"What are they going on about?"

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hey guys.

Here's part 2 I hope you enjoy lovelies!



Eden's P.O.V

I finally arrived.

I wasn't happy. Obviously.

"Have a good first day back at school Eden." My dad said

"You are with your mum tonight, so you walk to her house".

My mum and dad divorced 2 years ago, my mum lives only about 2 blocks away from school. So I just walk their by myself.

"Okay bye Dad"


I got out and slipped my bag over one of my shoulders. I walked through the gates as my best friend Mia walked up to me.

She's pretty weird for a best friend.


God, she's loud.

"Nice to see you too Mia, it was fine, what about you?"

"It was boring"

"Oh Mia cheer up we're at school" I said sarcastically.

We walked a bit further where we were just near the library.

Then a pool of all the popular girls can spewing out of the corner making those dirty looks at me.

I just rolled my eyes.

Typical populars.

"What are they going on about?"

I asked Mia as I turned back.

"Their talking about the new boy that coming into our class today".

"How come I didn't know?" I asked.

"I don't know, Mr Parker was talking about him earlier before you arrived, he said he's 14 and in our class and I think I heard him say his name was Jai."

"Hmph, well I always deserve to know, and those popular bitches will probably be wrong, most of the new boys are ugly retards."

Mia decided to burst out laughing, I couldn't hold it in, Mia's laugh is ridiculously hilarious so I joined in.


We went back to the courts after I dropped my bag off at the year 9 classroom.

My other best friend Michelle arrived, always after me as usual.

Michelle's a geek, she loves books and Harry Potter, she has those kind of hilarious teeth that make me laugh all the time.


"MICHELLE YOU'RE LATE AGAIN ONCE MORE!" Mia screamed in Michelle's ear.

"Ouch Mia that hurts" she laughed.

"Oops sorry Michelle"

"Michelle. According to everyone except us there's a new boy coming to our grade today"

I told her not really caring.

"He will just be ugly".

"Exactly" I corrected her.


I turned around to see Hayley walking up to me with her two "sidekicks" Sophie and Katie.

Hayley is the Queen B at this school, by B mean B-I-T-C-H

And Sophie and Katie just follow her around everywhere by the looks of it.

Hayley's the only reason I wasn't excited to come to school, also work.

She makes fun of me all the time, I deal with it.


"So Eden, did you hear that there's a new boy coming?"

"Uh" before I finished she cut me off.

"Well you do know that even if you tried you would never have a chance with him, he'll come rushing to me."

"Hayley, listen Bitch, he's going to be a retard, just like all he other boys, so good luck with having an ugly boyfriend" my friends laughed as we walked away.

DING DING DING! Class time. Oh no


hope you like this so far, I think it's awful. ): thanks for reading anyway xx

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