He better not piss me off

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Hay guys.

I realised the last chapter was way long. But that's how I am aiming. For each chapter.

The first one was really short, but oh well.


Hope you enjoy this remember to vote and comment.



Eden's P.O.V

We got to the bottom of the stairs and lined up across the brick wall.

That's what our class always has to do.

"Why do we have to be tortured like this?!" I moaned.

"It's not that bad".

We turned around to see my other friend Tatiana.

"It's better than doing nothing at home." She added.

"Well I have more fun at home than here Miss Pavlic". I said playfully punching her arm.


Mr Moulds our teacher, told us to come upstairs to the classroom.

We had him last year, I like him because he's nice and funny and I can talk to him without feeling uncomfortable.

We grabbed our stuff out of our bags and went inside.

"Okay guys, for the time being just put your stuff under a random desk, we will decide seating arrangements in a minute". He explained.

It's something he dose when he takes a bowl of all our names and takes one after another and those people will all sit on the same table.

It's weird, I'm always put next to Zac which sucks.

Zac according to everyone in the class is the "class clown".

But in my eyes he's an annoying asshole.

He pisses me off all the time and makes fun of me.

I ignore him.


"So in a few minutes, our new student will be arriving during reading time, so we will decide the tables now and leave a spot for him."

Mr Moulds explained.

It's been three whole tables called out but I'm still waiting for my name.

"Ok, Zac, Jai, Catherine, Luca, Eden and Mia." He called out for the last table.

Mia screamed "YAY BESTIES!" When she found out were sitting next to each other.

"Miss Gibb, I recommend you to sit down and read quietly like the rest of the class." Mr Moulds instructed.

I hid a giggle as she slid next to me.

The new kid was going to be sitting across me, next to Zac, he better not piss me off. :P


So anyway! thanks for reading this chapter. and I know this book is awful, but once again!

thanks for reading. ! :D

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