you nicely, while Leorio just stared at you with awe.

"You're the hot new guard!" He points his finger at you.

"Leorio, I can kill you right here, right now." Killua spits at him.

You laughed. Killua had nice friends. You stood there for a while, enjoying your conversation with the four. Killua told them how'd you visit his cell, and only his cell everyday. And how you've once met in the 'outside world' before. Of course, hearing all of this made you flustered. But Killua felt proud everytime he spoke about you. He bragged like a little boy with a new toy.

After a while, you realized the time.

"Killua, I should take you back before anyone starts to notice." You reminded him. Killua nodded and said his goodbyes, as well did you. You loosely wrapped the handcuffs around Killua's wrist, you didn't lock them.

On your way back, you remembered something important.


"What?" Killua looked back at you.

"I left the handcuff keys in my office. Come this way.." You tugged him towards your office.

You closed the door behind you.

"You can sit down." You assured Killua.

He sat down on the small couch you had in your office. His eyes grew large as he squirmed on the couch.

"I haven't sat on something this soft in a while." He smiled to himself.

You couldn't help but to smile. As you searched your office, you became frustrated. You couldn't find the keys anywhere.

"Killua, do me a favor and lock the door, I don't want to have anyone coming in the room, to that" You pointed to Killua's body that was awkwardly spread on the couch. He laughed and did what was told. He had taken off his handcuffs a while ago.

"You're so beautiful (y/n)." You heard his voice call out from behind you. You didn't turn around, afraid to show him your flushed face.

"Can I tell you something?" He asks.

You nodded.

"I've never felt this before."

His words brought you back to reality. You turned around.

"Felt what?"

"I don't know, happy maybe? But it's much more than happy. It's this feeling I get every time I see you. I know there's a word for it, I feel like I've heard it before. It's that feeling where I feel like every minute I'm away from you, it's a minute I'm wasting of my life. It's almost as if, I need you, as if I want you."

His words froze you, completely startling you. Killua walked closer to you, holding your chin in his hand.

"Love. Love was the word. You make me feel loved, and in love." His lips were centimeters away from yours. You pulled him in by his shirt, allowing your lips to finally meet. You both craved each other's lips. As your lips worked in sync together, you ran your fingers through Killua's hair, tugging it occasionally, making him groan into the kiss. Moments later, you pulled away.

"I'm in love with you too, Killua."

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