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I sit with Alec in one of the office rooms. He paces as I sit thinking about everything Andy had said.
One thing he said plays over in my head, about running away about leaving this behind. I couldn't leave this behind, not now but I was tempted. I was tempted because I was dragging Alec down. Because Clary had invaded what was my life. Because people had plans for me.
"Hodge warned me about this." Alec mutters.
"What?" I ask, looking up at him.
"Jace pushing me into his shadow."
"Alec, he's just being a dick at the moment. You're not in his shadow." I sigh walking to him holding his shoulders.
"He acts like it though. He acts like he can tell us what to do when it's none of his damn business."
"Is that what's this is about? Because you know I won't listen to him. I won't leave you Alec!" I grin holding his cheek "and if I have to choose between you or Jace and Clary, I'll chose you always."
He smiles weakly at me, I go to kiss him but a voice breaks us apart.
"Mom's in rare form today." Izzy says, "Oh sorry I didn't realise..."
"No, we were just talking." I say dropping my hand as we move apart.
"She's been different since she got back from Idris." Alec observes.
"If you say so. Same old judgmental Mom with me." Izzy sighs.
"Have you spoken to Jace yet?" She asks, causing me to cringe at the question.
"He can call me when he's done chasing the little girl."
"Alec, you need to call Jace." Izzy demands.
"No 'welcome home' for the old man?" A voice says causing us to turn. I see Robert, alongside Max and my little sister Cassie.
"Max!" Alec exclaims picking up his brother.
"Logan!" My sister shouts as I pick her up holding her close to me.
"Daddy!" Izzy grins hugging Robert.
"What are you doing back so soon?" Alec asks kneeling down to Max as I hold Cassie close to me.
"Got in trouble in Mumbai." Max sighs.
"Oh, what'd you do?" I ask.
"Nothing." Max says sheepishly.
"He started a fire with his stele during rune studies." Cassie says, causing Max to scrunch his face up at her.
"Max." Izzy chuckles walking to him giving him a hug. As I place Cassie down so she can greet Alec.
"I told you, I was hungry." Max huffs, "I was trying to draw the Nourishment rune."
"Those two runes look nothing alike, Max." Alec says as Cassie hugs him. "Well, they do to me." Max says causing Cassie to giggle.
"Max, go up to your room, open the Gray Book and look up the Extinguish rune. Cassie go help him." Robert says, causing the two youngsters to run off.
"Is my father back too?" I ask Robert.
"He's not I'm afraid." He sighs, and I just nod understandingly.
"Where is Clary Fairchild? Your mother said she's missing." He states sternly walking towards Alec.
"She's not missing. She's with Jace." Alec explains.
"We can't have that girl out of Institute control. The entire Shadow World is looking for her. It's a security risk." Robert tells us what we already know "Get them both back here now." He demands, walking out the room.
"Told you you'd have to call Jace." Izzy shrugs walking out.
I walk to the door shutting it behind her.
"What you waiting for?" I ask.
He sighs taking out his phone calling him, as he indicates for me to activate my rune which enhances my hearing.
"You need to get back to the Institute." Alec says.
"You need to help me first." Jace demands.
"No, I'm not messing around." Alec snaps as he starts to pace.
"Me either. I need your help." Jace states as Alec looks at me with a concerned expression.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, it's Magnus. He needs your powerful Shadowhunter energy, or something like that."
I furrow my eyebrows, "Magnus. Why does Magnus need me?"
"To help save Luke's life."
"No, I told you at the wolf den, no more Downworlder business. We can't be seen as interfering with a pack alpha dispute." He rants as he continues to pace "How can you even ask me-"
"I shouldn't have to ask you, Alec. We're parabatai."
"That's exactly my point!" Alec growls, I walk to him stopping him from pacing resting my hands on his shoulder.
"Alec, you're a man of honour, and the only person in the world I would trust with something like this." Jace speaks, "I'm counting on you to do the right thing."
"You mean what you think is the right thing." I snap.
"Logan? Of course you're getting involved."
"Logan, go outside." Alec says.
"Alec?" I say in shock, he indicates towards the door causing me to huff walking out.
I head to Max's room to see them sat drawing.
"Aren't you meant to be revising?" I chuckle walking in closing the door behind me.
"But it's so boring." Max groans.
"And that's the attitude which caused a fire, come on." I say grabbing the book opening it.
"So what is this rune?" I ask.
