Chapter 18 - Break In

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Aura's P.O.V.

Later that night I was strapped to a medic bed, energon wriststraints were around my wrists and attached to the bed, preventing me from my escape. I struggled to break free but no luck. Shockwave was at his computer crunching in some numbers for Primus knows what. The main doors for the lab opened and Ransack followed by two of his guards entered the room. The guards stood at the entrance while Ransack walked down and joined Shockwave.

"Is it ready?" he asked. "Affirmative." answered Shockwave. Ransack nodded in reply as he walked towards me. "Last chance." he said. "I have nothing to hide. Go a head and do whatever you want with me." I replied. "Suit yourself." said Ransack. "Shockwave."

Shockwave walked over to to another medic bed and hooked up something on the back of it. When I saw him turn around, I caught a glimse of the object in his hand. It was a long black wire of purle strips.

The Cortical Pyshic Patch.

I gulped nervsouly as Shockwave walked over to my medic bed with the other end of the path in his hand. He aimed his cannon at my face, indicating for me not to move. I kept still as he hooked up the patch to the back of my head, and then everything went black.


After the kiss, lights lit up the trees around the two of us. Hand and hand, me and Smokescreen walked through the forest admiring all of the lights. "I may be locked away on another planet, but this turned out to be a very good Christmas." I said. "Can't say I disagree." replied Smokescreen.

The two of us were silent for a while, but the next thing I said completely caught Smokescreen off guard. "I think I may have just found my King."

"Yes I, believe I did just say that." I replied. He chuckled a little as he released me and paced around a small distance, deep in thought. "Did I startle you Smoke'?" I asked.

"Startled? That doesn't even compare with what I'm feeling right now." Smokescreen replied. "This is incredible!" "You think so? You really do?" I asked. "I don't want to feel like I'm rushing you into something that you don't want to do." "Aura.." he said calmly as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "I'd be delighted to be your king."

I smiled at him as I cheered and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging the mech. He hugged me back while spinning me around again.

"You need to go Smokescreen." I said. "If we are ever going to get a chance for you to become King and not Ransack, you need to get your mission done in less than two days." "Me and the others will find you. I promise." Smokescreen assured. The two of us shared one final kiss before the forest scene began to fade away.

Smokescreen faded away into the darkness, while I remained behind in the dark void of the dream world. "I'll admit, I wasn't expecting that." said a voice. I flicned and bolted around to see Ransack looking at me. "So now I know your secret." "With Smokescreen as King, he now has the power to break me out of this planet." I stated. "I'd like to see him try." replied Ransack. "You may have granted him a new title, but he will always be the weak Elite Guardsmen I'll always remember him to be."

Something inside of me snapped.I ran straight at him and tried to punch him hard in his faceplate, but my attack completely phased through him. "Impossible! If it's my dream then I should be able to control it." I muttered in shock. "But since me and Shockwave have control over the Cortical Physic Patch...." began Ransack as he grabbed my arm and twisted it. I cried out in pain as I was forced to go on my knees. "I can hurt you."

Ransack tossed me to the floor, landing face first. "Shockwave, disconnect the patch. I've seen enough." ordered Ransack. Everything around me vanished like a speck of dust.


Once Shockwave removed one end of the patch from my head, I woke up back in the medical lab. He walked over to the medical bed Ransack was on and removed it, thus waking up Ransack. He stood up from his medic bed and looked at me. "As long as you remain here, the only king Cybertron will have is me." he stated. Shockwave deactivated the energon wriststraints allowing me to sit up.

The two guards who were at the doorway walked over and assisted me off the bed before putting cuffs on me as they placed my hands behind my back. "As of right now, your friends only have one day left to set you free." said Ransack, "That is scienficically impossible." added Shockwave. "Nothing is impossible." I stated.

At that moment an emergency alarm sounded, blaring all across the room. Heck the entire building was going off! "Lord Ransack we have enemy intruders knocking at our front door!" echoed a voice through the P.A. system. He shot me a look, thinking about my last remark. "Lock her up. NOW!" he ordered before taking off out of the room.


Okay, this is probably my shortest chapter I've ever written! XD but I still hope that you guys enjoy it anyway, I promise you guys the next one will be epic, intense, and on that note, longer!

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