I think he likes me

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Eden's P.O.V

So..Jai's no were to be seen.
I'm worried now.
I hope he's not getting with Hayley.
That girl ruins everything for everyone.

I couldn't stop looking around the place for him, I wanted to see him again.

"Eden." Mia said clicking her fingers in my face trying to get me out of day dreaming.

"WHAT?!" I laughed as she jumped.

"Your in day dream land again." Michelle explained.

"I know."

I rolled my eyes,


"SHHHHHH Mia shut up."

"So you were?!" Michelle said laughing.

"No I wasn't leave me alone."

Sometimes I have to admit my friends are a big pain in the ass, but their my best friends and I just have to deal with it.

I looked up and saw Jai walking towards me with that grin on his face that makes me jiggle, and gives me butterflies.

God, he's cute.

"Eden, get a hold of yourself." I said in my head as he came closer.

"Hey Eden." Jai said grinning.

He's killing me already.

"Hey Jai."

"So you and one of those blonde girls don't get along really well don't you?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's Hayley. she's and asshole and she thinks it's all about herself, she bully's me all the time, wait how do you know?" I asked once again.

This boy knows everything, for a new kid.


"Because Hayley tells me heaps of stuff about you, I don't believe it.."

"Really?! Well your pretty good at this."

"Good at what?"

"Not getting in her trap, Hayley always gets new girls in her group and new boys to date her, I don't see you dating her yet, smart boy."

"Of course I wouldn't fall for a girl like her.."

"Yeah at least your not like Zac." I said shrugging.

"Ohh yeah Zac told me you hate him, why is that Eden?".

"Because he's an asshole and makes fun of me all the time." I explained.

"Well he's not that bad Eden. He's my best friend already. And it's only been a few hours today."

Ugh that grin makes me shiver....

"Well at least you get along with everyone that hates me Jai, you will get popular pretty quickly."

Like c'mon I had a BIG point.

"But I don't want to be popular. I just want to be average."

"Yeah. But being average sucks, It's like hell and your treated like crap."

"nah don't worry about it. I'll stick up for you when you need me ok?" He assured.

I nodded.

He pulled me in for a hug, I just met this boy today and now he's hugging me.

I have a good life.

His hug felt like home, it felt like forever I didn't want it to end.

I like him.
I think he likes me.

see you next chapter....

forever // jai waetfordWhere stories live. Discover now