"Parabatai." Cassie speaks, "why don't you have one of them?"
"Because have you seen the trouble it gets Alec and Jace in!" I laugh.
"I think it's cool!" Max grins.
"It is pretty cool but I guess you need to have a special connection to someone like Alec and Jace." I smile weakly, "because in the end to Alec no one comes above Jace."
"Not even you?" Cassie asks.
"Not even me..." I say ruffling her hair.
We go through some more runes before I see their attention starts to deteriorate.
"Can we take a break?" Cassie's groans, tapping her pencil.
"Fine but don't tell Alec I let you slack off!" I laugh, placing the book down.
"Tell us about some of your adventures!" They say their eyes filling with excitement.
"Well we have seen everything lately... Vampires, Werewolves!" I say with a grin.
"But I'll tell you about them later!" I laugh, poking their sides "Right now I want to know about you two monkeys!"
"Logan!" I look to see Alec appear.
"We have to go!" He says.
"So soon?" Max whines.
"I'll be back soon to finish up here!" I smile booping both of their noses.
"Alec!" Cassie says "Look after her!" She says I see worry appear in her eyes. For a eleven year old she still worried a lot more than she needed. I guess it's because she's lost her mother, our father left for Idris and all she has left was me and the Lightwoods. And our older brother when he was around.
"Always!" Alec says his arm pulling me closer to him. We start to walk, but I detach his arm from my waist.
"So you want to talk to me now?" I ask.
"He didn't say anything else after that really."
"I don't care, He's off chasing her and when he comes calling I'm expected to leave."
"You weren't expected to leave until you opened your mouth!" He snaps.
"Whatever!" I roll my eyes as he stops at the entrance of the training room.
"What you said about not leaving me, it works both ways. I'm not going to let anything happen to you in order to protect Clary." He says his hand holding my shoulder.
"Let's train." I sigh.
"I was talking to my mother earlier before I came to find you." He speaks as I put my gloves on.
"Did you find out what was wrong?"
"She didn't tell me exactly, but we had a talk and I'm going to help her find a way to fix whatever happened." He says chucking me a spear.
I just nod, "that's very commendable of you."
We start to fight and he uses his spear to knock me to the floor.
"Come on try again!" He says pulling me up.
"I'm going easy on you!" I say regaining my position.
We hit spears against each other's before I take him to the floor pinning his arms down with my palms.
"Got you now haven't I!" I laugh sitting on his torso as he smirks up at me.
"Promise you won't go through with it...promise you'll say no!" Izzy's voice says, causing me to jump off him. I clear my throat before extending my arm for him to grab.
"Say no to what?" Alec asks standing by my side.
"They are going to make you marry!" She snaps.
"Our parents are making plans for both of us!" She says.
"No you heard them wrong!" Alec says denying it. He grabs the spear again. Hitting the punching bag. I walk to Izzy's side.
She grabs the stick stopping it in her hand.
"It's true Alec! They need a political alliance quickly to restore our family name and our influence at the Clave." Izzy says her grip still on the spear.
"I knew Clary Fray would come back to bite me in the ass." He grumbles.
"So wait, when I'm getting married, what are you doing?" He asks as I fold my arms watching the siblings converse.
"They need me to convince the Clave to placate the Seelies somehow." Izzy sighs.
"You're playing the diplomat? Again?That's my job. That's what I'm supposed to be doing!" Alec says getting agitated.
"I know that. But I'm the one with ties to the Seelies." Izzy insists.
"Is that what you're calling it now?" He snarls, walking off placing his spear down.
"Alec, I'm on your side." She glances to me as if pleading for me to help her.
"Really? I have followed every rule.
I've given up everything!" He yells.
"Hey." I say my hand reaching for his face he tries to turn but I pull it back "We'll find a way out of this Alec."
"Screw the rules." He moves causing my hand to drop, "Screw them. Screw all of this." He gestures before he storms off.
"Alec" Izzy calls after him.
I place my hand on her shoulder "He's not in the best mood anyway at the moment." I sigh running a hand through my hair "he is just taking it out on you." I say rubbing her shoulder with my thumb before I walk off.
I have a shower before I get changed.
I grab a black vest top, black hoodie and black jeans with black converse. Joys of being a shadow hunter.
"Come on we have something to do!" I hear Alec say as I tie up my shoes.
"Like actually something this time..."
"Come on!" He shouts, starting to walk.
I rush after him.

Venom Runs Deep - Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now