Chapter 5 - True Colours

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Aura's P.O.V.

"So the space bridge on Velocitron was restored?" asked Bumblebee. "That is correct, Bumblebee was it? Anyways, I've come here to reunite our planets in a partnership now that the war is over, and Megatron's gone." said Ransack. "Why, so you can pick up where Megatron left off?" asked Wheeljack. "Don't play hookey with us. We know you partnered with the Decepticons." said Smokescreen. "Partnered?! Megatron manipulated us! He made us think that you were the enemy. I don't mean to sound so rude but at the time Megatron was winning the war, was he not?" reminded Ransack. Bumblebee let out a sigh as a serious expression showed on his face plate. Ransack was right.

"But the Velocitrons have seen the error of our ways! Now that Megatron is gone we are free! I figured the partnership between our two planets would help patch things up? Please give me a chance and I promise you will not be dissapointed!" pleaded Ransack.

We all turned to face each other. Our face plates all displayed a serious expression as we contemplated Ransack's words.

"His argument is very persuasive," Blitzstorm murmured.

Bumblebee nodded. "Indeed it is. I must admit I'm inclined to take his side."

"And he did save Aura's life," Wheeljack pointed out. Everyone turned to look at me and I nodded.

"He did," I confirmed.

We were silent for a moment as we all thoroughly considered the situation. There were pros and cons to the argument, but the negatives were based mainly on what-ifs. Ransack appeared to be sincere, and he had saved my life, something tha no Decepticon would do.

"I think we should agree," Bumblebee said.

Everyone nodded, agreeing with Bumblebee. Smokescreen was a little hesitant, but eventually he to inclined his helm and shrugged.

"Very well Ransack. We'll give you a chance." I said. "Oh, thank you your highness! Thank you! I assure you, you will not regret this." said Ransack. He extended his hand towards me and I took it. We both shook hands as the first step to this partnership. "Lets talk about this inside shall we?" suggested Ultra Magnus.

"Of course sir." replied Ransack. Before he left, he kept hold of my hand and kissed it. He then stepped away and followed Ultra Magnus and Blitzstorm inside. "Well that was, interesting." said Wheeljack. "Most definitely," I agreed, a frown playing at the corners of my lips. Smokescreen placed a servo on my shoulder plating. "You alright, Aura?" I jolted a little, and then nodded. "Oh, yes. I'm just a little weirded out by this." Smokescreen nodded. "Yeah," he said, his optics narrowing in thought. "I for one did not see this coming." "I as well," Wheejack input. I sighed and rubbed the back of my helm. "Well, this might help us cooperate more effectively," I pointed out.

"Aura has a point. With Velocitron on our side, think of all the possibilities for the people of Cybertron." said Bumblebee. "Who knows, maybe Ransack has changed from the war." added Wheeljack. "Even Decepticons possess the potential to change." I said quietly quoting Optimus.


Later that night, Wheeljack, Bumblebee, and Wildstrike joined the squad in the sea of rust to continue the search for Shockwave, and Strika. Smokescreen stayed behind to keep an optic on Ransack, not quite trusting him yet. I stood up in the balcony of my room looking out at the city lights. I couldn't get that moment out of my head. "He saved me? But why?" I asked myself. Nothing truly made sense. Ransack's reasoning sounded logically, I reminded myself, but I was still confused by the sudden change of spark. I sighed and closed my optics. Too much was happening these days. The marriage law... Strika... now Ransack... everything was happening at once, without giving us time to process what was going on. "I wish I knew more of what was going on," I muttered, servos on my helm as though that would keep my thoughts together.

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