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Clary was off somewhere and me and Izzy were trying to plan a way to get Camille on our side. Not long after Clary returns to us, Tyler walks through the door.
"Logan. I need you to come with me." He says.
"Just come on." He leads me down to the main office, two guards stand outside.
"This is as far as you go!" One of them says to Tyler.
I nod to him telling him I'm ok and he walks off.
I head in to see my father sat there with Maryse.
"Logan..." He says.
"Father." I reply as the door is slammed behind me.
"There have been accusations that you have been keeping stuff from us." Maryse starts.
"No. I haven't."
"Then you won't mind going to the soul sword." Robert replies the door opening again with the two guards coming in this time.
"You don't trust me. I understand that but I don't know anything."
My father looks to me sternly "then you can go and prove that."
"I'm not going anywhere. This is ridiculous."
"Seize her." Maryse says.
As the guards take my arms. I find myself being dragged out of the institute, as we reach outside a group of men surround us. The guards drop my arms, so I use my legs to kick them in the shins. As the other men grab them and start taking them out.
"Thanks." I state as one looks to me.
"Now come on Valentine wants you."
"I didn't sign up to this either."
"He thought you'd say that." Another says, taking out a needle.
"Is that Yin Fen?"
"No something much worse." I kick it from his hand, causing it to roll to the floor. But the numbers overtake me and I'm stabbed with another injection instead, I go limp.
And when my eyes open, I'm in a container. I see Valentine stood in the container opening, a warlock beside him.
"What now?" I ask, readjusting how I'm sat.
"Do you have something to tell me Elizabeth?"
"Nope!" I grin.
"More lies. Even with Hodge out of the institute I know you told them what you know."
"What did you inject me with..." I ask, my head feeling weak.
"Let's just say you're more valuable to me now."
"What." I snap.
"That baby you're carrying is my new experiment, the injections were demon blood and something to speed up the growing process."
"How did you..."
"So this means you stay here, no weapons, no stele and no Alec." He teases.
"Sleep tight." He slams the door plummeting me into darkness. This was one of my greatest fears for a Shadowhunter I hated small spaces and being in them in the dark was even worse.
I could hear the sea and the fact we were at the docks. My stomach ached, if he was right this child was going to be tortured for his or her life. I hear footsteps before a mumbled voice. I pull myself to near the doors, it was Jace.
"Clary, where are you?"
"Jace!" I yell with all my strength. I hear him start to kick at the door pushing it down.
"Logan?" He speaks as he pulls me to my feet.
"Why are you?"
"Valentine." I explain to him what had happened.
"I'm sorry about before, emotions were high but we need to find the others he's threatened them too."
I head out with him, I was still weak and in pain but I needed to find Alec.
We head into the city as Jace calls them again.
"Clary where are you?" He asks as he did before, but she must have answered this time as his face looks relieved.
"You're in danger Valentine's probably already on his way you need to leave now." He demands, speeding up the pace, me trying to keep up.
"Clary you need to leave." He shouts.
"Clary.. Clary." He puts his phone back in his pocket.
"Come on." He starts to run and I follow as much as I can.
"Jace." I shout after him as we run up the stairs "I'll find Alec. You go get Clary." I say and he nods, chucking me his phone.
I call him "Alec, where are you."
"I'm right here." I hear his voice say from behind me. I rush to him holding him close to me.
"You're ok." He breaths into my hair.
"I'll give you two some space." Magnus says walking away.
"Valentine saved me from the soul sword. He took me to the docks and..." I stop as he pulls back to look at me.
"Alec!" I exclaim but before I can warn him he's grabbed. I don't have a weapon to pull out, but a seraph blade is held to mine and his throat as another pulls me back. We are dragged up the stairs into a room where we see Magnus and Izzy held by goons also.
"Let them go. We can give you the book then we can't stop you."
"Ah Clarissa just like your mother, doing anything for the ones you love. The book isn't part of my plan..." He looks to me and the goon pushes me forward "you can wake her, I want you to. I know you'll both join me eventually it's fated." He grabs my arm pulling me towards him.
"Get off her!" Alec shouts causing the man to grip him harder.
"I'm guessing you have met your cousin Elizabeth." Clary looks confused "Ah yes my mistake Logan. With her remarkable father. However her mother, not so much." I feel myself start to struggle to get free, with the purpose of punching his teeth out.
"My dear sister Sophia, one of the hardest people for me to kill." I see Alec look to me as my heart breaks, he knew how much her death has affected me.
"You're lying!" I yell, trying to get free but he tightens his grip on me.
"Elizabeth, you need to learn how to behave." He pushes me back Aaron grabbing me, his blade going to my neck.
"Bring me Alexander." He speaks as one of the circle members pushes him forward, forcing Alec down to his knees.
"Don't." I breath.
"You ready to pay the price?" His breath whispers in my ear as he walks forward to Alec who's being held down by the circle member.
"Tell them what you did."
They all look to me "I broke the rules."
"What rules?" Izzy asks.
"I knew what Valentine was doing. And he told me not to tell anyone or he would hurt Alec. But I did I told all of you." I say my chest tightening.
Valentine smirks walking back to Alec, "pass me my blade."
"No" I say trying to get free, as the others all do the same "Stop! Stop!" I scream.
"You knew the deal."
"Don't kill him."
"I'm a man of my word if only you were a woman of your word. Then you wouldn't be in this situation."
"I'll join you!" I yell causing him to pause.
"I'll join the circle."
"Logan no." Alec breaths.
As the others stop and look to me.
"Let him go." I demand.
"You'll join the circle."
"If you leave him the hell alone." I snarl.
Aaron moves the blade from my neck before pulling me to the side.
"Get him back in line." Valentine chuckles.
"Logan please." He begs but I don't make eye contact with him.

Venom Runs Deep - Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now