Chapter 19 - Attack

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Ultra Magnus's P.O.V.

"Open fire!"

Elyon and Avis, to my left maneuvered a few rocks to trip up the guards as they monitored the enemy's movements.

Velocitronian guards were up in defence towers, firing energon cannons and arrows at my troops as we fought in the front courtyard of the palace. They also had ground units moved in, but we were ready. "Bulkhead, you will lead the first assault." I stated.

"Got it!" The green wrecker nodded, ready for action. Nobody noticed little Eve scoot off on her own.

Bulkhead transformed his hands into wreaking balls and led a team into the battlefield, attacking a group of Velocitron guards. Each team delivered hard blows to each other. Eve watched the fight take place, but flinched when she felt someone was watching her.

She turned around and spotted a Velocitronian guard, raising its weapon in the air. "AAAH!"


Bulkhead moved in, slamming his wreaking ball right in the guards face, sending him flying.

Eve quickly ran, despite Bulkhead's attempts to catch her. "EVE!!!"

"Wildstrike, hold the forces here." I ordered. He nodded in reply as I quickly moved into the battlefield, catching Eve as I shot down a few guards. "Eve what in the name of the Allspark are you doing here?!"

"Helping! I want Aura back! 'An I can speak with her too!"

"Well can you do it without trying to get shot at?" asked Bulkhead as he caught up to the two of us. "Got it!" She chirped, running again.

"Eve! Do it, back on our side!" I called out. I watched her as she ran back to our group, meeting up with Wildstrike who got her to safety. At the same time, there was a blast and a high pitched noise as me and Bulkhead were forced into the air and crashed to the ground.

As we got up, a purple Cybertronian tank emerged from the smoke. "Shockwave." I growled.

Elyon and Avis growled. "Leave this to us!" They began to move, lifting Shockwave and twisting him. Shockwave groaned and letting out a few cries. They almost overwhelmed him with pain, purple optics glowing.

He managed to move is cannon, and open fired. The four of us dodge the attack but at a cost. Shockwave was now free from the girls telekinetic grip. I quickly got up and fought against the Decepticon scientist.

Elyon and Avis quickly tried to help, moving and stamping the ground until it cracked, and from the depths oozed dark energon! "There are deposits around here, deep in the planet!" Elyon called out. "We're mostly immune to it, but be careful!"

Both me and Shockwave were beginning to stagger. The effects of the dark energon trying to get to the both of us.

Eve's eyes glowed and suddenly Shockwave was DROWNING in Dark Energon! Well, he thought he was. Both girls stared at her, optics wide.

"Whoa, that is twisty." said Bulkhead. Shockwave collapsed to the ground, and as he tried to regain his strength, I moved in and gave him a hard punch to the face. "That's for my daughter."

Eve smiled with he blacked out. "FEAR THOSE WHO HAVE THE POWER!!!" She cheered, jumping up and down. "EVELYN CHRISTINE!" She froze. "Uh oh." Her mother marched over. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE YOUNG FEMME?!!" She smiled sheepishly as her father joined her.

"You could get killed out here." stated Knockout.

"I'm sorry daddy." She batted her big optics, and Elyon groaned as Knockout 'melted'. He was a sucker for his daughter. "You missy, are sticking with US. Understood?" "Yes mommy."

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