Chapter Five: Impulsive Angel. {P.2}

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_Kylie Minx.

Current Day!
2012, March. California, Calabasas.
11:23.p.m. [Continuation of last chapter. Same Night.]

Kylie stood in the elevator of the Seasheyllss Hotel waiting for it to a halt at 'the guys' hotel floor.

Her mind drifted off to different scenarios that could occur if she let this man, this man that she didn't know, this man that no one saw her leaving with, this man that didn't know her- touch her in a more sexual way than in the club.

Other than them not knowing each other's names or favourite drinks preferred, they both had a strong sexual attraction to one another.

The elevator music played faintly as Kylie tapped the access card against her nails, waiting for the elevator to ding.

Like clockwork, it dinged and she started making her way down the floor, looking at the room numbers on the doors of the fancy hotel.

One thing that drove Kylie further to push her doubts to the back of her head, was the mans rich class. He had a certain sleek of wealth that he carried with him. You could smell it if you were close enough, you could taste it if you were lucky, you could see it if you had observant eyes and you could feel it if you peaked his interest.

She stopped in front of the hotel room door, room 335 read on the gold door.

She let out a breath of relief and swiped the access card in the slot by the door, changing the red dot that flickered next to the card slot, into a green one allowing her access.

Kylie pushed the door open feeling nervous all again.

She gently pushed the door closed once inside and glanced around the huge hotel room.

To her right hand side was a small glass table with an ice bucket on top, Peach Ciroc, rest upon the semi-melted ice cubes. Next to the ice bucket their was a white rectangular plate with chocolate dipped strawberries, lined up neatly.

She clutched her clutch in her left hand and looked to her left, on top of the large bed, was a black sports bag then some Nike shoes near the bed. She looked around the room, spotting a tv plastered on the wall and a white door which she assumed was the bathroom.

She glanced around some more while slowly strolling, coming to large curtains. She pushed them open, slightly and came into view with sliding doors, closing the explicit view of California Beach in the night light. Street lights and other lights lit up the view some causing Kylie to huff, slightly impressed.

To be honest this was not the best view that she'd seen so acting surprised was not on her agenda.

"Oh, ya made it?" The guy questioned sarcastically as he stood behind her in a white robe and grey Nike sock covered feet.

He was holding a small glass of Ciroc.

Kylie quickly turned and looked at him slightly frightened by his unannounced pop up.

She quickly covered up her nervous look with a smile. "You seem surprised, yet you seemed so sure of my arrival down at the club." She spoke and he chuckled licking his lips and looking down for a brief moment before he looked at her with a daring look, again.

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