Chapter 20 - Preperations

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Aura's P.O.V.

"Aura? Aura are you alright?"

"Sis wake up!"

"Come on kid, talk to us."

I heard the sounds of Smokescreen, Mirage, and Wheeljack's voices as I slowly woke up. I must have taken a nasty fall from the detention level. My optics flickered on and off as I shook my helm. "Look she's waking up." said Bumblebee.

"Good!" Avis sighed with relief. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Elyon hollered from her cell across from them.

"The play was changed when Ransack threatened your lives." explained Mirage. "Plus Shockwave nearly killed Aura by using a laser to slice her in half."

"Well!" Once more, Elyon's British accent came into play. "Isn't this fine 'an dandy! We're caught like rats in a trap, 'an what's worse, they took Eve!!!" "They took Eve again?!" I asked shock. I formed my servo into a fist and slammed it on the floor while mutter in Cybertronian with anger.

"Dark Energon runs in our veins. Like I said, there's dark Energon deposits all over 'th bloom'n planet!" Avis's eyes widened. "They could bring Cybertron to it's knees..." "I swear, I'll DUNK Shockwave into a vat 'a the stuff like a cookie into milk! That's what I'll do!" Frustrated Energon tears pricked her optics. "If they've done anything to my baby girl..."

I sensed Eylon's upset emotion and could tell that Avis was doing her best to comfort her sister. I sat up from the floor and leaned against the wall.

"Eve's strong sis, she'll make it!" "Remember what happened 't us?! Bee and KO thought we'd make it!" "Our time as humans were up! Primus explained that to us!" "I know! But Eve doesn't fit that category!!!" "She's a tough girl Eylon. She helped me pull through when the both of us were locked up back at the underground prison." I explained. "She's a strong kid. She'll pull through." assured Wheeljack.

"I'm a mother, can't I be scared to the Pit 'an back!" said Eylon.

"Of course. But...." Aura paused to choose the next set of words carefully. "Mothers can we worried about their kids. But deep down, you know she'll survive. If it helps, the first we do when we get out of here, is get Eve back."

Elyon growled a little. "No offense your highness, but, Avis 'an my powers are blocked off with these collars they put on us." She pointed at the blue ring around her neck. "Y'see?" "Scrap." I thought. I leaned back more on the wall as I looked up at the small window. It looked like it wasn't night time anymore, more like a sunrise. Then that means... "Hey Bee?" I asked. "How much longer?" Bumblebee looked out the window and spotted the sun rise. "Three hours." he answered.

A pair of groans erupted from Avis and Elyon. "If I could JUST get this collar off, I could bust us outta this joint!" "Hey Elyon," "Yeah?" "Where's Knockout?" "I thought he was with you!" Both stared at each other through the bars. "You don't think-" "They wouldn't-!" "Oh slag." Both finished.

"Don't tell me they got him too!" I said.

"Oh great!!!" Elyon threw her hands up. "This is... great! My mate AND my child?!! Make that a PACKAGE of cookies I'm gonna dump in dark energon!!!" "Elyon calm down-" "I am NOT going to calm do-" The earth beneath them cracked. Both looked down, then at each other. "... Guys, get Elyon riled up. I have an idea." Avis said. "How are we suppose--" before Ultra Magnus could finish his question, the main doors of the dungeon opened. Ransack stepped forward with four Velocitronian guards behind him.

Elyon snapped her head up, glaring. "WHAT'VE YOU DONE WITH MY SPARKMATE AND SPARKLING YOU PIECE OF SLAG?!!" She exploded.

"Calm yourself. I have done nothing to them." answered Ransack. The five of them walked down the hall and stopped in front of my cell. "Restrain the mechs." he ordered. Avis stood protectively in front of Aura. "Get to her, you have to go through me first!" "WHERE ARE MY MATE AND DAUGHTER?!!" Elyon kept screaming, getting angrier and angrier, the cracker splitting slowly...

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