~Twenty Four~

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I walk up the stairs, to the roof, where I saw Clary following Alec.
I see him stood on the ledge causing my heart to drop.
"I know I know you wish I was dead instead of Jocelyn." He speaks before he turns around to face us.
"What have you said to him?" I snap moving towards her, "Alec, no one wants you dead."
"Please. Okay? I don't blame you." Clary begs.
"You're scaring me baby, please take my hand." I feel myself start to sob, "Alec the girls need you, I need you."
"I know I let you down." he speaks to me.
"You've never let me down."
"I know I couldn't save you." I see a tear run down his face.
"You did save me, I can't do this without you Alec." I step forward, pushing my hand out to him.
"By the angel Alec take my hand!" I yell but as I do he closes his eyes falling back.

 "By the angel Alec take my hand!" I yell but as I do he closes his eyes falling back

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"Alec!" Me and Clary shout in sync.
But a blue mist grabs him, I turn to see Magnus stood there as he moves Alec from the edge onto the floor.
"Alec!" Jace shouts.
"Oh, my God. What happened?" Izzy asks.
"All of a sudden, he started talking about how I hated him for killing my mom." Clary speaks.
"It's like he wasn't hearing us." I add, as I look to him sat on the floor.
"Alec? It's okay."
"This wouldn't have happened if he was with me after Jocelyn died." Magnus snarls.
"What did you just say to me?" I snap.
"I sedated him when I pulled him from the ledge." He speaks furrowing his eyebrows.
They all crouch infront of him as I stay stood with Clary.
"You know what, you stay away from him. You can't be trusted." Jace points to Maryse.
"I can't be trusted? Now you see why I was wary of having a party at a warlock's house." She snaps looking to Magnus.
"Wow. What's going on here?" Simon asks appearing.
"Oh, what do you care? Maia is at the bar." Clary snarls to him, as I move to the floor next to Alec.
"Yes, and Alec's on the ground." Simon responds.
"Something isn't right." I sigh.
"Yeah well no one's perfect, we all have our secrets Logan." Izzy grumbles at me.
"I didnt-"
"Is he gonna be okay?" Jace asks.
"You're all gonna be okay. Everyone just stay here. I'll be right back." He demands walking off.
"What did you say to my son? You don't think that Alec feels guilty enough!" Maryse exclaims as she stands up walking to Clary.
"You talked to Clary, didn't you? That's why she's acting all weird." Simon speaks pulling Jace up.
"Listen, I did nothing." Jace says in defence.
"You bring him up here-" Maryse continues.
"I did not bring him up here, I followed him." Clary insists.
"She's telling the truth." I defend her.
"At least one of you is." Izzy speaks from the other side of Alec.
"Because you're being one hundred percent honest aren't you." I snap.
There's a sudden flash before everyone stops arguing.

"Izzy, are you okay?" I ask and she nods reaching out grabbing my hand before smiling.
"What happened here?" Simon asks.
"It seems a warlock has been having a little fun at our expense." Magnus explains.
"Is he okay?" Maryse speaks crouching back down to me and Alec.
"Hey." I speak as his eyes begin to open, my hand on his face.

I wipe my cheek seeing the black from my mascara running, I watch him as he becomes aware of his surroundings.
"You're okay!" I smile, taking his hand.
Before collapsing into him as he holds me tight.
"Someone has taken my spell book!" Magnus exclaims, before he puts the wards up.
"No body leaves till I get it back."
"The girls!" I exclaim jumping up rushing after Magnus.
I begin to look everywhere as Magnus evacuates everyone.
"Melissa! Violet!" I shout.

Venom Runs Deep - Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now